Monroe Died

Oct 10, 2007 23:53

Today, I woke up and remembered I forgot to print out the Sylvia Plaath poems. I printed those out,got dressed, and headed for breakfast. When I was taking my tray to the back, I saw an old woman who was having trouble walking and she had a plate of food, so I offered to take that and her drink to the line at the back for her. She was really greatful and kept saying God bless you.

I went to English and when I came back, Monroe was dead.

I called and talked to my dad and then flushed him. I felt so bad I didn't have enough time between classes to give him a decent burial, especially since he was my first beta. My mom doesn't like for me to own fish since I get attached. When I love a fish, I love that fish with my entire heart.

He looked like a rose petal. He had dark maroon fins and his body was pink. Like when you pick a rose and the petal gets lighter towards the bottom. I got him right after Ramona died. I was talking one day in chemestry about how I had always wanted a beta. The next day, Elise asked me if I liked the name Monroe. She told me to wait in the band room after practice, so I did. She then came in with Monroe, food, tank, fish, and all.

When I first got him, I was fascinated by him. I used to sit and just watch him for long periods of time. it was incredibly adorable to watch him go up to the top of the tank to breath, since they breath air. I bought him plants that matched his colors. I was amused at how he'd rest on his fins and eat and, just, everything about him. One time I was cleaning his bowl and he hopped out onto the counter, so my dad built a little screen to go over his tank so he wouldn't jump out again.

I remember sitting there and telling Monroe about my feelings and such when my parents wouldn't listen or were being, from my perspective, unfair. He was such a good listener and often times just getting things off of my chest by telling him made me feel oh so much better.

He was three and a half years old when he died, which is a year and a half past the expected life span of a beta, but I feel he had more life in him. I hope Ramona is up there showing him around where ever the after life takes us


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