Pokemon 2H Stumble Around

Apr 25, 2011 09:18

I had a dream about what the new game would be. The cover art for the box featured a weird art. It looked totally serious and it had a bunch of the characters standing seriously in front of a skyscrapper in castelia. Except...Clay with Elesa's body?? Iris with Ghetsis' body? Burgh's head on N's body? The Champion's head on flying gym girl's body??? Yes, this was the game. Pokemon 2H Stumble Around.

According to the synopsis, someone was able to harness the power of the legendary Pokemon Giratina in order to stress the Dimensions. They used this device they wore on their wrist called the 2H device (Double Hone) in order to scramble heads and bodies and such. I was looking at serebii about this new game. It would be for the 3DS and would feature all Unova Pokemon and people. Basicly, you were given a device to combat the 2H called the 4Cn (For Change) that did the same thing, only instead of just changing bodies and heads, the 4Cn could change tails and arms.

You fought by catching a Pokemon like normal (you started with Druddigon and Emolga) and then you could switch around their body parts For example, Druddigon had Emolga's head and Rrrrp frog's arms and then Minccino's tail. The main type was dragon, but it was able to absorb electric attacks, use water attacks, and the tail upped stats depending on the Pokemon whose tail it was.

This game was silly and a parody, I assume. Your goal was to fix the people and Pokemon who had been stumbled (the term for having mixed body parts) by the evil team. It was insane new gameplay and quite challenging looking, actually, but you could mod your Pokemon outside of battle or have them normal. Their body would be the base for what attacks they would learn. But nnngh, Druddigon with Emolga's head? Crazy stuff!

dream, pokemon

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