Excerpts from With Scott

Oct 15, 2018 17:34

I just finished With Scott: The Silver Lining by Griffith Taylor, and it was so much fun! Most of the expedition sounded like a huge party haha..so many things made me smile. :D They were such great guys. <3 Here are some excerpts from the book!

"[Cherry] came out from home on the Terra Nova, and was one of the landsmen who took kindly to a sailor's life. A characteristic of Cherry's was his never-ending series of gifts to his mates. A most acceptable pair of huge Jaeger socks brought about our real introduction!" (Awwww, Cherry, you were so sweet! <3)

"People have often asked me what attraction Antarctica had for me personally. It was purely scientific at first, but now I realize that the companionship with such ideal mates was the chief joy in Antarctic life" (yesss <3)

"An unlooked-for happening, however, spoilt [the dogs'] good record. Cherry-Garrard had caught two penguins, and was carrying them to the ship, when the dogs caught sight of him, and bolted for the penguins. Then might have been seen a noble panorama: Dr. Wilson hanging on the rope ladder over the deep water to receive the penguins, Cherry fleeing for his life, the dogs tearing after him at their top speed, in spite of the efforts of Meares on the rocking sledge; our honored commander roughly upset as he tried to stop the procession, and Gran flapping along on his ski to be in at the death" (OMG!! I don't remember reading about THAT story before haha! Poor Cherry!)

"In another way also is this expedition almost unique. It is hardly credible that twenty men should associate for three months in somewhat cramped quarters without a jar; yet I can truly say that the best of good fellowship has always existed" (wow)

"Birdie was cook, and as usual took too little for himself, and made a fuss about filling up his own pot" (Birdie!!! <3 He was so cool lol)

"The nicknames of the fifteen of the afterguard had by this time become standardized, and I think merit a little attention...Cherry-Garrard was always Cherry--though an affectionate variation was Cheery Blackguard, while the seamen--balking at the hyphen--called him Mr. Gerard!"


"Cherry yells out, 'Didn't you get it away from the cliffs, Sunny Jim!' which indicates that he's dreaming of tracking balloons" (heeee Cherry talked in his sleep, awww :P)

It was late when I turned in and most of the others were asleep. Some were dreaming, for Cherry cried out suddenly, 'But look here, those horses are quite unloosed!' Titus Oates was awakened in the next bunk and inquired anxiously, 'What's that about the horses?'" (Haha! Oops. :P I wonder if they teased him about the things he said in his sleep lol)

"Debenham and Gran went off to visit Hut Point, and bring back the specimens we had left there in April, so that I had the Ubdug cubicle to myself. The enemy took advantage of my lonely condition, and just as I had got off to sleep a great beam of wood, six feet long, was pushed into my bunk by some villain. I arose in my wrath, and seeing that 'Marie' Nelson seemed somewhat conscious in his bunk, I pushed it on to him, and added a chair or two, and various other movables. He fell upon me, and we rolled about over the main table until I skillfully deposited him up against the Owner's cubicle, when we had to desist for fear of wrecking it. Birdie Bowers, Meares, and Oates were hugely delighted, the more so because Birdie had done the foul deed!" (Bahahaha, of course it was Birdie!! Hilarious :P)

After accompanying Cherry, Birdie and Wilson a little way before they set off for Cape Crozier: "When we stopped I called for three cheers for the Cheery Winter Knight, the Short Winter Knight, and the Long Winter Knight. When they saw that I meant 'Knight' (and not the surrounding gloom!) they laughed muchly, and we left them cheery" (BAHAHAHA OMG, that is absolutely amazing. :D I don't remember hearing about that story either! Hello Mr. Cheery Blackguard, the Cheery Winter Knight. :D :D :D)

After returning from Crozier: "Cherry staggered in looking like nothing human. He had on a big noseguard covering all but his eyes, and huge icicles and frost stuck out like duck's bills from his lips!" (Wow. D: Poor Cherry!!)

"Birdie wanted to know why a sea anemone wasn't a plant? And some one thereupon asked Nelson if he could explain why a Birdie wasn't a cabbage?" (LOL haha what??)

"I think what touched some of us as much as anything was [Wilson's] willingness to take the last and longest hour of any one's night-watch! He used to say, 'I don't mind getting up at seven; I'll get on with my painting. Just put a kettle on to boil, and wake me, and then you can turn in!'" (Awww, Wilson <3)

October 15 - What’s in your handbag? I have a ~backpack~ LOL..a notebook, money, phone, a wallet, a pen, etc

Today's trivia: Africa is the only continent which is located in all four hemispheres

apsley cherry-garrard, terra nova expedition, book passages

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