Aaaaand here I am again.

Apr 26, 2010 10:30

Yeppo, I rushed to go take that stupid scientific analysis test where they poke around my brain for extra credit and I'm running an hour ahead today (I guess becayse I woke up rested for once despite having only 5 hours of sleep) so I stood there panting at the door to find that SURPRISE it's only 10:00 am and the test is at 11:00, so I have time to kill (which I can't kill on chat due to my laptop about to die and me having to use the school computers). So what am I killing it with?

Mewtwo and Cyrus.
Both of them are similar. One wanted to destroy everything on the world so he could be alone and the other wishes to purge the universe since he sees this one as flawed and rule it in the solitude power brings. I find it intriguing how Cyrus is not big on emotions, though must use them to acheive his ultimate goal. He also doesn't have eyebrows, which are big emotional give-aways on humans, giving him a strict and dettached look, almost alien.

Mewtwo almost acheived his goal and would have too if not for Ash. Mewtwo, upon looking at someone so wanting others to live in harmony and set aside the facts of their birth that he gave his own life and his partner that cried over him. The tears from both clone and natural born joining together to create life touched Mewtwo. Mewtwo treasures life now and while he may have been a result of scientific research by Mr. Fuji, he was able to live on past that and watch over everything under the cover of darkness, watching life go on in the bustling city and the cozy forrest.

Cyrus, on the other hand, now seeks to destroy it all. From his days in Sunyshore to researching the creation and how to alter it to fit his own self-proclaimed divine hands. I imagine Cyrus did care, at some point, or else he wouldn't have a Crobat. Now he's too far gone.

So my mind plays with this idea know...what if it wasn't random young trainer from Twinleaf who stopped Cyrus; what if it was someone who had learned to cherish life and would now protect it at all costs? Or something more dramatic. I was thinking, what if it was Mewtwo who stopped Cyrus? The psychic pokemon may have trouble with honchkrow, but could easily take out all the others (and if he knew the right moves, bye bye honchy). He could battle Cyrus to save all mankind and pokemonkind. It would be really cool!

Especially if afterwards, Arceus comes down. "Who is this? You battled to save all of my creation when you are not one of my children. For that, I am eternally grateful." Maybe he could bless Mewtwo, make him one of his own children? Of course this part is just a kinda maybe bonus thing. Mostly this all stemmed from me thinking Mewtwo battling Cyrus would be epic! Especially considering what Mewtwo went through and yadda yadda.


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