Friday five

Mar 06, 2020 15:59

1. What do you wear to bed? PJs
2. What side of the bed do you sleep on? Left usually
3. Are you back, side, or stomach sleeper? Back and sides
3. How many layers of bedding are on your bed? 3
5. Are you a bed hog or a covers-thief? If I'm by myself lol

5. It’s Learn What Your Name Means Day. So, what does your name mean? Do you think it fits you? It's a flower. Suree lol
6. Who is your favorite celebrity chef? Why do you like them? Eh, I don't really watch those kind of shows..

Jan 1 What is one thing you’d like to accomplish in 2020?
2 What would be the first sentence of your autobiography?
3 For every day of 2020, you will be required to wear a t-shirt with the same one word on it. What word will you choose?
4 What one thing are you looking forward to in 2020?
5 What’s your favorite way to spend a Sunday morning?
6 Tell about an “Aha!” moment you’ve had.
7 In the U.S., each state has a “state flower.” If you’re in the U.S., what is your state flower? If you live elsewhere, does your region or country have flower that represents it? (Post a picture?)
8 Would you rather live in a deep-sea station or a space station?
9 What’s your favorite “comfort food” when you’re feeling down or unwell?
10 What was the last film you saw at a theatre/cinema?
11 Have you ever been asked for your telephone number and you didn't want to give it? What did you do?
12 Have you ever had a “crush” on a fictional character?
13 What are your favorite pizza toppings?
14 Who was your very first best friend? Are you still in contact or communication with them?
15 If you could pick a new first name, what would you choose?
16 What is your favorite board game?
17 What self-care things do you find helpful to ground yourself or “talk yourself down from the ledge” when you’re overwhelmed by your feelings or by stress?
18 What is the most extreme weather you have ever experienced?
19 Do you operate out of any particular faith system that informs your actions? Do you intentionally NOT have a faith system, and if so, what beliefs or ideas inform your actions?
20 When you go to a fancy coffee shop, what’s your go-to order?
21 What genre of books is your usual favorite when you read for pleasure?
22 Where is one place you wouldn’t ever want to be caught dead?
23 How would someone who genuinely likes and admires you describe you?
24 How would someone who doesn’t really like you describe you?
25 If you had to teach a one-hour class with absolutely no prep time, what subject could you competently pull off?
26 What is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you while out for a meal at a restaurant?
27 What aphorism or saying is helpful for you right now?
28 What’s your favorite meme? (Post it!)
29 What is your skin care regimen?
30 What song are you listening to a lot right now? (Post a link?)
31 What superpower best suits your personality?

Feb 1 What is your birthstone and flower?
2 If you could redo today, what one thing would you do differently?
3 What’s your favorite salad dressing?
4 Is your home tidy right this minute?
5 Would you rather go to an amusement park, a zoo, or a sporting event?
6 If you were to win a “shopping” spree in a store, where you could grab anything you want in five minutes, what store would you choose?
7 If you could step into the TV and be part of a TV show, which one would it be?
8 What will you miss the most when the world finally runs out of petroleum?
9 Do you wake up by yourself, to an alarm, music, or have someone else wake you up?
10 Finish the sentence: There are two kinds of people in this world . . .
11 Make a list of three things you’d like to say no to.
12 Would you rather be locked overnight in a library, a museum, or a zoo?
13 What are your top three long-range goals?
14 Who was the first person you had a crush on? Was it requited?
15 What’s your favorite piece in a box of chocolates?
16 Have you ever won a game of Monopoly?
17 If you could go back and caution your twelve-year-old self about something, what would you say?
18 What is the newest article of clothing you’re wearing right now? How old is it?
19 Do you think anger is generally a positive emotion or a negative emotion? How does your thoughts on that help you deal with your anger?
20 What’s a childish thing you still do as an adult?
21 You’re making yourself a fruit salad with five different fruits. Which five fruits will you include?
22 Do you prefer being left alone on a long bus or train ride or would you rather chat with a random stranger next to you?
23 When you think about your future, what are you most afraid of?
24 You are out at a restaurant and you notice that a celebrity you really admire is at a nearby table. What do you do?
25 You have been given a complex task to perform at work. How do you approach it?
26 What’s a belief that you hold that most people probably disagree with?
27 Winter is soup time. What’s your favorite kind of soup? (Please post the recipe or source?)
28 If you learn that a celebrity of whom you are a fan of has done something horrible, does it affect your ability to enjoy works they previously produced?
29 If you were given an extra day every year to do whatever you want, what would you do?

Mar 1 Let’s do some pseudo-science! What’s your Enneagram type?
Test 1 is more comprehensive, but long. Test 2 is pretty accurate and much quicker.
2 What’s your favorite candy bar?
3 What city or other location were you born in?
4 What’s the most ridiculous way you’ve ever been injured?
5 It’s Learn What Your Name Means Day. So, what does your name mean? Do you think it fits you?
6 Who is your favorite celebrity chef? Why do you like them?
7 What is the worst medical procedure you’ve ever had?
8 It’s International Women’s Day. Who is a woman you greatly admire and why do you admire her?
9 What’s your favorite movie quote?
10 What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of fear?
11 What’s your first and middle name(s), if you’re comfortable saying? Do you think the meanings of your names matches who you are?
12 What’s your birth order in your family? Do you think it affected who you are as an adult?
13 Are you superstitious about Friday the 13th?
14 Do you use rely on one main password for most of your online activity, or do you try to come up with different ones as needed?
15 You are walking along a road when you come to a three-way fork in the road. One road leads into the forest, another road leads to the mountains, and the third roads leads to the ocean. Which path do you take?
16 What all is on your favorite sandwich?
17 What is your ethnic make-up and heritage? Is it important to you?
18 When you close your eyes what do you physically see?
19 What is your least favorite household chore?
20 Houseplants - yea or nay?
21 What is one thing you did this week that moved you closer to one of your goals?
22 If you could make a bouquet or arrangement of your three favorite flowers, which three would you choose?
23 What was a favorite book you read when you were a child?
24 About how many square feet is your home? Is it too small, too large, or just right for your needs?
25 What languages can you speak and how fluently can you speak them?
26 Let’s do some more pseudoscience! What’s your Myers-Briggs/Kiersey type? There are many versions of the test online, but here’s a good one:
27 If you were independently wealthy, what would you do with your time?
28 What characteristic do you most dislike about yourself?
29 What fictional world would you most like to visit?
30 What do you want to say when someone asks, "What do you do"?
31 What famous or important people share your birthday?

Apr 1 Nobody really likes to be the victim of cruel hoax, but how do you feel about good-natured pranks that don’t cause harm?
2 It’s Peanut Butter and Jelly day! What’s your favorite flavor of jelly or jam?
3 What’s one thing that you can do better than anyone you know?
4 What picture is the wallpaper on the device you’re using right now?
5 What is the first thing that you notice when meeting someone new?
6 You have to sing karaoke. What song do you pick?
7 If you could keep only five possessions, what would they be?
8 Have you ever dyed your hair, and it didn’t turn out well?
9 Whether you really believe in them or not, do you have any superstitions?
10 Do you prefer to write with a pen, pencil, or other writing utensil?
11 It’s Celebrate Teen Lit Day! What’s a favorite book from your teen years?
12 What is your favorite snack food?
13 What sorts of things are you most likely to buy at a thrift store or second-hand shop?
14 It’s Perfume Day today. What are your favorite perfumes and colognes?
15 It’s income tax day in the U.S. What do you enjoy the most that your tax dollars provide for society?
16 What three features would be non-negotiable in your dream house?
17 What’s a trait you admire in other people that, if you’re honest, you also have? (And by all rights should admire it about yourself!)
18 Do you enjoy gardening? Have you started your garden already? What are you planting this year?
19 What’s the most interesting thing you’ve read this week?
20 Are you watching anything good on television right now?
21 What crafts do you enjoy doing?
22 What’s one thing you do to conserve resources or “go green”?
23 Again, fair folk, the day has come to speak
As if the Bard had writ the words for you.
But if blank verse sits not upon thy lips,
Then grace us with your thoughts about his plays.

Happy Talk Like Shakespeare Day! If speaking in blank verse all day is impractical for you, just tell us which of Shakespeare’s plays is your favorite and why.
24 Do you have what you consider to be a good habit, but is one that likely annoys other people?
25 Did your mother work outside the home when you were a child? What was her job?
26 What activity makes you lose track of time?
27 What’s one thing that happened today that went exactly as you planned or wanted it to?
28 What’s the one song that could be the theme song your life? (Post a link?)
29 How have your goals changed as you've gotten older?
30 What’s a nice thing you did for somebody today?

May 1 Who made you feel good this week?
2 Have you ever seen the same movie more than twice at a theater?
3 Do you still have toys, clothes, or schoolwork from when you were very young?
4 Who is your favorite Star Wars character?
5 Do you tend to be more optimistic or pessimistic?
6 How important is the decor of a restaurant to you?
7 Did you have a teacher who inspired to learn and grow as person?
8 What is the worst food you’ve ever had to force yourself to eat to be polite?
9 What is a mistake people often make about you?
10 Have you ever been sky diving, bungee jumping or scuba diving?
11 What class at Hogwarts would you really excel at?
12 What new fact have you recently learned?
13 What’s something you were afraid of as a child? Are you still afraid of it?
14 What compliment do you receive most often?
15 Are you right- or left-handed? How competent are you with your non-dominant hand?
16 Which Muppet are you most like?
17 What are the people around you doing right now?
18 Do you give up easily on things when they get tough, or are you a stick-to-it person? Can you think of examples when your usual approach was the wrong thing to do?
19 You’ve just been chosen as the eighth dwarf. What’s your name?
20 If someone you were trying to impress was coming over to your home for dinner, what would you make for them? (Please include the recipe!)
21 Do you believe in soul mates?
22 What small thing can you plan to do tomorrow that you’ve never done before?
23 What would your teen self think of the adult you’ve become?
24 What’s the biggest problem you’re facing today?
25 What two colors do you think look best together?
26 Popcorn or pretzels?
27 What’s one thing you can do today that will make tomorrow easier?
28 Have you ever realized too late (e.g. after you've left the house) that you've been wearing an item of clothing inside out or backwards?
29 What parenting technique do you differ from your parents about?
30 Make a list of three things you can do today to be kind to yourself.
31 If you could acquire a talent without any extra effort, what would it be?

Jun 1 If you had to leave on a road trip tomorrow with little notice or planning, where would you go?
2 What is the strangest food you have ever tried and really liked?
3 What’s your favorite cake (or not-cake) for your birthday?
4 What item of clothing is your least favorite to shop for?
5 If you had only one window to look out of for the next six months, what would you want to see out that window?
6 Is there something you love to eat that no one else in your family likes?
7 Do you prefer shopping online or in a store?
8 What do you like least about living in your city/town?
9 What do you like most about living in your city/town?
10 What’s your favorite font?
11 If money were no object, but you could only choose one, would you rather travel somewhere via a first-class travel method or stay somewhere in a first-class accommodation?
12 What is your favorite place in your home? (Post a photo?)
13 What’s a popular vacation spot you have no interest whatsoever in visiting?
14 Who was your favorite teen heartthrob celebrity when you were a pre-teen?
15 Do you prefer big parties or smaller, more intimate gatherings?
16 If you had to create an alias or pseudonym for work purposes, what name would you use?
17 If you were chosen to be the first human to make contact with aliens, would you want to?
18 Would you rather travel a hundred years in the past or a hundred years in the future?
19 When you take a shower, do you let the water warm up before you step in, or do you turn the water on after you step in?
20 What quality makes you feel fierce and powerful? How does that quality manifest itself in your life?
21 At the summer solstice, the light begins to lessen. What in your life would you like to see decrease in the coming months?
22 What was your favorite piece of playground equipment when you were little?
23 Chocolate or vanilla? Or something else?
24 Have you ever deleted a post on social media because you had a low percentage of "likes"?
25 Do enjoy “roughing it” types of vacations such as camping or hiking, or are you more of a five-star hotel/cruise sort of vacationer?
26 If you could become new “side character” in any novel, which novel would you be a part of?
27 When you mentally go to your “happy place,” what does it look like in your mind?
28 Do you prefer working along or as part of a team?
29 What is your least favorite musical band? Why don’t you like them?
30 The year is half over now. What’s been the highlight of 2020 for you so far?

Jul 1 What was the first concert you went to?
2 Have you ever gotten into a physical fight with someone?
3 What small courtesy did someone pay you today?
4 What’s your favorite musical?
5 How do you respond in a crisis?
6 Have you ever pretended to speak a foreign language you don't actually know?
7 Which art movement best describes you today (e.g. surrealism, dada, impressionism, etc.)?
8 How much do you “bring work home”? Do you work at home after work hours, or do you leave it at the office?
9 Is there anything you fear that most people don’t seem to be afraid of?
10 Would you rather be the funniest person in the room or the smartest?
11 What would be included in your ideal breakfast?
12 How do you decide about meals in your family? Who does the shopping?
13 What’s the notification tone on your phone for calls? Texts?
14 Would you rather know how you’re going to die or when you’re going to die?
15 How many cups of water have you drunk today?
16 When you were graduating from school, what did you think your life would look like at your age now? Does it match?
17 Do you prefer pie or cake?
18 When you eat out alone, where do you like to go?
19 Are you more of a “work hard” or “play hard” kind of person?
20 Do you think morality and ethics are absolute or situational?
21 Would you rather relax in a hot tub or a sauna?
22 Do you have a living will or other documentation of an end-of-life care plan?
23 When was the last time you went dancing?
24 Have you ever re-gifted a gift that was given to you?
25 What’s one thing you’ve been procrastinating on that you could take care of today?
26 Would you rather live in a house or an apartment?
27 Do you have a favorite mixed drink or cocktail?
28 What is your favorite word right this minute?
29 What clubs, groups, or teams were you in while in high school/upper grades?
30 What’s a good museum nearest to where you live?
31 If you had to choose one or the other, would you rather live where it’s hot all the time or cold all the time?

Aug 1 Do you have a favorite book series?
2 Was there a toy you really wanted as a child, but never got?
3 What hobby or activity would you do more if the internet and TV went down for a month?
4 Are you a Baby Boomer, Generation Jones, Gen X, Millennial, or younger? What’s a generalization people make about your generation cohort that’s all wrong?
5 Would you rather be the main character in a fantasy story, a sci-fi story, or a horror story?
6 Did you choose your current profession/job or somehow just end up in it?
7 Whether you grew up any sort of religious or not, do you, now on an adult level, still share the same faith or lack of one/attend the same church or denomination/practice the same spiritual system that you had growing up?
8 If money, time, and energy were no object, what university degree would you go back and get, just for fun?
9 What’s unique about you, that’s different from everyone else you know?
10 Would you rather get away with any lie you told or always know when someone else is lying?
11 Everyone always thinks they’d be royalty or a knight if they were born in Medieval times, but let’s be honest, you probably wouldn’t be. So, what kind of person do you think you’d be if you were born in medieval times?
12 If you could implant one false memory in the minds of everyone in your country, what would that memory be?
13 If you could bring back any canceled TV series, which TV show would you choose to bring back?
14 Are you usually early, late, or on time? Why?
15 If you were to open up any sort of shop or store, what type of shop would you open?
16 Have you ever gone to work in a mind-altered state from drugs or alcohol?
17 How well do you get along with your siblings?
18 What’s your zodiac sign? Do you think it fits you?
19 What was the first musical record/tape/CD you ever bought with your own money?
20 How well do you take criticism?
21 What lifts your spirits when you’re feeling down?
22 Do you think everything happens for a reason?
23 Would you rather be a famous actor or a famous director?
24 If you won a huge lottery, with more money than you could use, what charitable organization or civic donation would you fund?
25 What three fictional characters (from film, TV, or books) do you most strongly identify with?
26 What did you enjoy doing most today?
27 If you knew 100% that you wouldn't get caught, would you do anything illegal, immoral, or maybe just embarrassing? Tell us about it.
28 Do you write in cursive?
29 If you could witness any event of the past, present, or future, what would it be?
30 Do you have a favorite painting? (Post a picture?)
31 Do you swear a lot?

Sep 1 What Hogwarts house would you be sorted into?
2 What is the first historical event you clearly remember?
3 What part of elementary/primary school would you like to incorporate into your adult life?
4 If you could eliminate one thing that you did every day, what would it be?
5 Your rescue team in the coming zombie apocalypse is the cast of the last tv show you watched. How screwed are you?
6 What is something you do to indulge yourself?
7 Have you ever called in sick to work when you weren't actually ill but didn't want to give the real reason?
8 Have you ever talked to yourself out loud in public?
9 Are you a worrier? What’s something you’re worried about right now. Can you do something constructive about the situation?
10 Would you sign up to be a colonist on another planet if it meant you would never be able to return to earth?
11 Do you like having your picture taken? Why or why not?
12 Do you experiment with your hairstyle often, or do you have a classic style you stick with?
13 What’s your favorite childhood story or fairy tale?
14 What are your Top Ten favorite books?
15 Do you plan, or are you flying by the seat of your pants?
16 How did you make a difference for someone else today?
17 If you were given $1M, with the stipulation that you must spend it on yourself within one year, how would you spend it?
18 What do you daydream about?
19 What was the first song you ever memorized?
20 What’s your favorite kind of bread?
21 What’s a big pet peeve you have?
22 Do you have an inanimate object that you have given a name?
23 What’s your favorite Elton John song, and why?
24 If you could choose any animal as a pet (all problems aside), which one would you have and why?
25 What’s something “everyone” knows how to do that you’ve never actually done?
26 What’s one small thing you’ve accomplished today that wasn’t even on your to-do list?
27 If you could eliminate one thing from your daily schedule, what would it be?
28 Is there a book or TV series that you enjoy, but acknowledge that it's not actually very good? What makes you love it enough to keep reading/watching?
29 If you were your own best friend, what piece of unsolicited advice would you give yourself?
30 What television sitcom is your real life most like?

Oct 1 What was the #1 song the year you graduated from high school? Did you like the song? Do you still like it?
2 What do you like most about fall?
3 What do you think people’s first impression of you is when they meet you?
4 What’s something a lot of people seem to fear that doesn’t frighten you?
5 What are you a geek about?
6 What was your favorite thing to make-believe when you were a child?
7 Have you ever survived a natural disaster?
8 What’s the most unusual or random item in your purse, bag, or wallet?
9 Are you musically inclined? Do you sing or play an instrument?
10 Have you ever called someone the wrong name during sex or been called the wrong name by your partner?
11 What’s a form of entertainment that everyone seems to enjoy, but that you do not?
12 What three things are you most thankful for?
13 What is something you've never done but would like to try to do? Why don't you?
14 What is something you've tried but would never do again?
15 If, without being detected, you could spy electronically for the next month and watch anyone, anywhere, anytime like a fly on a wall, would you? If so, who would you watch and how closely? If not, why not?
16 If it were the only way you could remain with the love of your life, would you be willing for both of you to wake up tomorrow as native speakers of an unfamiliar language, knowing that within a week, you'd permanently forget the language(s) you now speak and largely be cut off from your friends and culture? If so, what new language would you want to speak and why?
17 If a movie were being made of your life, which actor would play the starring role?
18 Write the words that you need to hear today.
19 If you had to be obsessed with money, sex, sports, religion or food, which one would you choose?
20 What do you love most about yourself?
21 Ignoring all financial considerations, would you rather spend the next 5 years confined to an urban mecca (e.g. New York City, London, etc) or a beautiful, isolated coastal town somewhere?
22 How would you react if you learned that a sad and beautiful poem that touched you deeply had been written by a computer?
23 What is a character trait you despise in others, but you know you also have that same trait?
24 What is the most serious law you've broken doing something you thought was morally right, wouldn't hurt anyone, or was no one's business but yours? How bad would the punishment have been if you'd been caught and given the maximum sentence?
25 If you were on a jury, would you be willing to convict a person for something you didn't think should be considered a crime?
26 If your heart were damaged beyond repair, but you could regain your health for a few more years by getting a heart transplant from a genetically engineered pig, would you?
27 What is your favorite question to ask people?
28 What stage play is your favorite?
29 For $100,000 (or equivalent in your currency) would you put on 40 pounds/18 kg and keep it on for 3 years? How much money, if any, would induce you to put on 100 pounds/45 kg for at least a year?
30 If you were president/prime minister/supreme leader etc. of your country, what is the first thing you would do?
31 What’s the scariest movie you’ve ever seen?

Nov 1 Who is one of your “saints”-a person who was very influential in your faith, spirituality, or life philosophy?
2 Have you ever considered moving because of an election result?
3 Have you ever been disappointed by a screen adaptation of a favorite novel or story?
4 Have you ever seen a film that you thought was better than the book?
5 How do you keep up to date with the news?
6 If you could spend one year in perfect happiness but afterward remember nothing of the experience would you do so? Why? If not, why not?
7 Would you rather be a member of a world championship sports team or be the champion of an individual sport? Which sport would you choose?
8 Who are the three people you spend the most time with each week? How do these people affect you?
9 Would you accept $1,000,000 (or equivalent of your currency) to leave your country and never set foot in it again?
10 What was the last really bad movie you watched, and what was bad about it?
11 If you were able to live to the age of 90 and retain either the body or the mind of a 30-year-old for the last 60 years of your life, which would you want?
12 If you knew of a way to use your estate, following your death, to greatly benefit humanity, would you do it and leave only a minimal amount to your family?
13 Do you prefer being around men or women? Do your closest friends tend to be men or women?
14 What’s something you’re really good at, but you don’t like to do?
15 If you knew there would be a nuclear war in one week, what would you do?
16 If you went to a dinner party and were offered a dish you had never tried, would you want to taste it even if it sounded strange and not very appealing?
17 What behavior in others do you have zero tolerance or patience for?
18 When did you last sing to yourself? to someone else?
19 If you could have free, unlimited service for five years from an extremely good cook, chauffeur, housekeeper, masseuse, or personal trainer, which would you choose?
20 Does the fact that you have never done something before increase or decrease its appeal to you?
21 Would it disturb you much if, upon your death, your body were simply thrown into the woods and left to rot? Why?
22 If you were to become famous, what would you be famous for?
23 Before making a telephone call, do you ever rehearse what you are going to say?
24 Do you establish routines in your life? For example, do you usually sleep in the same place in your bed? eat meals at the same time? regularly return to the same vacation spot?
25 Can you be counted on to do what you say you'll do?
26 Do you think there are benefits to feeling grateful?
27 In conversations, do you tend to listen or talk more?
28 Sum up your personality by choosing three fictional characters that you might combine to make YOU.
29 What’s your favorite color in the Crayola 64-crayon box? If you are super-fancy and sophisticated and use the 150-crayon size box, that’s fine, too. Ya diva.
30 What’s your favorite tree?

Dec 1 How do you feel about snow?
2 If you were a toy, what would you be?
3 What’s your current weather situation, and how is it affecting your day?
4 What was the last live performance or concert you attended?
5 What is the most offensive thing a person could say to you?
6 Do you take compliments or praise well?
7 Who was your first teeny-bopper celebrity crush? Did you have posters on your wall? Did you ever see them in concert or meet them in person? (Pictures, please! Gotta have that pin-up poster on the wall.)
8 What is your morning routine like?
9 What is your evening routine like?
10 Of the four personality temperaments based on the ancient Greek humors-sanguine, phlegmatic, choleric, and melancholic, which one best describes you?
11 If you could live in any TV show, which one would you choose?
12 What’s your favorite holiday cookie? (Post the recipe?)
13 What is something you’ve done that no one would expect of you?
14 If 2021 could see you moving to another city, where would you go?
15 What’s the best thing to do on a snowy day?
16 Are there any foods you are allergic to?
17 What was the biggest change in your life in 2020?
18 What is your favorite local restaurant where you live? What type of food, atmosphere, and prices does this place have?
19 Have you ever been told you look like someone famous?
20 What TV game show would you be really good at?
21 At the solstice, as the light begins to return, what would you like to see increase in your life over the next few months?
22 Are you a “peeker” about gifts, or do you prefer to be surprised?
23 Do you think you will be making any New Year’s resolutions in January?
24 Do you prefer to receive money/gift cards or an actual gift?
25 If you could receive a $1000 gift card from any store, which would you choose?
26 It’s Thank You Note Day/Boxing Day. Do you write hand-written thank-you notes or do you thank people for gifts in some other way?
27 No matter what holidays you do (or do not) celebrate, do you have a good recipe for leftovers? Post it!
28 Do you usually make a special effort to thank someone who does you a favor? How do you react when you aren't thanked for going out of your way for someone?
29 Would you rather your life have a rewind button or a pause button?
30 If you could change one bad habit you have, what would it be?
31 Do you prefer beginnings or endings?

friday five

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