I've seen this pic a few times and felt that Cherry just HAD to be in it lol. I kept looking at the two guys wearing white to the right..but they just didn't feel like him haha. Today I found this pic with captions saying who everyone was (of course I can't find that one now..I wanted to email it to myself but I was too busy flailing and squeeing and trying to close the bookstore LOL. Shh, don't tell my boss :P)..turns out Cherry is indeed in this pic, but he's third from the right! Of course I recognized him right away after that haha (usually HE'S wearing a white jacket! No wonder it's so hard to find him in pics lol). It's so silly how happy that made me haha..squee! He still looks short to me lol..weird. Also, Mt. Erebus is smoking in the background..how cool is that?? (Note to self..don't look at pics of Cherry at work haha)
And there's something that's been bugging me..
This scene is in The Worst Journey in the World docudrama, and I originally thought it was actual video of them..but the guy in the middle doesn't look like Birdie at all. Cherry (on the right) doesn't exactly look right either..but it doesn't look like the actor that played him either. The scene wasn't in Ponting's video..and Cherry's hair was brown, not red..but Mark Gatiss's hair is red. So it's probably not actual video, which is disappointing..boo :(
Brrrr, I was so not expecting it to be so cold and windy and rainy when I walked to work today haha..but I still got a smoothie anyway LOL (and yeah, lots of "stick it, Heather, stick it!!" in my head haha omg I'm crazy :P)
Age you’ll be on your next bday: 28
Thoughts on it: Yep :P
GOOGLE IMAGE SURVEY! You have to look up the answers to the questions, and post the first pic that comes up under google images. Not the second, not the third. Not the funniest, not the one you like best. The first. Have fuuuun.
Your astrological sign:
Thoughts on it:
Current feeling:
Thoughts on it:
Last movie seen:
Thoughts on it:
What you had at the last meal:
Thoughts on it:
Age you’ll be on your next bday:
Thoughts on it:
Favorite color:
Thoughts on it:
A phobia you have:
Thoughts on it:
A name you love:
Thoughts on it:
Type of yogurt you’ve had:
Thoughts on it:
Favorite animal:
Thoughts on it:
Your brand of socks:
Thoughts on it:
Something gross:
Thoughts on it:
Something beautiful:
Thoughts on it:
The color of your hair:
Thoughts on it:
Favorite brand of toilet paper:
Thoughts on it:
Name one friend of the opposite sex:
Thoughts on it:
Last name of your crush/love:
Thoughts on it:
Word that starts with J:
Thoughts on it:
Today's trivia: The spider Calponia harrisonfordi was named for the star of Raiders of the Lost Ark and Star Wars in thanks after Ford narrated a documentary for the London Museum of Natural History in 1994