How many walls are there?: 4
What color are they?: White
Is it paint or wallpaper?: Paint
Did you do it yourself?: No
Has it changed over the years or has it always been that way?: It's always been white since I've lived here
Any movie posters?: Yeah
Any t.v. show posters?: No
Any music posters?: Yeah
Any other posters?: Eh
Any personal artwork?: Yeah
Anything with your name written across it?: Yeah
Any photos?: Yeah
What size is your bed?: Twin
Ever with you could have a diffrent size?: Eh
Is it a normal bed or bunk bed or a transformer?: Normal
What color are the sheets?: the winter I have a white electric blanket
How many pillows?: 4 (3 on my bed)
What colors are they?: Red, black, green..
Make any yourself?: No..though I have made a pillow but it's not in my room
Any stuffed animals? If so, sleep with any?: Do Beanie Babies count?
Is there a headboard? If so, got anything on it?: Yes and yes
Popcorn ceiling or normal?: Uh?
Any glowing stars or planets? If so, put any on the fan to make 1 shooting?: No
Any blacklights?: No
Any strobe lights?: No
Any other crazy lights?: No
Any night lights?: Yeah
How many lamps?:
Any lava lamps?: No
Any animals usually in your room?: More so in the winter?
How about plants?: No
First or second story?: Second
Any dream catchers?: Yeah
DVD plaer or old school VCR?: None in my room
Any gaming systems?: Not in my room
Are you one of the lucky people with a desk?: Yeah
Got any rugs?: Eh
Is your floor wood, tile, carpet, or something else?: Carpet
Have a t.v.?: Not in my room
Have any movies in there?: Yeah
Have a hidden journal or diary?: Journals but I don't hide them
How big is your closet?: Hmm
How much clothing is in there?: Lots
How many pairs of shoes?: Uhh
Is it clean?: Sort of?
Got any mirrors?: Yeah
Have a bedside table?: It's a stool
How about a dresser?: Yeah
How many drawers in your room total?: 6?
Are they full of cloths or other random objects?: Not cloths haha..those go in the kitchen/laundry room! ;)
Are they clean?: Hmm
Have a book shelf?: Yeah
Are you lucky enough to have your own computer?: Not in my room
Do you share your room?: No
Has it been your room the whole time you lived in the house?: Yeah?
How often are you in your room?: Usually to sleep/get clothes
Any hidden kinky things?: No
Got an alarm clock? If so, what time is it usually set on?: Yeah..umm
Any awards or trophies?: Yeah
Have your own phone?: Yeah..but I take it up to my room
Have a calender? If so, what's the theme of it?: Yeah..places in Italy
Have a waste basket? If so, what's in it?: Yeah..umm
Is it hot or cold?: In what season?
Any food in there?: No
Do you let people into your oom?: Yeah
How many windows?: One
Ever been cought in there doing something you shouldn't have been doing?: No?
Have a lock on your door?: No
Have your name on your door?: No
Have a sign that says when to go in and when to stay out?: No
Have any other signs?: I guess?
Have one of those cheap doorbells?: No
Have beads hanging from your door?: No
Blinds or curtains?: Both
Got your own stereo?: Yeah
Is your closet color coded?: No
Any bean bags?: No
How about those blow up chairs that were in?: No
Do you make your bed?: Yeah
How often do u vacum?: Not often
How often is it dusted?: Not often
Are you lucky and have your own bathroom?: Sorta?
Do you like your room?: Hmm
Do other people like your room?: Uhh
Is it clean?: It's cluttered
Does it look like a hurricane swept through it?: Hmm
Is it unorganized or organized?: Both
Would anyone trip over things on the floor?: Nah
Are there cloths on the floor?: ;)
How about a skateboard?: No
Anythin with wheels on the floor?: Sure
If you have carpet or a rug, are there stains?: Yeah
Any stains on the bed?: Hmm
If yes to any of the 2 above, then what are they from?: Uhh
Any holes in the walls?: YES lol
If so, what from?: Thumbtacks
Does everything in your room generally work?: Work how?
Have any hidden things you dont want people to find?: Eh
Every have anyone else sleep in there before?: Yeah
Do you and your friends usually hang in your room or another room?: Another room
Today's Latin: omnia fert aetas, animum quoque (time bears away everything, even memory)