Aug 11, 2008 11:29
Earlier this year, our fair city decided it was time to start doing exterior home inspections, and our street was in the initial batch. We got dinged on two counts - the old compost pile (the one that ended up growing corn a few years ago), which was described as a "rubbish pile" in the citation, and that our sidewalk had levels that differed by more than 3/4" (basically - one slab was sunken about 3/4" relative to the rest. Another one is slightly crooked and sunken, but it's less than 3/4"). It could have been worse - we also had a badly torn screen on the screen porch (from a fallen branch) and a small woodpile that was nowhere near compliance - both of these were on the list of things they were looking for, but we didn't get cited on them. We took care of the compost pile (and woodpile) on Memorial Day weekend, and I fixed the really bad screen in early July.
I can't say for sure what most other people were cited for, but it does look like a significant percentage of the street did get the sidewalk (or possibly driveway) violation, based on the number of signs for concrete leveling companies in everyone's yard. This did make it easy to find a service for ours. Actually, I ended up calling the company while the truck was across the street leveling the sidewalk and driveway there. I figured I'd only be able to get a quote, but they actually gave me an additional $50 off if I had them do it right then and there, since they wouldn't have to come back out and set up again. That worked for me. About 25 minutes after they finished across the street, my sidewalk was level.
The thing that gets me is that I don't think the sidewalks here were that bad to begin with. The same day our sidewalk was leveled, I had the opportunity to walk on some sidewalks in Cleveland Heights and Lakewood, and they were far more torn up and un-level than ours were before this endeavor started. I guess we're trying to be the City of Beautiful Sidewalks.