The stay at Yllestad had really helped. Not only had they had a change to relax and recharge after the debacle with the bespelled landens, but they'd also gotten a chance to bond with the townfolk, who hadn't been entirely keen on an army encamped on their doorstep, especially not one that included landens. But her army had been courteous and
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"Karla!" she said, looking around for danger but seeing nothing but Karla on her knees in the snow-covered glade. Her empathy was picking up something, though, a nauseating mix of pain and fear and despair. "What is wrong?"
"Karla?" He followed her gaze downward and frowned, furrowing his brow at the plant that she'd uncovered. "What's that? What's the matter?"
"This whole field!" she choked up, looking at them with a tear-stained face. "Look at it! Under the snow! Look!"
...Karla, you had picked the two worst people in camp to show Kaeleeran native flora to.
"What is it?" she asked. It was bad, whatever it was, she could feel that. And she didn't want Karla touching it.
There was something under there that Karla needed to see. That much was clear enough. And if nothing else, his nails were far more sturdy than hers.
"Witchblood being...?"
She spread her arm out to encompass the whole glade. "So damn many."
She could feel the psychic echo of the horrors that had happened here, and her panicked first instinct was to thrust Karla into Warren's arms and order him to fly her away from here. But she remembered what she'd read.
"Be careful," she said. "It is very poisonous. I believe it can be picked safely, but it can also be absorbed through the skin." She had no idea what kind of effect it would have on Warren with his healing abilities. She had no idea what it might to do her.
He froze as his claws scraped against something more solid than frozen soil, and, after a moment's pause and against his better judgement, he dusted some of the dirt away.
It had been a hand, once. Now it was only bones.
But once, it had been a hand. And that hand was still attached to an arm. That arm, presumably, was attached to the rest of the Witch that it had belonged to. He didn't want to look, but he couldn't look away. Not when very clearly, there was a claw of sorts on that hand. A snake tooth, slipped out from under one fingernail.
The Black Widow who had died here had not intended to go down without a fight.
"We need to get away from here," he said, feathers prickling, voice a little too soft.
So many died here. So many.
She gently pulled Karla to her feet. "Come," she said, completely agreeing with Warren. "We must leave this place."
"That's why she was so scared of me, before," she murmured. "Because she was afraid I'd find this. Is she complicit? Did she help?"
She wrapped her arms around herself and shivered. "They were just left here to rot..."
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