Vintage glaciers yeah!

Jul 28, 2019 18:03

This weekend was the Vintage Alaskana Garage Sale, the last one, since the lady who collected the items died earlier this year. :( The guy who works at that awesome bookstore downtown was there, and he is now managing her estate (I asked if he was surprised I was looking at books and he was like "NOPE" haha). He must think mom and I special, since we got to go into the basement of his store, and this time he took us on a tour of her house! WOW, it could be a museum in itself!! There were thousands (not even exaggerating) of postcards outside for sale, but there were THOUSANDS more in binders in her house (he said those were going to the archives, wherever that is lol), hundreds of books, the polar bear skin of the last white man that was allowed to legally shoot them, old food containers, and so much more. I wonder where she found all that stuff! The guy showed us a light above the stairs and said people have turned it off, only to find it back on again. They thought someone might have gotten inside, but a lady decided to stay at her house..she turned off the light, came back a minute later..and the light was back on!! Creepy!!! Pretty sure the lady is watching making sure no one messes her estate up LOL. The guy said they just leave the light on now :P (I wanted to turn it off and come back, just to see what would happen haha). The books are going to the Literacy Council, yay! There are some great ones!

Here are some of the cool things I found!

This plate is from 1894!! I wasn't super thrilled with the design, but when I saw the date, I had to get it. Who else has a glacier plate from the 1800s?? Haha

An arctic exploration book from 1886! Pretty sure that's the longest book title ever LOL (is it bad I've heard of all of those people mentioned? :P)

Auk Lake and Mendenhall Glacier! I took a similar picture!

Poor glacier!

One of my best finds, Margerie Glacier from 1928!! I have kind of a similar pic too!

It's interesting (and can be sad) to compare the reason it's cool having them lol

Day 207: A song by someone you would classify as “smarmy”: I had to look that up.."Love Yourself" by Justin Bieber

Day 208: A song you like that's very girl power: "Roar" by Katy Perry

glaciers, mendenhall glacier, pictures, books, margerie glacier, garage sales

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