Dec 30, 2017 17:09
A few days ago mom's boss Jonnie was flying home from Anchorage..a lady from Mexico named Yanina was sitting next to him. When they landed at the airport, Jonnie saw that Yanina was crying..he went over to her and she said the person who was supposed to pick her up never showed up, so Jonnie took her to his house. He also took her to where he works, when mom was there too. Mom also gave her a place to stay for a couple days (I left Abby at her house since it was a short workweek, and Yanina said Abby slept with her cat loves everyone :P). She came up here because she wants to leave Mexico and is looking for a place in the US to live. The drug cartels control everything there..they knock on the door of everyone's house every week so they can pay the cartels..if they don't, the cartels decapitate them and just leave them in the street (yes, she has seen that before D:). OMG. She can't go to the police either since they're controlled by the cartels too. That's crazy. D: Yesterday I went to lunch with her, and today we drove to North Pole and went to the Santa Claus House (I hadn't been there in years!). It was around -11, so Yanina was absolutely freezing haha. We took a picture with Santa (I hadn't sat on Santa's lap in years either LOL)..hopefully she'll send the pic to mom so I can post it here lol). We also went to lunch and went to mom's work to help out for a bit (they're going out of business and having a 60% off sale, so it's been super busy). She's a great lady and I'm glad I got to meet her, and she thanked us for everything we did for her. I hope she gets out of Mexico soon, that is crazy!!