Another day, another stupid Court function that Karla had to deal with. She wasn't even sure what this one was for; Lord Mallory was under strict instructions not to tell her unless it was for something important. Otherwise, he had to deal with her scandalized, "We're having a function for this?!?!" and no one--least of all Lord Mallory--wanted to
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Look, Sookie had a limited pool of people to choose from here. Some suspects were less likely than others, and Warren had not ever especially screamed 'snake' to her.
Go figure.
Wanna guess again? Think grumpier.
how grumpy? like, grumpiest person i know grumpy?
Because in that case she had an idea.
And since it wan't Karla, that really only left one likely possibility.
Ding ding ding!
Do you feel pity for Jono yet, Sookie? Because you should. You most certainly should.
Look, Sookie wouldn't be surprised if that thing hadn't started life as a dildo cozy, is all.
Why on earth would she have a dildo cozy? Unless she meant a sweater for Warren...?
Karla was more a vibrator girl anyway.
How're you? And Bobby? And married life?
Sookie so needed to actually go to Glacia at some point here, though now she was a little worried about the idea of turning into an animal again. (Though she'd been a really cute kangaroo.)
There are a lot more dinner parties than I expected. I have to make nice with the aristos, which seems to mean hosting them for dinner all the bloody time. Dunno about them, but it doesn't make ME any more fond of them. And the X-folk? Is Bobby's Logan less of an ass?
Than any other Logan she'd ever met, ever?
And was the world's worst tactician.
Food's good, yeah. Our cook is divine. She and Hannibal exchange recipes a lot. Have you met him?
So that would be a no.
Karla, focus.
No, new teacher. Psychiatrist and crazy good cook. Like, your mouth will come when you eat his food.
Not classy, but accurate.
Sookie should just be glad that she didn't have FaceTime going or something, because she was now contorting her mouth to try to figure that out.
Only because you haven't had his cooking, believe me. Come visit the island sometime, you'll see.
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