Feb 23, 2006 22:14
I am spoiled. I don't have to worry about where my next meal is coming from. I feel mostly safe (I do live in NY after all). I have a job. I can buy medications if I am ill. I have the best, least pretentious, most generous friends in the world. I have access to learn anything I want. I travel. I have opportunities and potential to do many things. I answer to no one really. I know what it means to love. I can afford to be spontaneous. I eat the best food--New York is great for that. I understand art and music and poetry. I have no right to feel entitled, and I don't. I appreciate everyone and everything in my life, but I am spoiled.
I hate it when people don't realize how lucky they are and feel they are entitled to this and that. I feel like saying to them, "Spend a month in Eritrea and then we can talk."
As a nation, the U.S. takes for granted all the bounty that we have. The way we pollute our environment is really disgusting. And who really pays? The people who can least afford it: the hungry in Africa, the poor in Asia. They are most affected by the greenhouse effect and global warming because they don't have the infrastructure to cope with it. And they haven't offend the earth as we have. Americans must not fall into the trap of feeling entitled. We need to be more accountable and take more responsibility.
We...are...spoiled... Go, enjoy your life. Appreciate all that you have and all that has been given to you. Be conscious of each breath, each person, each moment in your life.