And you have my weird card!

Jun 15, 2007 09:47

It's mom's birthday today..hope it's good. She's at work now..maybe we'll go out to eat when she gets home?

Grandma has inspired me to go through my room and throw away things. I found what I was looking for three months ago haha!

Friday five:
1. Do you download music not from the popular genres of Top 40, pop, rock, rap, dance, R&B, or country? I mostly buy CDs..
2. Are there any musicians for whom you've downloaded a significant amount of their material yet own few or none of their albums? No
3. Have you ever enjoyed a downloaded album so much that you went and bought the physical album? No
4. How many different ways of playing music do you own (such as radio, stereo system, computer, Walkman/Discman, mp3 player, mp3-ready phone, etc.)? Radio, CD player, ipod, computer, XM radio..
5. Do you still have and/or play a favorite vinyl album, cassette tape, or 8-track tape? They may be in the attic..

Today's Latin: nihil amori iniuriam est (there's no injury that love won't forgive)

mom, friday five

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