Friday five

Nov 11, 2022 17:18

1. When have you recently had to correct one of your errors? Probably recently, I might have said a wrong thing or something..
2. When did you last break something you wish you hadn’t? Not sure..
3. When have you taken a wrong turn (literally or figuratively) and found yourself in a better place? When I lived in Texas I read Texas by James Michener, which talked about a church in Waxahachie (30 miles from Dallas). Well my friend and I went to a Renaissance festival near Waxahachie, and when we left, Caitlin made a wrong turn, which lead us right into the city, where I saw that very church! I was so excited haha
4. When did you most recently return a purchase to the seller? Maybe at the beginning of this year, when I wanted to get a new mattress for my new bed, but kept finding uncomfortable ones lol..good thing Costco takes things back no matter what :P
5. From whom do you most willingly take correction? Mom, Denise, etc

Mom and I got to Topeka on Tuesday after a looong day of flying all night and a lot of the was nice to see Aunt Julie, and then go to bed, because we were exhausted. :P It was nice seeing grandma the next day..we asked if she wanted to go to dinner and she was like "YESSS" haha..she loves eating out too. :P We went to Olive Garden..yumm. Yesterday we went to lunch and Target, where we found some clothes. Today my cousin Joelle flew in from Texas (nice seeing her too!) to get some tests done to see if she has POTS, which were positive. She seems positive and optimistic about it though. I think tomorrow grandma is coming to Julie's for dinner. Mom and I brought winter with us, because it is FREEZING outside (in the 30s, and of course it's always windy)..darn :P (random, but I love the fancy curtains where grandma lives LOL)

8. Of all the famous artifacts/exhibits you've seen in museums or art galleries, which was the most disappointing when you saw it in real life? I thought the Prado Museum in Madrid was super boring, but I'm not into art much, and I was super tired after traveling all day lol

9. What’s a snack item you have difficulty eating in moderation? Cheez-It Snap'd chips, popcorn, etc

10. You're an extraterrestrial scout sent to assess if it's worth making contact with Earthlings. What are your main observations and recommendations? They're very violent, but with nice people too. Stop trashing the environment!

11. Today is Remembrance Day/Veterans Day. Do you know anyone, or have a distant relative, who died in a war? I think I had relatives die in the Revolutionary War..I remember when I was doing my family tree I read that one person was scalped by Native Americans D:

1. What immature behavior have you displayed recently?
2. What are some very salty foods you enjoy?
3. What are some major global events that have occurred during your lifetime?
4. The restaurant is out of your favorite salad dressing. What do you order instead?
5. What do you imagine people see when they look at you?
6. Are there any bridges you don't regret burning?
7. Have you been stung by a stinging critter?
8. Of all the famous artifacts/exhibits you've seen in museums or art galleries, which was the most disappointing when you saw it in real life?
9. What’s a snack item you have difficulty eating in moderation?
10. You're an extraterrestrial scout sent to assess if it's worth making contact with Earthlings. What are your main observations and recommendations?
11. Today is Remembrance Day/Veterans Day. Do you know anyone, or have a distant relative, who died in a war?
12. What’s a good song about freedom or being free? It can be a single line or the entire song.
13. Do you have a charity you regularly give to?
14. Is there one particular decision/choice you made in your life that is largely responsible for where you are now?
15. Pick up the nearest book (magazine or any available printed material will do). Turn to page 24 (or the closest to it). Go to the 7th line. What is it?
16. "Live hard, die young and leave a beautiful corpse" ~OR~ "Live long and prosper"?
17. What are you most likely very wrong about?
18. If you were put into solitary confinement for six months, what would you do to stay sane?
19. Can you list three good things that happened this week?
20. Are child-proof containers becoming increasingly adult-proof?
21. Does your morning "getting ready" routine vary much between work days and weekends (or other days off if you work weekends)?
22. Does stress cause to you eat more or does it kill your appetite?
23. If, in a multi-story building, you only have to go up or down one or two flights, would you prefer to use the stairs rather than an elevator?
24. Is there some old family belief, practice, routine or tradition that you know is nonsensical, but you still catch yourself doing it anyway?
25. What makes you feel terrible while you’re doing it but great when you’re done?
26. How's your sleep been this week?
27. What is the purpose of art in society? You can define "art" as broadly as you like.
28. November 28 is "Red Planet Day". Do you think humans will ever get to Mars? Is this an endeavour that we should be devoting resources toward or would the money be better spent here on earth?
29. If everything else about your life stayed the same, how well could you get by living homeless for a year?
30. What in your residence is approaching its last days?

1. Who was the president/prime minister/leader of your country when you were born?
2. What is the best way to spiffy-up french fries?
3. When did you last unexpectedly receive something for free?
4. Do you donate food (or money) to food banks?
5. Does your mental image of yourself correspond with what you see in the mirror?
6. Would you consider leaving your body to medical science? Or maybe just parts of your body?
7. If you could make a 20-second phone call to yourself at any point in your life, when would you call and what would you say?
8. If you could turn one book, comic book or other print story into a feature-length movie or TV series, what would you pick and why?
9. Have you ever actually punched someone (not counting a friendly jab to the shoulder)? Have you ever been punched?
10. What product’s packaging do you find excessive or inadequate? What sort of packaging do you hate the most?
11. In terms of personal care products (shampoo, toothpaste, skin care products, deodorants, etc.) do you mostly stick with the same brands, or do you like to try new ones? Are you influenced by price, e.g. buying what's on sale, even if it's not your usual brand?
12. Is there an ingredient you put into almost everything you cook, even if the recipe doesn't call for it? Is there an ingredient that most recipes call for, but that you tend to leave out?
13. Some people believe that if life has no purpose, then there is no reason for living. While others think that if life has no purpose, that frees a person to find/create and follow their own personal purpose. Which is a more valid point of view or are they both equally valid?
14. Would you rather have more kitchen counter space or kitchen cabinet space?
15. How conscious do you think animals are?
16. Did you discover a new (to you) favourite author or musician/band this year?
17. What do you like most about your family?
18. December 18 is "Bake Cookies Day". Do you have a favourite cookie recipe? Care to share?
19. In what forms of housing have you resided?
20. When were you last onstage, literally or figuratively?
21. True or false: people only eat cupcakes for the icing.
22. Do you have a TV series that you wish had run longer than it did? What about one that you think ran on too long?
23. What songs hit you with a wave of nostalgia every time you hear them?
24. Which of your vices or bad habits would be the hardest to give up?
25. Do you self-censor a lot?
26. What happens in your country regularly that people in other countries would find strange or bizarre?
27. Was there ever an event in your life that defied explanation?
28. What decision have you been putting off?
29. Most Valuable Player (MVP): an accolade or award, originally used in team sports to recognize one player for game-changing excellence, and also used outside of sports to recognize excellence in the contributions of an individual to a group effort. Does anyone stand out as your own personal MVP, either at work or in your personal life, for this year?
30. As the year comes to a close, what’s something you’d like to put behind you?
31. As the year comes to a close, what are you looking back upon most fondly?

traveling, topeka, aunt julie, joelle, weather, friday five, grandma mills

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