-.N a m e s.-
Your Name:: Heather
Your Middle Name:: Susan
Your Dream Name:: *shrugs*
Your favorite girl's name:: Kyrihe
Your favorite boy's name:: Luca
Why your name is what it is:: Mom liked it
What your name means:: Flower
What's most important in a name?:: Individuality..but not stupid names
Friend with the best name:: Kathryn, Dana, Crystal, etc
Parent's name:: Karen, Pete
Sibling's (if any) name: Ryan, Christi, Jenni
-.Y o u r.-
Age: 18
Birthday: 6-8-89
Color:: Of my skin? White
Stereotype:: Metalhead
Personality:: Caring, nice, selfish, shy..
Body Type:: Average?
Height:: 5'
Weight:: It changes
Hair color:: Dyed red
Hair style:: Down, wavy
Eye color:: Blue
Birthstone:: Pearl
First language:: English
Birth country:: USA
Current living situation:: Parents, brother, cats
Deadly sin:: Gluttony, greed, sloth, etc
Obsession(s):: Carcassonne, stage lights, etc
Animal:: Cats
Star Sign:: Gemini
Hobbies:: Going online, music, reading, etc
Dream job:: *shrugs*
Current job:: None
Best memory:: *shrugs*
Mythical Creature:: Dragons, Elves
Flower:: Black rose
-.F a v o r i t e s.-
Color:: Black, red, purple
Animal:: Cats
Flower:: Black rose
Mythical Creature:: Dragons, Elves
Book:: The White Dragon, The Destroyer Goddess, etc
Movie:: LOTR
TV Show:: House, ER, American Idol..
City:: Carcassonne
Sport:: Fencing
Sport to watch:: Fencing
Sport to play:: Fencing
Athlete:: Roger Federer
Article of clothing you own:: Shirts
Food:: Pasta in yummy sauce
Hair color:: Brown, red
Eye color:: Brown
Pet:: Cats
Holiday:: Christmas
Month:: May, June
Season:: Spring, summer
Class in school:: Latin, history, tech theater
Teacher:: Mr. Sales
Shoes you own:: Black Sketchers
Thing about yourself:: Hair
Form of art:: Writing, pictures
Musical/Play:: POTO, Wicked
Point in life:: *shrugs*
Band:: Rhapsody
Store:: Kohl's, amazon.com
Building:: Does Carcassonne count lol?
-.M o v i e s.-
Best movie:: LOTR
Favorite movie genre:: Action, war, fantasy
Best movie rating:: PG-13
Worst movie:: Cabin Fever
Favorite classic:: LOTR?
Favorite movie as a child:: Charlotte's Web?
Best movie that's based on a true story:: White Squall, Braveheart, etc
Movie with the best scenery:: LOTR
Best animated movie:: The Emperor's New Groove, Mulan, Finding Nemo, etc
Movie with the best ending:: *shrugs*
Best Disney movie:: The Emperor's New Groove, Mulan, etc
Most predictable movie:: Cabin Fever?
Strangest movie:: 2001 A Space Odyssey
Movie with the best message:: *shrugs*
Movie with the wrong rating:: *shrugs*
Best actor:: Viggo Mortensen
Best actress:: *shrugs*
Actor with the most diverse set of characters:: *shrugs*
Actor that plays the most convincing villian:: Alan Rickman, Christopher Lee..
Best movie soundtrack:: LOTR?
Funniest movie:: *shrugs*
Best documentary:: *shrugs*
Movie that suprised you in quality:: V for Vendetta
Movie with the most creative credits:: Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Movie with the best effects:: *shrugs*
Cheesiest movie:: *shrugs*
Your first movie:: Charlotte's Web?
Saddest movie:: Passion of the Christ
Last movie you watched:: Some of Macbeth..Click fully
-.T V.-
Favorite station:: Good ones
Favorite show:: House, ER, American Idol..
Show you'd rather be shot than watch:: None I don't wanna be shot..
Best commercial that's on now:: Text messaging, Geico
Best commercial from the past:: Jello?
Best reality show:: American Idol, The Apprentice
Show you wish would come back:: *shrugs*
Show that should have been cancelled long before it was:: *shrugs*
Best person on TV:: Goran Visnjic, Hugh Laurie, Robern Sean Leonard..
Worst person on TV:: *shrugs*
Worst station:: MTV
Show you'd spend all Saturday watching reruns of:: *shrugs*
Best show as a child:: Rugrats, etc
TV character you relate most with:: *shrugs*
Show you learn the most from:: ER OMG haha
Best TV actor:: Hugh Laurie, Noah Wyle, etc
Best TV actress:: *shrugs*
Age of your TV:: Which TV lol?
How many channels you get:: *shrugs*
Best time to watch TV:: Evening?
-.M u s i c.-
Best genre:: Metal
Favorite band:: Rhapsody
Best radio station:: Cinemagic
Genre you secretly like:: *shrugs*
Best music to dance to:: Dance music? lol
Song that never gets old:: O Fortuna"-Carl Orff
Song that makes you want to go deaf:: *shrugs*
Favorite song without words:: *shrugs*
Favorite lyrics:: "Through violence and horror shall honor arise"
Best quality about music:: Epicness, amazingness, how it can appeal to emotions, good lyrics, etc
Worst song:: *shrugs*
Song that touches you the most:: No One Would Listen?
Saddest song:: My Immortal, No One Would Listen
Funniest song:: "Half Fling," "Save Us Now"
Strangest song:: Half Fling? lol
Song that makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand:: *shrugs*
Best instrument:: Electric guitars, timpanis
Most annoying instruments:: Saxophones
-.D o. .Y o u.-
Smoke:: No
Drink:: No
Speed date:: No
Online date:: No
Clean obsessivley:: No
Diet:: Somewhat
Sing in the shower:: No
Exercize daily:: No
Dress up just for fun:: Kinda
Shower/bathe more than once a day:: No
Buy dirty magazines:: No
Forget to flush:: No
Wash behind your ears:: No
Collect something strange:: Are SoBe caps strange?
Buy your own things:: Not always
have kids:: No
Camp:: Not anymore
Spend more time with friends or family:: Both
Eat too little:: Somtimes
Study for fun:: Not really
Know karate:: No
Go to school:: Not right now
Drive:: No
Have a job:: No
sky dive:: No
Go to church:: I haven't been lately
Count your blessings:: Sure
Believe in ghosts:: Nah
Walk in your underwear around the house:: No
Wear a wig:: No
-.R e l a t i o n s h i p s.-
Status:: Single
Crush (if no significant other):: *shrugs*
Significant other's name::
Story of your first kiss:: Haven't had it
Your first date:: Haven't had it
Number of people you've dated:: None
If married, what was the wedding like?::
Do you want to be married?:: *shrugs*
If so, what's the dream wedding like?::
Significant other/dream guy/girl's hair color:: Brown
Significant other/dream guy/girl's eye color:: Brown
Significant other/dream guy/girl's skin tone:: Whatever..but not grossly tanned
Significant other/dream guy/girl's best feature:: Hair, caring, true, etc
Significant other/dream guy/girl's height:: 5'4
Significant other/dream guy/girl's weight:: Average
Significant other/dream guy/girl's Personality:: Honorable, caring, true, nice
Best thing someone of the opposite gender has done for you:: *shrugs*
Is there such a thing as love?:: Yeah
Do you believe in love at first sight?:: *shrugs*
Do you practice abstinance?:: Abstinence..yeah
Have you got a date while drunk?:: Never been drunk
Dated anyone foreign?:: No
If so, where from?::
If married, what was the proposal like?::
What makes the perfect partner:: No one's perfect
-.F o r / A g a i n s t.-
Abortion:: Depends
Gay marriage:: For
Iraq war:: Uhh
Fossil Fuels:: For?
Politics:: Both
Smoking ban (in Ohio at least):: Where?
Government:: For
Seatbelt law:: For
Cell phone while driving law:: Uhh
Pre-marriage sex:: Against
Hunting:: Depends
Marriage:: For
Downloading music:: I'd rather buy CDs..
Drinking age limit:: For
No sex under 18 law:: For
Gun laws:: For
Online dating:: Depends
Eloping:: Uhh
Stem cell research:: Against
Evolution:: Depends
-.C e l l p h o n e.-
Plan:: Uhh
Phone color:: Blue, silver
Phone style:: Flip phone
Number of contacts on the phone:: *shrugs*
Picture phone?:: Yeah
Background picture:: A prettyful place
Ringtone:: Dunno the real name (if it has one..)
Texting?:: It has it..
Extras for phone:: A charger lol
-.F r i e n d s.-
List all friends:: No lol
Friend(s) you've dated:: None
Friend you can tell anything to:: None
Friend you've known the longest:: Amanda
Oldest friend:: Frank
Yougest friend:: Emily M
Friend you wish was more than just a friend:: *shrugs*
Strangest friend:: Liz
Artistic friend:: Kathryn, Wendy
Mathematical friend:: Emily R, Liz
Friend who's like family:: None?
Friend with the biggest family:: *shrugs*
Internet friend(s):: Kathryn, Amanda, Dana..
Most forgetful friend:: Wendy
Friend you envy the most:: *shrugs*
Most curious friend:: *shrugs*
Friend most likely to dance in the rain:: Wendy, Emily M, Caitlin
Friend who spends all the time on the phone:: *shrugs*
Friend who watches the most movies:: *shrugs*
Best cook:: Dunno
Geekiest friend:: *shrugs*
Your unofficial twin:: None?
Scientific friend:: Kathryn
Friend who most resembles a hippy:: None
Friend with the best hygene:: *shrugs*
Scariest friend when angry:: *shrugs*
Emotionless friend:: None
Your pity friend:: Friend out of pity? Uhh
Preppiest friend:: Caitlin, Dana
Smartest friend:: Kathryn, Amanda, Emily R, Liz
Friend who has been to the most places:: Dana
Friend with the strangest taste in music:: *shrugs*
Most reliable friend:: Emily R
Riskiest friend:: Nick
Friend who's most likely to go to jail:: Nick
Friend most likely to become a multi-billionare:: *shrugs*
Most fashionable friend:: *shrugs*
OCD friend:: Amanda
Friend most likely to get married at 18:: None?
Perverted friend:: Amanda
Frient you have the most inside jokes with:: Amanda, Kathryn..
Athletic friend:: Nick
-.F a m i l y.-
Place your mom grew up in:: Lotsa places
Place your dad grew up in:: California?
Siblings (if any):: 1 brother, 2 half sisters
Mom and dad still together?:: Yeah
Number of cousins on mom's side:: *shrugs*
Number of cousins on dad's side:: *shrugs*
Relative who lives the farthest away:: Ones in Sweden
Relative who lives the closest:: Family in my house lol
Relative who always makes you laugh:: *shrugs*
Relative you hardly ever see:: Ones in California
Oldest relative:: Grandma?
Youngest relative:: My cousin
Smartest relative:: *shrugs*
Last relative to go to the hospital:: Grandma
Last relative to have had a Birthday:: Mom
Relative with the oddest job:: *shrugs*
Step-parents (if any):: None
Richest relative:: *shrugs*
Relative you can tell anything to:: None
The oddball of the family:: *shrugs*
Least patient relative:: Dunno
Any adopted relatives:: No?
Strangest nickname for a relative:: *shrugs*
Relative closest to your age:: *shrugs*
Cleanest relative:: Dunno
Relative in college:: *shrugs*
Relative you can relate most with:: *shrugs*
Last relative to die:: Great grandma?
Last relative to get married:: Cousin?
Relative who's the biggest redneck:: None?
Relative who faught in a war:: Fought..dad
Relative you love but can't stand to be around:: *shrugs*
Relative you wish you saw more often:: Ones in Cali? Or ones in England
-.C o m p u t e r.-
Computer type:: Compaq PC
Background picture:: Carcassonne
Number of icons:: *shrugs*
Most used icon:: MSN
Games installed:: None? Medal of Honor maybe
Internet provider:: Verizon
Security program:: Uhh
Latest computer flaw:: Virtual memory too low or something
Most visited website:: LJ, Bzoink, OkCupid..
Number of computer users:: One usually
Age of computer:: 2-3 years old
E-mail provider:: MSN, Yahoo
Most used messenger:: Yahoo
Work computer or pleasure computer?:: Mostly pleasure
Last thing installed:: Uhh
Screensaver:: HammerFall background with floating shields
Computer color:: Silver
Keyboard color:: Black, silver
Mouse color:: Black, some grey
Mousepad design/color:: Don't use one
Hours spent on the computer daily:: Lots
-.B o o k s.-
Best book:: The White Dragon, The Destroyer Goddess, etc
Best genre:: Fantasy, war
Worst book:: *shrugs*
Longest book you've read:: One on London?
Number of pages:: Not sure
Shortest book you've read:: *shrugs*
Book with the best ending:: The Destroyer Goddess
Book with the best beginning:: *shrugs*
Last book you've read:: Dave Barry Is Not Making This Up
Best non-fiction book:: *shrugs*
Fan of fanfics?:: I don't really read them
If so, which ones?::
Best movie based on a book:: LOTR
Most descriptive book:: *shrugs*
Your first book:: *shrugs*
The most perverted book:: One I stopped reading haha
Saddest book:: Where the Red Fern Grows
Weirdest book:: *shrugs*
Best author:: Laura Resnick, Bernard Cornwell, etc
Your reading level:: *shrugs*
Book you still don't understand:: *shrugs*
Number of books you can read at once:: I've read 5 at once lol
Best way for a book to begin:: *shrugs*
Book you can relate most to:: *shrugs*
Book you carry with you everywhere:: lol depends on what I'm reading
Character you can relate to:: *shrugs*
Book with the best scenery:: Labyrinth and the Pagan series have Carcassonne in them lol
Best event in a book:: *shrugs*
Book with the most suprising ending:: The Destroyer Goddess had one..
Book that was the biggest disappointment:: *shrugs*
Book that drags on:: *shrugs*
Book that makes you sick:: *shrugs*
Book you'd like to rewrite yourself:: None
Character that disturbs you the most:: People in Hawaii..
Favorite character:: Aragorn, Pagan, Tansen, etc
Best age for a character:: *shrugs*
Event from a book that reminded you of your life:: *shrugs*
Book with the worst message:: *shrugs*
Weirdest character:: *shrugs*
Best non-human character:: *shrugs*
Number of books published:: I haven't published any
Best plot:: The White Dragon, The Destroyer Goddess, Eragon, Eldest, etc
Best battle/death scene:: Sharpe's Company, Waterloo
Best classic:: *shrugs*
-.I p o d.-
Number of songs on your ipod:: 700 something
Ipod type:: Mini
Ipod color:: Silver
Genre with the most songs:: Metal, classical..
Any ipod movies:: No
Ipod games:: Yeah
Number of songs on your ipod from downloading:: None?
Best song on your ipod:: "Battlefield"
Song you wish you had on your ipod:: New ones I have
Any ipod extras:: A case and charger lol
-.S h u f f l e.-
Birth:: "The Looking Glass"-Avantasia
First day of school:: "Forever"-Edguy
First kiss:: "The Ride of the Rohirrim"-ROTK soundtrack
Getting a lisence:: "Emerald Crown"-Therion
College:: "The March of the Swordmaster"-Rhapsody
Graduating:: "Hand of Doom"-Manowar
Proposal:: "Virus"-Dreamquest
Wedding:: "My Temple"-Gamma Ray
Wedding night:: "Blood Tears"-Blind Guardian
Taking surveys:: "Genesis"-Frank DellaPenna
First kid:: "Gardens of the Sinner"-Gamma Ray
First real job:: "The Poem's Evil Page"-Rhapsody
Car crash:: "Lord of the Thunder"-Rhapsody
Retirement:: "Romanticide"-Nightwish
Getting grandkids:: "Humiliation"-Hunchback of Notre Dame soundtrack
Entering a nursing home:: "Beethoven"-Trans-Siberian Orchestra
Spouse dying:: "Champagne Bath"-Sonata Arctica
Eating nursing home food:: "And Then There Was Silence"-Blind Guardian
Death:: "King of Fools"-Edguy
-.Y o u r. .L y r i c s.-
Look at my:: Castle
Oh, I just can't wait:: OMG WE'RE GOING TO CARCASSONNE
Be:: Or not to be..
I never thought:: You could do this to meeee
But we're talking about:: Carcassonne!
I will be:: Your friend
I know you want:: It, but you gotta wait till tomorrow
Once upon a time:: It was epic
I get my best:: Music from places
Every night is a:: Step closer to sleep
A shiny new:: LUCA
My words are a matter of:: Urbanitas
Stick with me and:: Try not to fall off
Please don't have a:: Conniption
Mama, I'm a:: Italian!
I was a:: Kid..but now I'm 18..
Don't you worry about:: It, you're safe now
I don't need a:: Mean guy like you
Tonight you look so:: Shiny
Our friends would:: Sing
I used to dress up:: On picture day
I blame you for:: Everythinnggg
I've got so much:: Love!
I can hear the:: Bells..
We'll have:: Luca!
My head is:: Covered with hair
He looked at me and:: Saw the true me
Everybody says:: Stuff, but is it true?
I can promise you:: I'll be there
I can't:: Do drugs
It's all because of:: That wonderful day..
I can't contain my:: Happiness
It hit me like:: Ice
-.F i l l. .I n. .T h e. .B l a n k s.-
Once upon a time there was a man named ______:: Luca
He loved to _____ and ______:: Play guitar and speak Italian
Other women thought he was ______:: Shiny
But one day he was in __________:: Carcassonne
when he bumped into a(n) _____ girl:: Nice
She looked at him and _______:: Melted
It was ______ at first sight:: Love
Together they went to ________:: Rome
Where he ________:: Kissed her
She said, "_________":: OMG I LOVE YOU
They ran off to ______ and they _________:: Florence, had a romantic date
A few years later they __________:: Got married
He was utterly ____________:: Shiny
Together they ________ on May 1st, 1953:: Moved to Carcassonne
-.H o b b i e s.-
Place a X by those things you dislike an a :) by those you like
Writing:: :)
Soccer:: :)
Poetry:: :)
Volleyball:: :)
Horseback riding:: :)
Listening to music:: :)
Making music:: I dunno how lol
Singing:: :)
Football:: X
Hockey:: :)
Drawing:: Depends
Watching TV:: Both
RPG:: *shrugs*
DnD:: Never played it
Fixing computers:: :)
Sudoku:: Never done it
Karate:: :)
Word problems:: Depends
Video games:: :)
Skateboarding:: Depends
Shopping:: For what?
Cleaning:: Depends
Driving:: Dunno how
Traveling:: :)
Baseball:: X
IMing:: :)
Picking flowers:: *shrugs*
Cooking:: X
Working with animals:: :)
Taking pictures:: :)
Watching TV:: :)
Dancing:: Mostly x
Painting:: :)
Acting:: Does watching it count?
Watching movies:: :)
Building things:: Depends
Working on cars:: X
Reading:: :)
Doing laundry:: :)
Texting:: X
Camping:: :)
Giving advice:: :)
Bird watching:: X
Stargazing:: X
Window shopping:: :)
Cave exploring:: Depends
Number problems:: XXXXXX
Eating:: :)
Catch lightning bugs:: :)
Go out on dates:: Never been on one
Daydreaming:: :)
-.T r a v e l i n g.-
Countries you've been to:: England, Spain, France, Italy
States you've been to:: Lots
Major cities you've been to:: Lots
Color of your suitcase:: Blue, black
Best souvineer:: Dagger, shirts..
Favorite city visited:: Carcassonne, London, etc
Worst city visited:: *shrugs*
Dirtiest city visited:: Rome, etc
Cleanest city visited:: *shrugs*
Average weight of luggage:: *shrugs*
The most you've spent on souvineers:: *shrugs*
A souvineer you got from someone else:: Gargoyle pen, small cannon, shirts, etc
Place you want to visit:: Carcassonne
Place you'd love to visit again:: Carcassonne
Best place for a honeymoon:: *shrugs*
Place with the nicest people:: *shrugs*
Coldest place visited:: *shrugs*
Driest place visited:: The desert lol
Place you got the worst sunburn at:: Hawaii
Fantasy world you wish you could visit:: *shrugs*
Place with the best food:: Italy?
How many oceans you've seen:: Two
Farthest you've been from home:: Italy
Place you've been with the oddest animals:: *shrugs*
Weirdest food you've eaten:: *shrugs*
Most memorable place:: Carcassonne, London, etc
Place you'd love to live:: *shrugs*
Best beach you've been to:: *shrugs*
Most photogenic place you've been:: Europe lol
Worst trip:: *shrugs*
Best amusement park you've been to:: *shrugs*
Best hotel to stay at:: One in Carcassonne
Strangest restaurant in a country:: *shrugs*
-.F o o d.-
Best cook you know:: My brother
Favorite dish:: Pasta in yummy sauce
Best meat:: Beef
Worst meat:: Fish
Favorite vegetables:: Fried okra
Most romantic meal:: *shrugs*
Best meal to eat while listening to rock:: Haha dunno lol
Easiest meal to make:: Microwave!! Oh yeaaah
Dish you never get but always want:: *shrugs*
Best dessert:: Vanilla milkshake, popcorn, good chocolate cake
Best comfort food:: *shrugs*
Best snack:: *shrugs*
Your guilty pleasure:: *shrugs*
If you diet, what don't you eat:: Depends
Dish you wish you knew how to make:: Eh
Best dinner music:: lol depends
Is "dinner" lunch or supper?:: Dinner is dinner
If you're a vegetarian, why?::
Best ice cream flavor:: Vanilla
Best movie snack:: *shrugs*
Best restaurant:: Bari's, Mezza Luna
Best fast food:: Taco Bell, Wendy's
Favorite pizza place:: Dominos, Pizza Hut..
Dinner at the table or the TV?:: The TV lol
Best meal of the day:: Dinner
Favorite breakfast dish:: Muffins, etc
Best atmosphere for eating:: *shrugs*
-.Y o u r. .S t y l e.-
Any piercings:: No
Any tatoos:: No
Any glasses/contacts:: Glasses
Color that looks best on you:: Black
Favorite shirt you own:: Epic, etc
Best place to clothes shop:: Kohl's
What you like to do with your hair most:: Comb it
Any make up:: No
Favorite bottom:: Black pants
(if a girl) Favorite dress:: Ew
Your stereotype (based on attire):: Dad has called me a goth lol
Favorite pair of shoes:: Black Sketchers
Amount of time you spend on your looks a day:: Not a lot lol
Any jewlery:: Yeah
What you'd wear to a party:: Depends
Low cut or turtle neck?:: Neither
Tennis shoes or dress shoes?:: Tennis shoes
Any tights/panty hos:: OMG noooo..but I do own some
If any piercings, your favorite "ring"::
Number of times you colored your hair:: Dyed it twice
Color you own most of in clothes:: White?
Tank or tee?:: T-shirt
How many pairs of shoes you own:: Lots
Nail color:: Regular
Hair color:: Dyed red
Any body art:: No
What inspires your wardrobe:: Depends
One word used to describe your clothes:: Uhh
What clothes you'd buy if you had $5,000:: Something authentically medieval..mmm
Pluck or wax your eyebrows?:: Wax
Era with the best style:: MEDIEVAL/RENNAISSANCE
What you'd wear to an amusement park:: Pants, shirt
Your best feature:: Hair
Clothes you wish you could afford:: *shrugs*
How important fashion is to you:: Not important
Most uncomfortable article of clothing:: A pair of pants
Your comfort clothing:: *shrugs*
What you wear when you shop for more clothes:: Pants, shirt
-.A c c o m p l i s h m e n t s.-
Got a job:: No
Got a driver's permit:: No
Got a driver's lisence:: Liscence..no
Had a sweet 16:: Yeah
Graduated Highschool:: High school..yeah
Dated:: No
Applied for college:: Yeah
Got straight A's:: No
Pay for your own things:: Not all of them
Have your own place:: No
Gone to college:: Not yet
Graduated college with 4+ years:: No
Got married:: No
Had children:: No
Had grandchildren:: No
Donated to charity:: Yeah
Donated blood:: Yeah
Operated your own business:: No
Bought a nice car:: No
Enjoy your job::
Quit smoking:: N/A
Quit drinking:: N/A
Followed through on your dreams:: Not all
-.C a r s.-
Type of car you own:: None
License plate say anything funny?::
Car you wish you had:: Well I can't drive so..
Car color::
Dream car color:: *shrugs*
Know how to fix a car?:: Uhh
Miles driven so far::
New car or used car?::
Any bumper stickers::
What breaks down on the car most::
Last time you changed the oil::
CD player or tape player in your car?::
Place your car goes the most::
How much gas is::
Strangest thing you've hit with your car::
Longest car ride:: Does 3 weeks on a bus in Europe count?
Know a truck driver?:: No?
Best song to listen to in the car:: *shrugs*
How clean your car is::
People who are in your car the most::
Favorite place to drive to:: I like road trips lol
Best driving atmosphere:: Fun, funny
-.Y o u r. .H o m e.-
Type of home:: 2 story
How many other people occupy the house:: 3
Size of the yard:: Medium?
Floor type in your kitchen:: Tile
Bedroom wall color:: White
Most valuable piece of equipment in your house:: Uhh
Number of rooms:: 14?
Have air conditioning?:: Yeah
Carpet color in your home:: Blue
Any hardwood floors:: No
Light fixture in your bedroom:: Yeah
Bathroom color:: Different colors
Contents of the first cabinet in your kitchen:: Stuff
Eat in the dining room or kitchen?:: The kitchen..dining room rarely
Sofa color:: Blue, brown
Biggest room in the house:: *shrugs*
Smallest room in the house:: A bathroom
Cleanest room in the house:: My brother's
Room you could spend weeks cleaning:: Mom's room?
Most unique room in the house:: The library
Number of bedrooms:: 4
Number of bathrooms:: 4
Any pets:: 3 cats
Most comfortable room:: *shrugs*
Best room to dance in:: *shrugs*
Have a garage?:: Yeah
Best thing about the house:: Balcony, etc
Number of steps:: *shrugs*
Any front portch?:: Yeah
House color:: Red brick
Room with the most memories:: *shrugs*
Favorite thing in the house:: *shrugs*
Number of windows in the house:: Lots
Number of phones in the house:: *shrugs*
Number of TVs:: 4
Best picture hanging on a wall:: *shrugs*
Oldest thing in your house:: Baby stuff
Clothes in the dresser or closet?:: Both
Like your kitchen?:: Sure
Room you spend the most time in:: The library
Room your computer(s) are/is in:: The library, etc
Room that smells the best:: The kitchen when cooking good food
Room with the most books in it:: The library
Room you'd save if you had to pick one:: Mine
-.B l o g s.-
Own a blog?:: Yeah
If so, what kind?:: LJ, Open Diary, Xanga (use LJ really to blog though lol)
What color is it?:: I'll just use LJ..the BG is Carcassonne..blues, greys..
Font style:: Verdana?
Theme:: Uhh
Any music that plays:: No
What you write most about:: Stuff
Number of friends:: 39
Number of comments on your last entry:: 6
Any videos in your blog:: Yeah
Favorite picture in it:: Carcassonne? Me with swords..
Most powerful entry:: *shrugs*
Age of blog:: 3 years old
Have any other ones?:: Yeah
Entry you wish you never wrote:: All are important
Saddest entry:: *shrugs*
Most memorable entry:: *shrugs*
Favorite post:: *shrugs*
Most pointless post:: Surveys? lol
Pay for your blog?:: It's aaaall payed for lol
-.Y o u r. .P a r t y.-
Song #1:: Uhh
Song #2::
Song #3::
Song #4::
Song #5::
Song #6::
Song #7::
Song #8::
Song #9::
Song #10::
Song #11::
Song #12::
Song #13::
Song #14::
Song #15::
Song #16::
Song #17::
Song #18::
People invited:: Urbanitas people with wine
Foods served:: Urbanitas
Beverages served:: Wine maaaan
Location:: Carcassonne
Decorations:: Epic
Occasion:: Who cares lol it's in Carcassonne
Attire:: Medieval
Invitation design:: Epic
Theme:: Medieval
What you'd wear:: lol medieval things?
Activities to do:: Walk around the castle..watch fireworks..
Can friends bring friends?:: Suuuure
Money you'd put into it:: Enough to be not poor lol
Would you charge guests for anything?:: Not me personally..but if they wanna buy souvineers..
Any karaoke?:: If they want
Any gifts?:: Carcassonne is a gift
How long will it last?:: FOREVAH
-.T h i s. .O r. .T h a t.-
Fantasy or sci fi:: Fantasy
Pizza or Steak:: Pizza
Italian or Chinese:: Italian
Food or drink:: Food
Old and wise or young and naive:: Old and wise
Movie or TV series:: Both
Silent film or modern film:: Modern film
Cook or eat:: Eat
Clean the house or run three miles:: Clean the house
Classical or rap:: Classical
Sleep walk or snore:: Snore
Red or Blue:: Red
Heart or Diamond:: Heart
Boy or Girl:: Boy
Camel or Giraffe:: Camel
Hotdog or Hamburger:: Hamburger
Squid or Chicken:: Chicken
Novel or Magazine:: Novel
Yahoo or AIM:: Yahoo
Supper at 4 or Supper at 9:: At 4
Elves or Dwarves:: Elves
Mars or Jupiter:: Jupiter
Deep space or Deep sea:: Deep sea
Paris or Rome:: Both
Short film or long movie:: Long movie
Techno or pop:: Techno
Soccer or football:: Soccer
Curly or straight:: Depends
Yellow or black:: Black
Phsychologist or Psychiatrist:: Both
Old mansion or modern shack:: Old mansion
Ipod or mp3 player:: mp3 player
Chemistry or physics:: Chemistry
Art or math:: Art
Learn or daydream:: Learn
City or small town:: City
Highschool or college:: Only experienced high school so far
Tree or flower:: Both
Tragedy or comedy:: Both
Dance or sing:: Sing
Run or Walk:: Walk
Quality or Quantity:: Quality
Partner dance or solo dance:: Partner dance
Reality TV or educational TV:: Both
Typing or handwriting:: Typing
Party of 300 or Party of 3:: 3
Trees for breathing or trees for furniture:: Both
Left or right:: Depends
-.C h u r c h / R e l i g i o n.-
Go to church?:: I haven't been lately
If so, which one?:: Garden Ridge Church of Christ..dunno if we'll still go..
Your religion:: Christian
How do you celebrate your religion?:: Christmas, Easter, praying..
Celebrate Christmas?:: Yeah
Name of your God:: God
Religious Holidays you celebrate:: Easter, Christmas
Are you a Pacifist?:: Depends
Religious traditions:: Uhh
Religion you'd never join:: Satanism
Is religion forced upon you?:: Not really
Your opinion on religion:: Good and bad
Believe in evolution?:: Depends
Best religious song:: "Faith is the Victory"
Person you know with the oddest religion:: Is Wiccan odd?
Leader of the church:: I haven't been in awhile..
Does religion hurt or heal?:: Both
Proud of your religion?:: Uhh
Religion you'd like to try:: Catholisism
Believe in God?:: Yeah
-.F e a r s.-
Put a X for those you don't fear and 0.0 for those you do
Spiders:: 0.0
Sharks:: 0.0
Heights:: x
Bees:: 0.0
Bugs:: x
Birds:: x
Cars:: x
Getting peanut butter stuck on the roof of your mouth:: I don't eat peanut butter
Long words:: x
The other gender:: Depends
The dentist:: Kinda 0.0
Gaining weight:: 0.0
Change:: 0.0
Loud noises:: Depends
Reptiles:: x
Aliens:: x
Ghosts:: If they existed 0.0
Swallowing a bug:: *shrugs*
Taking medications:: Depends
Germs:: x
Plants:: x
People:: Depends
Whales:: x
Water:: x
Technology:: Depends
Gore:: x
Illness:: 0.0
Getting hurt:: Depends
Rollercoasters:: 0.0
Sea Creatures:: Depends
Eating meat:: x
Tapeworms:: Uhh I think 0.0?
Being alone:: Depends
The dark:: 0.0
Balloons:: x
Violence:: Depends
Rejection:: 0.0?
Storms:: Both
Dreaming:: Both
The future:: Both
Foreign Countries:: Depends
Money:: x
Love:: Uhh
Talking infront of a group of people:: 0.0
Death:: 0.0
Fire:: Both
School:: x
Failure:: *shrugs*
Arguments:: Uhh
Trying something new:: Depends
Other (list):: Losing God
-.B i r t h d a y s.-
List all those you know whose birthday are in each month
January:: Amanda, Kathryn
February:: Ryan, dad
March:: Luca Turilli
April:: Caitlin, Wendy, Emily M?
June:: Mine, mom, Frank
December:: Mary Lou, Dana
-.P e r f e c t. .Z o o.-
Animals it must have:: No zoo, thanks..
Other animals it should have::
Background music::
Tour or none?::
Zoo themes::
Number of gift shops::
Best zoo souvineers::
Favorite real zoo::
Name of your zoo::
-.S c h o o l.-
Years of school completed:: 12 or so
Best subject:: Latin, history, tech theater
Worst subject:: Math
Favorite subject:: La
Favorite teacher:: Latin, history, tech theater
Teacher you were better off without:: None, all are important..even though some I HATED
Tough teacher who really helped:: *shrugs*
Funniest class:: Latin omg haha..English 4
Favorite subject with the least favorite teacher:: *shrugs*
Class you wish you could take:: I wanted to take Italian before..
Number of schools attended:: 5 regular ones
GPA:: 80 something
Extra cirricular activities:: Was in Latin club/fencing
Clubs joined:: Latin club
Group you were/are in:: Fencing?
Funniest teacher:: Mr. Lafferier, Mr. Sales..
Bell sound:: Uhh
Best book read in school:: 1984, etc
Longest book read in school:: 1984?
Worst book read in school:: *shrugs*
Number of Shakespear plays read:: Shakespeare..at least 3
Good teacher but not so good friend:: *shrugs*
Most useful class:: English, Latin, BCIS, Spanish, PE with the special ed kids, etc
Least useful class:: *shrugs*
-.C r e a t e. .S t a t e. .N i c k n a m e.-
Alabama:: Uhh
New Hampshire::
New Jersey::
New Mexico::
New York::
North Carolina::
North Dakota::
Phode Island::
South Carolina::
South Dakota::
West Virginia::
-.R a n d o m.-
The time:: 11:22 PM
Current location in the home:: The library
Song you're listening to:: None
Last person to talk to you on the phone:: Wanda
Last book you read:: Dave Barry Is Not Making This Up
A TV show that's on now:: The TV's not on lol
First thing you see when looking left:: A chair
What you're wearing now:: PJ's
Name any object on Earth:: Mountain
Your mood now:: Good
A random animal that isn't your favorite:: Monkey
Song number 2 on your ipod:: Dunno
Closest body of water to you:: A creek
Least likely place you'd be found:: Hollister
Last thing you touched:: The keyboard
Best caffinated drink:: SoBe
Tallest building you've been in:: *shrugs*
The hottest it's been where you live:: 113?
Coldest it's been where you live:: 14 or so?
Best color name for a crayon:: *shrugs*
Coloring's best done with:: Crayons?
Last phone call you made:: To Kathryn
Song you're listening to now:: None
Color of the sky now:: Umm
Last thing you ate:: Yummy Italianness
Mashed potatoes or fries?:: Both
Your life's motto:: Everything happens for a reason
Last thing you made clean:: Myself
Most vivid childhood memory:: *shrugs*
Something you're excited about:: Watching LOTR with Kathryn?
Animal that scares you:: Bears
Best candle scent:: *shrugs*
What you'd buy with a million dollars:: *shrugs*
Worst sounding name ever:: Dick
Room temperature:: *shrugs*
An inside joke you have:: I'm scared of bells
Something that annoys you:: Bad spelling
Best room color:: *shrugs*
Worst time in history:: The Holocaust
The weather right now:: *shrugs*
What your mother's doing now:: Sleeping?
Creepiest place on Earth:: *shrugs*
Person you look up to:: Dana, etc
Something unique about you:: I'm more stubborn when peer pressured
Best quote:: "Through violence and horror shall honor arise"
Worst thing about modern times:: Less honor
For or against using rats/mice as test subjects:: How would YOU like to be a test subject?
Very best thing on Earth:: Love?
Worst dream you've ever had:: A gory one
Dream that ended at the wrong time:: *shrugs*
Weirdest dream you've had:: Lots
Best type of chips:: Tex-Mex Doritoes
Best drink:: SoBe
Favorite song to sing along with:: Good ones
Best toilet paper brand:: Who cares?
How you feel now that this is the last question:: Owwww
Today's Latin: mors omnia solvit (death dissolves all things)