Jun 26, 2003 22:40
O.K. So get this shit. I've been working at this restauraunt in for about 2 years on and off. Well about two weeks ago on a monday, I callen in to find out when I was supposed to work that next day the phone rang and rang and no one answered. So I called back later. No answer. So I said screw it and went to bed. I tryed calling again in the morning. No answer. I decided this time that I was gonna just go in and see if I could just check my hours. I get there and theres FOR SAIL SIGNS IN THE WINDOW.
They didn't call anyone and let them know, they just closed over the weekend. So I was out of a job along with all \the other 50 or 60 employees that work there. Family Busness' suck. Well I've got another job now but still that just sucks. Any I'm in D.C. with the family now. Pretty cool but it is a family trip. Sight seeing is cool but tiring. I can't wait to just get out in the mountains and go climbing or get on the river in a kayak. Well I'm tired as hell so.........