My classes right now are communication applications (speech), team sports (gym), Latin 3 and English 4. Speech is...scary...I already have to do a speech Wednesday!! I'm sooo glad it's only 9 weeks. Gym isn't what I thought it was gonna be like at all. It's where you observe and help the special ed kids in gym!! Yay!! You get to go to lunch with them too. Latin 3...OMG Magister grew out his hair. It looks...odd. It's gonna be a fun and good class though. English teacher is awesomeee!!! He's funny and cool. We have vocab words too and they're good is epic!! I'll put the words this week here. The teacher said "be in your seat when the bell rings" and then said "diiing...diiing...diiing...DIIIING" and I about died! I have B lunch (second one) and 15 minutes lunch with the special ed kids. And that's my first day of school
Vexation-discomfort of distress (i thought it ment annoyed)
Bolt-to move suddenly
Solace-to comfort or cheer (i thought it ment to be alone)
Furrow-to make wrinkles or grooves)
Relish-to take great pleasure or delight in
Infamous-having a bad reputation
Fret-to worry or annoy
Hack-one who forfeits professional integrity for money
Lament-to mourn or express sorrow
Quench-to extinguish
Artful-skillful, clever, tricky
Grate-to cause irritation
Reprise-a recurrence
Ominous-foreshadowing evil (haven't heard it descibed that way..)
Submission-condition of being humble
Courtier-one in attendence at royal court
Fiends-wicked people
Hoard-hidden supply
Decreed-to command by law or order
Murky-foggy, smoky
Thrashing-to beat with a whip or stick
Prosperity-condition of being sucessful
Deceit-attempt to trick
Pagan-heathen, one with little religion (heard the word, never knew what it ment)
Today's Latin: pars pro toto (the part for the whole)
"Giants of stone build up my desire, no one could tell us the secret of fire, the hunger for wisdom deep in your heart, you can't accept that you`re living apart"--"Fairytale," Edguy