It's that time again! Time for another Sapphic Slumber Party, brought to you by Tara, Karla, and the last of the sex pollen! Hosted in the community center to make it available for younger townies (please, no teachers!), the young women of Fandom will be invited to a party full of snacks, games, desserts, alcohol, and lowered inhibitions!
Except, of course, it's not going to get much past the kissy in girlkissy--at least in the official party post, of course. Characters are more than welcome to sneak off to another section of the community room or their rooms (and their individual journals) for forays beyond simple 'kissy'. Considering the amount of pollen in the air, I will be sad if there isn't at least a little bit of that!
Further more, it is a slumber party, so feel free to have your ladies sleep over. This is ESPECIALLY true if they're going to wake up as someone else the next morning. A reaction post will go up for everyone still physically in the community center the next day. The more the merrier! Of course, if you have plans to wake up elsewhere, feel free to have your character duck out at some point. Like everything else with this party, the sleeping over part is purely opt in.
Does my character have to get involved with girlkissy?: Absolutely not. Just like the
last girlkissy party, the kissing and other assorted makeouts are completely voluntary. Even people at the party won't have to get involved if they don't want to.
So how will it work?: Well, that's up to you and your character. Feel free to play it however you like with other characters, though regular modding rules still apply. There will be a few additional threads available for people to ping into: a Spin the Bottle thread, a Truth or Dare thread, and a Strip Poker thread. Perhaps other threads as people suggest them. So, even if your character isn't the type to randomly make out with other girls, there's certainly nothing wrong with playing a silly little party game, is there?
*innocent face*
Who's invited?: Anyone 21 and under who identifies as female! We ask that no teachers come, because that could lead to an uncomfortable teacher-student dynamic, but younger female townies, students, and even random alumni who decide to spend a Saturday night in town can show up. (This will, of course, count as one of the days on Fandom for alumni.)
WHEN WILL IT ALL END?!: Well, the pollen ends (I think) the same time the bodyswap begins, so everyone will wake up Saturday with lowered libidos. Some of them will just wake up with a whole NEW host of problems instead, but that's just the perils of living in Fandom. Am I right?