This post is dark and full of spoilers

May 02, 2016 20:58


Oooh, interesting flashback Bran is having..WHOA HODOR CAN TALK AND HIS NAME WAS WILLIS??? I wonder what happened to him..

Davos is awesome. "I've never been much of a fighter. Apologies for what you're about to see." lol! The wildlings arrived just in time, yeah! Shooting that giant with a bow? THAT was dumb lol. Thorn and Olly, you're gonna regret stabbing Jon..

TYRION AND THE DRAGONS YEAH. "That's what I do: I drink, and I know things." He has the best lines lol

Ramsey has totally surpassed Joffrey in awfulness..stabbing his father and setting the hounds on the girl and her baby (his brother!)??? She shouldn't have even gone in there in the first place. Someone needs to take Ramsey out D:

*yawn* I don't care about the Ironborn

Melisandre, bring Jon Snow back to life! You can do it!
Aw don't give up :(
Ghost: Woof?!
Jon: *gasps*

YAAAAAAAASSSSSS!!!! *major squeeing* I knew he wouldn't stay dead. :D Boy Olly and everyone's gonna be so shocked when they see him lol



Name one color that looks good on you.
Name one thing that is yellow.
List three girls' names you like.
Name one color that doesn't look good on you.
List one thing that you're allergic to.
List one word that you like for how it sounds.
List one word that you like for what it means.
Name something that is blue.
Name something you'd find at a Renaissance faire.
List one spice you like.
Name something associated with Christmas.
Name a place you've never been before but would like to visit.
Name something you wish you had.
Name something you can't live without.
Name something associated with Halloween.
List three things that are green.
Name one store you like.
Name a cartoon character.
List five things that are orange.
List three boys' names you like.
List three animals you like.
Name something that starts with the letter "S".
List one illness or condition that you currently have.
List one illness or condition that you had in the past but no longer do.
Name one thing that makes you cry.
Name one thing that makes you laugh.
List five middle names you like.
Live five desserts you like.
List three fruits you like.
List one Starbucks drink you like.
Name one thing that makes you angry.
Name one thing that excites you.
List one of your favorite scents.
List one favorite song.
List one favorite author.
List five things you are good at.
List three words that describe you.
List three words that you wish described you more.
List one word to describe your bedroom.
List one word that most describes you.
List three favorite colors.
List three of the most painful things you have ever experienced.
List three of the most wonderful things you have ever experienced.
List one thing you'd change about your body if you could.
List three undesirable characteristics that you have.
List one word to describe your style.
List three words to describe your character.
List three things you often get compliments on.
List three areas in which you'd like to improve.
List your secret talents.
Name your best friend.
Name your first crush (if you are comfortable doing so).
Name three characteristics you like or admire in your best friend.
Who's your biggest role model?
What's the most physically painful thing you've ever experienced?
Name three things you hate.
Name six things you love.
List three things you'd change about your life if you could.
List three words to describe your dream wedding.
List three words to describe your ideal vacation.
List three words to describe your dream house.
List one thing you'd never do.
List one food you dislike.
Name a store you'd like to win a shopping spree at.
List your favorite toy as a kid.
Name your favorite websites.
Name one belief you have.
Name one opinion you have.
Name five places you've been.
List five places you've never been but would like to go.
Name something purple.
Name something beautiful.
List five celebrities you think are attractive.
Name someplace beautiful.
Name your first CD.

Today's trivia: The Leidenfrost effect is a physical phenomenon in which a liquid, in near contact with a mass significantly hotter than the liquid's boiling point, produces an insulating vapor layer keeping that liquid from boiling rapidly. Due to this 'repulsive force,' the droplet hovers over the surface rather than making physical contact with it

game of thrones, tv shows

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