She's not a girl who misses much, she's well acquainted with the touch

Apr 01, 2009 14:30

I've noticed something which, for me, is terribly embarassing: typos. I've been making mad typos in my posts lately. I'm not sure if it's because I've been typing in the dark at 2:00 a.m., or if the keyboard on the new laptop isn't keeping up with my admittedly fast WPM. At any rate, I apologize for the "borthday" and "of" instead of "or" things that I haven't been proofreading out.

I know, I know. I'm being anal English Nazi about it, and considering that I have at least one friend who consistently types in LOLcatz/l33tspeak (yeah, that would be you, Nikkeh), I probably shouldn't be so concerned. But for me, it's an issue.

Okay, enough about that.

Since we switched to AT&T cable, we upgraded to include some movie channels (hence the watching of POTC3 last night). The other day, I sat and watched "Across the Universe." If you don't know, it's a musical set in the 60's and the music is all Beatles. Sounds like a movie made specifically for me, right?

However, here's my thing. I hate musicals. I have ever since I was a kid. The whole idea of people spontaneously bursting into song-and-dance numbers has always irritated the ever living crap out of me. I can remember being a very small child watching "Oklahoma" with my mother and sisters and hating it. It never made sense to me. People don't *do* that, and being a child who was consistently lied to by grown-ups, I always hated television shows and movies that showed something that went past suspension of disbelief into stupidity territory. (Which is probably why I always half-believed in the fantasy novels I devoured, and which goes a looong way to explaining how I ended up Pagan.)

The only musical so far that I have enjoyed is Sweeney Todd, and that's because, musical interludes notwithstanding, it is MADE OF AWESOME.

However, I actually enjoyed Across the Universe, mostly because of the famous cameos. Joe Cocker singing "Come Together," Bono performing "I Am The Walrus," and Eddie Izzard rapping through "Being For the Benefit of Mr. Kite" ... well folks, it doesn't get much better than that.

Actually, I would have sworn it was Tim Curry doing "Mr. Kite," but I just looked it up and I was wrong. I was kinda wondering why Tim Curry was rapping it and not singing it. Anyone who spent as much time as I did at the midnight showings of RHPC knows he can sing, so it being Eddie Izzard makes way more sense.

WOW. It's been three posts in one day. That's an Unemployed Gayle personal record, I think. ;)

movie, update

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