Yesterday mom and I went to Creamer's Field again cause the Sandhill Crane Festival was going on (celebrating their migration) and they were serving Mexican food. This flock of birds flew by and flew towards birds on the ground and then the birds on the ground flew up..there must have been over 100 of them..and the noise they made..woww haha
I've been searching to see if I could find a way to fix my MSN messenger..I found this site and someone said you could use gmail to sign on..I had a gmail from a school project and never deleted it..I registered it..and it worked! My contact list was gone but I just added people if you wanna add me it's
Aww the Olympics are over..the next summer ones are gonna be held in London!
Us with our fencing coach (Mrs. Gasparin..she was from Hungary)
Today's stupidest quote:
Family Feud host Louis Anderson: Name a word that a dog understands
Contestant: Ruff