Cambridge animator quits Disney to work on comic about the British Antarctic expedition This Cambridge animator is my friend
twirlynoodle, and she recently finished part of the comic book (when Cherry and a couple others got stuck on an ice floe with their ponies), and IT IS THE COOLEST THING I HAVE EVER SEEN. I was practically crying reading it because of how much I love this expedition LOL and how awesome it was, and I can't believe I found someone else who likes the Terra Nova Expedition as much as I do! (Or maybe more lol, since she actually moved to Cambridge from California to be closer to the Scott Polar Research Institute. JEALOUS.) This sentence is also VERY true: "[the Expedition] got its claws into me that I wasn't expecting and didn't let go." Totally!! Even when I wasn't into it like I am now, after I read The Worst Journey in the World, it stuck with me, hovering in the back of my mind, because the story was so amazing. I can't wait for the other parts of the comic book, it's going to be SO awesome!!! I can't thank Sarah enough for doing this <3
I may not want my own kids, but I adore Elias (Mike and Laura's adopted son). He's so social and easygoing and super expressive (he's around 6 or 7 months old I think). He always smiles so big when he sees me, which makes my heart melt LOL (he guess he adores me too, he doesn't always smile like that with everyone..aww). He's pretty much the coolest baby I've ever met :P (heh, never thought I'd be squeeing over babies LOL)
I brush my hair every day :P
I forgot today's, even though I was around tons of boxes haha (I'll try to remember tomorrow lol), so for today I'll post what I actually said when someone dropping off books said they were heavy:
That meme just popped in my head lol :P
May 1: Line 'Em Up
May 2: Ground Level
May 3: For You
May 4: Twisted
May 5: Five
May 6: Yellow
May 7: Texture
May 8: Empathy
May 9: In Your Face
May 10: From Below
May 11: Staying Healthy
May 12: Currently Loving
May 13: Skyward
May 14: Mother's Day
May 15: Classic
May 16: All About Me
May 17: Everyday
May 18: In a Box
May 19: Where I Stand
May 20: Low Tech
May 21: Sharp
May 22: Negative Space
May 23: Framing
May 24: Nostalgia
May 25: Silhouette
May 26: Alone
May 27: Artistic
May 28: Stacked
May 29: Loss
May 30: Larger Than Life
May 31: Who Me?
Today's trivia: At 630 feet, the Gateway Arch in St. Louis, MO, is the tallest man-made monument in the world