Jan 28, 2006 10:30
My Latin teacher has been...odd lately. When he checks my work or I ask him for help he makes me feel like I'm stupid...he's never done that before. I told him a sentence was confusing and he's like "why?? What is it about it that's confusing you??" and I said "the stupidest things confuse me" and he said "that's ok, I'm here to help" and I'm like..."wow you don't sound like you wanna help"...I almost cried in class. I cried last night though...I would've told my mom but it was 12 AM and everyone was asleep...Kathryn was there though...she made me feel a whooole lot better. I dunno what's up with my teacher but he's making me lose interest in Latin...isn't he supposed to do the opposite? Stop it Mr. Sales, cause I know I am not stupid, just slow...
It's raining again yaaay...
Today's Latin: potestine plus pecuniae in mensa ponere? (Can you put more money on the table?) Man are they running out of ideas already?
"High and mighty alone we are kings, whirlwinds of fire we ride"--"The Crown and the Ring (Lament of the Kings)," Manowar
magister sales,