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OMG Ella is amazing!!! All of this guy's videos with disabled people are great, but some speak more deeply to me than others, like this one..especially when she said "have a great time, have fun and keep exploring!" She is positive, hilarious, and wise beyond her years. I was just so happy after watching this video lol..I would so love to meet her! Never lose your strong, positive outlook, Ella!! <3
So next on funny country lyrics..there's this one song that I hear a lot that goes "she's a flatliner," but I always thought it was "she's a flatlander" haha!! I only found that out when the announcer was like "that was Flatliner by Cole Swindell!" I just looked up and was like "OMG no way." Haha wow :P
August 22: A Must Have
Seeing is good :P
August 23: Snoozing
She woke up when I walked to the other side lol
August 24: A Story
One of my favorite novels
August 1: Weeds
August 2: Small Wonders
August 3: Produce
August 4: A Favorite Beverage
August 5: From Behind
August 6: Wander
August 7: In Sync
August 8: Relaxing
August 9: Book Lover's Day
August 10: After a Rain
August 11: All About Me
August 12: Green
August 13: Beloved
August 14: Camera Motion
August 15: Just a Part
August 16: Natural Beauty
August 17: Streaking Light
August 18: Where I Stand
August 19: Summer Color
August 20: A Picture in a Picture
August 21: A Helping Hand
August 22: A Must Have
August 23: Snoozing
August 24: A Story
August 25: Be Still
August 26: Prickly
August 27: What I Believe
August 28: Unaware
August 29: Encounter
August 30: Stone Statue
August 31: Party Animal
Today's trivia: "Overmorrow" is the word for "the day after tomorrow"