Yesterday Aunt Teresa, Uncle Ron and Stephanie arrived at grandpa's house..they have a newish dog named Reese (one of their other dogs died earlier this year). He is 9 months old and full of energy lol. Grandpa's cats were terrified of him at first, but Simba got brave and jumped on the counter and was looking him over..when Reese got too close Simba hissed, and then the dog was scared of the cat haha. Eventually Simba jumped to the floor, and later Richard came out of hiding. Today I actually saw Richard and Reese touch noses! The cats still hiss and look wide-eyed at him if he gets too close, but they've kinda gotten comfortable with him. We all went out to a Thai restaurant, and then stayed up till almost 1 AM talking! Grandpa NEVER stays up that late (9 is usually his bedtime)..he kept saying "why am I still up??" LOL. Here's a pic of us looking at old family photos!
From left to right, mom, me, Ron, grandpa and Stephanie
This morning was busy with Thanksgiving cooking lol..we also went for a walk around the neighborhood. Three horses came up to greet of them stuck his nose on my face and was sniffing and licking me a little LOL, I wish I had gotten a picture of that! We also saw a couple cows that greeted us (didn't pet them though), sandhill cranes, and a hawk! Fun nature walk! Eventually the food was done, and we ate a yummy feast. :D So glad to be spending the holiday with my fun family! Half of us fell asleep after that LOL. Later we had pumpkin pie and have been hanging out and watching TV. I just saw a commercial for the movie Green Book, with VIGGO MORTENSEN!!! I haven't seen him in a new movie in YEARS! (I had a huge crush on him when I was younger LOL.) That automatically makes that movie a "must see" :P
Here's a pic of us at dinner!
From left to right, Teresa, Stephanie, me (ignore my weird expression, I was eating and trying to smile lol), Ron and mom. Yay!
Tomorrow we're going kayaking in a spring or river that's famous for having manatees in it..that sounds like way more fun than Black Friday shopping :P
November 21 - Do you speak any languages besides English? Not fluently..a little Spanish, Latin..
November 22 - What are you thankful for? Family, happiness, cats, etc
January 1 - Thing you are most looking forward to this month
January 2 - Do you have any new years resolutions?
January 3 - Are you a part of any fandoms? What do you do in them?
January 4 - Where would you most like to travel?
January 5 - What was your favorite class in high school?
January 6 - What was your least favorite class in high school?
January 7 - What is your all time favorite song?
January 8 - Do you listen to audiobooks or podcasts, or just music?
January 9 - What would you/did you name your daughter/s?
January 10 - what would you/did you name your son/s?
January 11 - What do you do for fun?
January 12 - What did you want to be when you grew up?
January 13 - What did you become when you grew up?
January 14 - What do you want to do when you retire?
January 15 - Have you ever been the target of bigotry?
January 16 - Who is your hero?
January 17 - What makes someone worthy of being a hero?
January 18 - Do you collect anything?
January 19 - Show us your handwriting.
January 20 - Describe the place you keep your computer as if you were setting a scene in a novel
January 21 - Are you naturally messy or organized?
January 22 - Do you have any siblings? Tell us about them.
January 23 - What is your favorite book?
January 24 - What is your favorite movie?
January 25 - What is your favorite TV show?
January 26 - If the item immediately to your left were your only weapon against a zombie plague, how screwed would you be?
January 27 - If you could give your younger self any advice, what would it be?
January 28 - What Hogwarts house do you belong to?
January 29 - Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
January 30 - How are you doing on those New Years Resolutions?
January 31 - Best moment of the month
February 1 - Thing you are most looking forward to this month
February 2 - Are you superstitious?
February 3 - Have you done any art this year?
February 4 - Who do you want to win the super bowl?
February 5 - Have you ever successfully completed a MOOC? What was it about?
February 6 - Do doctors make you nervous
February 7 - What’s your favorite current song?
February 8 - What do you love?
February 9 - What is your love language?
February 10 - Who was the first person you told you loved them?
February 11 - Who was the most recent person to tell you they love you?
February 12 - How old were you the first time you made love? Was it a mistake?
February 13 - What do you love about yourself
February 14 - Who do you love?
February 15 - Who was your first celebrity crush?
February 16 - Who is your current celebrity crush?
February 17 If you could go back in time and ask one person one question, what would it be?
February 18 - Who was your first real crush?
February 19 - If you could ask the country’s founding fathers one question, what would it be?
February 20 - if you could have the perfect day, how would it go?
February 21 - if you could have the perfect meal, what would it be?
February 22 - if you had to permanently leave your home country, where would you go?
February 23 - What is your first political memory?
February 24 - When is the last time you were completely wrong about something?
February 25 - What do you prefer to be called? Who named you that and why? Where did it come from?
February 26 - How many apps are open on your phone?
February 27 - Five topics you’d like to download to your brain, and why?
February 28 - Best moment of the month
March 1 - Thing you are most looking forward to this month
March 2 - What was the last new thing you tried?
March 3 - Do you do any crafts? Talk about what you do and why you enjoy it?
March 4 - What are your top 5 songs of all time?
March 5 - What are your top 5 movies of all time?
March 6 - What are your top 5 books of all time?
March 7 - Do you have pets? Post pictures.
March 8 - What are your top 5 fandoms?
March 9 - What are you looking forward to in the coming season?
March 10 - What’s your favorite season?
March 11 - Do you prefer the dark or the light?
March 12 - Do you prefer white noise or silence?
March 13 - Do you prefer to read or write?
March 14 - If you became famous, what would it likely be for?
March 15 - Would you want to become famous?
March 16 - Do you like green?
March 17 - What countries are your ancestors from?
March 18 - What kind of soup do you like?
March 19 - Do you consider yourself a spiritual person? How do you define/practice it?
March 20 - If you had to live the rest of your life as a character in a movie/tv show, which one would you choose?
March 21 - Do you prefer sweet or salty snacks?
March 22 - Do you prefer dark or milk chocolate?
March 23 - Would you prefer flowers or candy from your man/woman?
March 24 - Would you rather go to a zoo or aquarium?
March 25 - Do you play video games?
March 26 - What does your average day look like?
March 27 - Who are your top 5 celebrity crushes?
March 28 - What’s your favorite drink?
March 29 - What is your favorite physical trait of yours?
March 30 - What physical trait do you look for in others?
March 31 - Best moment of the month
April 1 - Thing you are most looking forward to this month
April 2 - What is the best prank you ever pulled, or had pulled on you?
April 3 - What are your thoughts on drugs and alcohol?
April 4 - Tell us a joke. It’s national humor month.
April 5 - What’s the first book you remember reading?
April 6 - Were you a student athlete?
April 7 - How is your health?
April 8 - When’s the last time you went to a zoo?
April 9 - How often do you use your library?
April 10 - It’s 100 days into the new year. How are you doing on your resolutions?
April 11 - If you could have chosen, what would your name be?
April 12 - What do you know of your family history?
April 13 - What is your biggest fear?
April 14 - What is something on your bucket list?
April 15 - Do you owe taxes or will you get a refund this year?
April 16 - Do you take the standard deduction, or itemize?
April 17 - What do you do with your tax refund?
April 18 - What would you do first if you won the lotto?
April 19 - What’s your favorite thing to drink?
April 20 - What’s your favorite animal?
April 21 - Tell us a memory from kindergarten?
April 22 - How are you a steward for the planet?
April 23 - When’s the last time you went on a picnic?
April 24 - Do you garden? What do you grow?
April 25 - What kind of phone do you have?
April 26 - How would you describe your sense of humor?
April 27 - What’s your first memory?
April 28 - What is your most prized possession?
April 29 - What would you like to tell someone, but you can’t?
April 30 - Best moment of the month
May 1 - Thing you are most looking forward to this month
May 2 - What would be your ideal date?
May 3 - Who are the older generation people in your life?
May 4 - Which was your favorite Star Wars film?
May 5 - What’s your favorite photograph of the year so far?
May 6 - Can you ride a bike?
May 7 - If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?
May 8 - Tell us about your favorite teacher?
May 9 - If a genie granted you 3 wishes, what would they be?
May 10 - What shift would you prefer to work if you could choose?
May 11 - Describe the room you’re in right now.
May 12 - What’s your super power?
May 13 - What was your first job?
May 14 - Talk about your elementary school
May 15 - Talk about your middle school
May 16 - Talk about your high school.
May 17 - Have you ever come across homophobia or transphobia in your own life?
May 18 - Tell us about your favorite relative?
May 19 - What’s your favorite thing about summer?
May 20 - Tell us about your mother?
May 21 - How old were you when you learned to swim?
May 22 - Do you play any instruments?
May 23 - When’s the last time you went swimming?
May 24 - When’s the last time you went hiking?
May 25 - When’s the last time you went biking?
May 26 - What summer activities do you look forward to?
May 27 - What’s your favorite flavor popsicle?
May 28 - Do you remember anyone special to you on Memorial Day?
May 29 - What is your favorite birthday memory?
May 30 - Do you believe in Global Warming?
May 31 - Best moment of the month
June 1 - Thing you are most looking forward to this month?
June 2 - What are you proud of?
June 3 - When’s the last time you went camping?
June 4 - Where do you prefer your donuts from?
June 5 - What cheesy movies do you enjoy?
June 6 - What’s your highest education level?
June 7 - When’s the last time you ran?
June 8 - Who’s your best friend?
June 9 - Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
June 10 - How far can you walk without stopping?
June 11 - What’s your favorite dessert?
June 12 - Do you do any volunteer work?
June 13 - If you could have any job, what would you do?
June 14 - Are you proud of your country?
June 15 - Drop a selfie.
June 16 - What’s the best job you’ve ever had?
June 17 - What’s your favorite veggie?
June 18 - Are fish friends, or food?
June 19 - When’s the last time you went fishing?
June 20 - Have you ever tried yoga?
June 21 - What is your favorite season?
June 22 - What’s the worst job you’ve ever had?
June 23 - What’s your favorite color?
June 24 - Who’s your favorite actor and actress?
June 25 - Tell us about your father?
June 26 - Name 5 celebrities you find attractive.
June 27 - Who’s your favorite musician?
June 28 - What’s your favorite song?
June 29 - What social media sites do you use?
June 30 - Best moment of the month?
July 1 - what are you most looking forward to this month?
July 2 - Do you believe in UFOs?
July 3 - What’s your favorite ice cream?
July 4 - Do you like fireworks?
July 5 - Do you want any (more) kids?
July 6 - What do you do to cure boredom?
July 7 - What’s your favorite holiday?
July 8 - Did you go to camp as a kid?
July 9 - Were you a boy or girl scout?
July 10 - What’s your earliest memory?
July 11 - Drop pictures of your pets?
July 12 - What was your childhood favorite book?
July 13 - What was your childhood favorite TV Show?
July 14 - Rate your high school classes from favorite to least favorite?
July 15 - What’s the last thing you gave away?
July 16 - What was your major in college?
July 17 - What was your first job?
July 18 - Who’s the most famous person you’ve ever met or heard speak in person?
July 19 - What was your worst job?
July 20 - 200 days into the year! How are you doing on your yearly goals?
July 21 - Would you rather swim in a lake or the ocean?
July 22 - How old were you when you learned how to swim?
July 23 - Which of your parents do you most resemble?
July 24 - Tell us about your cousins?
July 25 - What super power would you choose?
July 26 - Tell us about your aunts and uncles?
July 27 - Do you drink?
July 28 - Do you smoke?
July 29 - What’s your involvement in politics at the moment?
July 30 - Tell us about your best friend?
July 31 - Best moment of the month
August 1- Thing you are most looking forward to this month?
August 2 - Do you enjoy coloring?
August 3 - Do you believe in psychics?
August 4- Do you enjoy hunting for a bargain?
August 5 - Do you have any sisters? Tell us about them.
August 6 - Do you have any brothers? Tell us about them.
August 7 - What is the oldest item you own?
August 8 - What is the newest item you own?
August 9 - What’s your favorite book?
August 10 - How do you organize your time?
August 11 - Do you have children? Tell us about them?
August 12 - What do you miss from your youth?
August 13 - have you ever won a contest?
August 14 - What do you want, but can’t have right now?
August 15 - How was the weather today?
August 16 - Tell us a joke.
August 17 - Describe the room you are in right now.
August 18 - If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?
August 19 - When’s the last time you played a board game?
August 20 - What’s one thing you regret?
August 21 - What’s the last food you craved?
August 22 - List everywhere you’ve lived?
August 23 - Tell us about your boss?
August 24 - What was your favorite place you lived?
August 25 - what was your least favorite place you lived?
August 26 - Do you use public transportation?
August 27 - How do you reward yourself?
August 28 - Do you prefer dogs or cats?
August 29 - Tell us a cool fact about yourself.
August 30 - What’s your favorite article of clothing that you own?
August 31 - Best moment of the month
September 1 - Thing you are most looking forward to this month?
September 2 - Do you exercise? If so, what do you do?
September 3 - Tell us about your job.
September 4 - What do you eat for breakfast?
September 5 - Can you play the piano?
September 6 - Can you sew?
September 7 - When’s the last time you saw wildlife?
September 8 - What’s your charity?
September 9 - What charities do you wish you could donate more to?
September 10 - What is your favorite holiday?
September 11 - Do pineapples go on pizzas?
September 12 - Recommend a book?
September 13 - How old were you when you learned to read?
September 14 - How many states/countries have you been to?
September 15 - Will you vote in the midterm elections?
September 16 - What did you eat today?
September 17 - What do you appreciate about your significant other, or what do you look for in a significant other?
September 18 - Who’s your favorite Disney Princess?
September 19 - Would you have totally been a pirate, mate?
September 20 - Who’s your favorite super hero?
September 21 - Are you at peace?
September 22 - Your day in great detail
September 23 - Do you fall anywhere on the LGBT spectrum?
September 24 - Do you like comic books?
September 25 - Do you like comic book movies?
September 26 - Have you ever been to sea world?
September 27 - Where would you most like to tour?
September 28 - What would you put in a time capsule to be opened in 2118?
September 29 - Do you do more shopping in person or online?
September 30 - Best moment of the month
October 1 - Thing you are most looking forward to
October 2 - Favorite piece of mythology or folklore?
October 3 - As a child were you the bully, the onlooker, or the bullied?
October 4 - What do you put on a pizza?
October 5 - What’s your favorite pasta sauce?
October 6 - Share a favorite photograph
October 7 - What books do you remember reading in high school?
October 8 - Columbus Day - Should we celebrate it or replace it with another holiday?
October 9 - Have you ever battled mental illness?
October 10 - What was your favorite science class in high school?
October 11 - Tell us about your grandparents?
October 12 - Does your car have a name?
October 13 - Who was your favorite teacher growing up?
October 14 - Can you play chess?
October 15 - What’s in your handbag?
October 16 - What was your favorite history class?
October 17 - What was your favorite elective in high school?
October 18 - 300 days into the year - how are you doing on your goals?
October 19 - If you had unlimited money, where would you go?
October 20 - What’s your favorite movie?
October 21 - You can live forever but you can’t have any more bacon or beer, do you take this deal?
October 22 - Would you rather 24 hours of daylight or 24 hours of night?
October 23 - Have you ever seen the northern lights?
October 24 - When’s the last time you saw snow?
October 25 - Would you rather live in the city, suburbs, or rural area?
October 26 - If you couldn’t do your current job, what job would you do?
October 27 - Talk about your friends.
October 28 - Talk about your community.
October 29 - What is the best halloween costume you’ve ever had?
October 30 - Do you like horror movies?
October 31 - Best moment of the month
November 1 - What are you most looking forward to this month?
November 2 - Did you get any trick or treaters?
November 3 - Tell us a family story?
November 4 - What are you doing with your extra hour?
November 5 - Are you participating in National Novel Writing Month?
November 6 - Do you vote every election?
November 7 - What’s your favorite candy?
November 8 - Do you like sci fi or fantasy?
November 9 - Do you like historical fiction?
November 10 - Who’s your favorite author?
November 11 - Has anyone in your family served in the military?
November 12 - If you could write a tweet and be guaranteed the president would read it, what would you write?
November 13 - What’s the last thing you bought?
November 14 - Would you rather be hot or cold?
November 15 - What’s the last game you played?
November 16 - Star Trek or Star Wars?
November 17 - The original series, or The next Generation?
November 18 - What could you not live without?
November 19 - If you could only watch one TV show for the rest of your life, which would it be?
November 20 - If you could only watch one movie for the rest of your life, which would it be?
November 21 - Do you speak any languages besides English?
November 22 - What are you thankful for?
November 23 - Did you shop for Black Friday?
November 24 - Would you rather have a scented candle, or an unscented one?
November 25 - What’s your favorite dinosaur?
November 26 - Do you do your shopping online or at the store?
November 27 - What’s your favorite holiday?
November 28 - What’s the last concert you saw?
November 29 - What are your top 5 must see movies for 2019?
November 30 - Best moment of the month?
December 1 - A photo of you taken this year
December 02 → your holiday wish list
December 03 → talk about movies this year
December 04 → talk about television this year
December 05 → talk about books this year
December 06 → talk about food this year
December 07 → talk about music this year
December 08 → talk about games this year
December 09 → talk about art this year
December 10 → a photo of you taken over ten years ago
December 11 → talk about volunteering/charity this year.
December 12 → talk about this year in medical news
December 13 → talk about hobbies this year
December 14 → something that made you proud this year
December 15 → something that made you laugh this year
December 16 → something that made you sad this year
December 17 → something that made you happy this year
December 18 → your favorite photo this year
December 19 → what you learned this year
December 20 → a picture of you taken over 20 years ago
December 21 → your favorite websites this year
December 22 → new items you’ve added to collections this year
December 23 → travel you did this year
December 24 → Something which caught your interest this year
December 25 → a photo of you and your family
December 26 → talk about politics or current events this year
December 27 → 3 goals for next year
December 28 → your plans for New Years Eve
December 29 → talk about things you are excited for next year
December 30 → a list of what you got for your winter holiday
December 31 → best moment of the month