I finally caught up with Game of Thrones this weekend..the third episode (the Battle of Winterfell) was one of the hardest things I've ever watched..after over an hour of seeming hopelessness, I just ended up sobbing lol. That episode was insane. I have a HUGE problem with last night's episode though..
why would Dany just fly openly to King's Landing with her dragons?? You KNOW Cersei will have people watching to protect the city, so I wasn't surprised when one of the dragons got shot down (wasn't expecting it to be Euron though). Why would Dany be that dumb?? I KNOW she is way smarter than that..at least scout out the area before flying straight to where your enemy is! Ugh. There are now only two episodes left, wow. I wonder how everything will play out..
The NCAA volleyball final was this weekend, and of course it was Hawaii vs. Long Beach again, except this time Long Beach won! I didn't watch it (I've seen them play each other enough this year LOL), but I'm sure it was a good game lol
Day 123. A song by your favorite male vocalist: "When the Lights Are Down" by Kamelot, for one
Day 124. The song that was sung in your favorite music video: "Last Man Standing" by HammerFall is one of them
Day 125. A song you thought was about you: "No One Would Listen" from Phantom of the Opera reminded me of experiences I've had..
Today's trivia: The duffel bag gets its name from the town of Duffel, Belgium, where the cloth used in the bags was originally sold