So, one of the the interesting things about way Kaeleeran time lined up with Fandom's? Weird bouts of Fandom whimsy that usually affected everyone while they were asleep on the island could sweep through and affect its farflung residents at any time
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However, she was not happy about the island's latest tricks. She didn't think that anyone not in Fandom could be affected, which was why she was calling Karla in the first place.
These devices were such marvels!
How to ask, how to ask?
"Is everything all right there?"
Yes, still sounding cheerful, but it was a bit shaky.
"Morghann, just so we're clear, I hate you."
Why yes, yes there was a dismayed catch in her voice that was out of place with Cassidy.
Then her voice dropped. "Morghann ... Morton's not in the room, is he?"
Freaking out over being a pony definitely took second place to the abject humiliation of your crush knowing about it.
"And I thought you liked me." She sighed. "Hello, Aaron. And well, I would probably think it was a pretty color if you know it wasn't me and it was a dress and not fur. I am a nice green shade that brings out my eyes and I have a horn," she grumped. A horn that had not been at all helpful in dialing the phone.
"I also have a very long mane and tail of red hair. I believe it was only because he recognized me by my hair that my boss did not throw me out on my ... well out of the library today."
She sighed. "Please tell Karla and Warren that I had sincerely hoped that they had escaped this. And ask them if they can explain to me why I have pictures of leaves on my hip?"
"Karla, Cassidy wants to know why she's got pictures of leaves on her rump," Morghann called. "Probably the same place you have that a web? And Warren has his little 'S'?"
Morghann hadn't appreciated losing the phone. Aaron's ribs were now well-aware of that fact.
"Tell me more about these pictures. Karla can access them on her phone, you said?"
"Hello, Aaron," she grumped. And then, to show how rattled she was by all of this, she agreed with him. "You might be right." She sighed. "Yes, Karla can access them on her phone."
There was a huffing noise as she considered if she could not talk about the fact that she had agreed with him in a moment of weakness and feeling sorry for herself.
Because she refused to be forced to leave Fandom.
"Really?" he asked, pulling the phone away slightly to examine it. "How would you suggest she begin? Which button should she press first, say?"
Her voice turned sweet. "You could always ask Karla."
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