Yay weirdness ;)

Nov 03, 2008 10:48

On the Bzoink forums we're writing a story where each person just contributes one word at a time..I shall post what we have so far here haha

I hate nothing more than frozen animal seeds in warm milk. They taste like death. Only because the seeds don't smell like manure. Though I wish the artichokes were pink because everyone screams, "OH YEAH!!!!" Sometimes I help my cat clean her whiskers but other cats cry, "What on Jupiter is going to happen?!" Why do monkeys always drink fish's gooey blood? Probably because blood wants iron, so fish dance to polka while headbanging. This doesn't help understanding why puking flapjacks causes clouds to eat other even though they are round and shiny. Boys pick noses while kissing piggy banks and chewing toenails. Brothers hate smelly toilets that ate vomiting cow guts. Obama reads his running hedgehog's newspaper. Parties make farmers go, "BOO YEAAAH!" I should wear overalls to dance Democratically. Although crunchy soup equals badly constructed DVDs.

Today's stupidest quote: Fox to vote against ban on hunting (headline in the Bristol Evening Post)

bzoink, lolz, weirdness

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