New WIP Fic Love Will Lead You Home Part 6

Oct 30, 2011 13:34

Title: Love Will Lead You Home
Author: Glenda
Summary: Gwen Cooper
doesn’t want to marry Captain Jack Harkness so she sends her cousin
Ianto in her place. The only problem Ianto didn’t agree to help, and
Jack is expecting a woman. What happens when things do go as planned? An
AU that has a bit from everywhere most of it is my own creation but any
characters you recognize belong to RTD, and BBC. I am making no profit
from this.
Warnings: Swearing, schmoop, man love, big AU, cross dressing,

Not sure when I'll get back to this story as NANO is starting in a couple of days. I'm working on a Post Mircale Day with a Ianto twist.

Chapter 6
Ianto hurried back to his room, followed by the two guards assigned to his care, that’s what Toshiko said. They were to protect him from any kidnap attempts.

Who the hell would want him? He wasn’t worth anything.

He opened the door to his bedroom, no prison cell. He removed the suit carefully. He ran his fingers over the wonderfully rich material. He could never afford an outfit so expensive. His father might pride himself on making inexpensive cloth at the factory but nothing could compare to what he was feeling in his hand. And all he had to do to keep it was marry that bastard.

“How dare he speak to me like that,” Ianto said, pulling on his old clothes. “He just thinks I’m going to fall at his feet. He doesn’t know his Joneses very well.” He grabbed his satchel and threw everything back in that the maid had just unpacked. His fury made him not even care that his clothes were going to be wrinkled when he reached his destination.

He made sure to only take what he brought. He had no doubt if Prince Jack thought he had taken even a candy from the bowl on the nightstand he would be arrested by the local constabulary upon his return to Cardiff with his cousin.

He was leaving but he wouldn’t abandon his family unlike Gwen, and even his own mother who left them for her own madness.
He would head to Swansea himself and find Gwen. He didn’t care if she was married. Even if he had to he had make her a widow, she was going to honour the deal she agreed to.

He was not staying here, nor would he ever marry that animal. He felt bad for Gwen having to become Jack Harkness’ wife but she had been quick to agree to the wedding months ago when she realized she would be getting herself a real live prince.

“I can’t imagine it, Ianto, I’ll be a princess,” Gwen had sighed, pretending the table cloth was her veil. “You’ll have to bow. Oh God, Uncle Huw will have to too. It might be worth it just to see him bend that proud neck of his.”

“Gwen,” Ianto gasped, looking around to make sure they will still alone. His father seemed to have spies all over the place. “You still live here for the next six months; don’t make them any harder than they have to be.”

“Oh Ianto,” Gwen said, giving him a big hug. “You need to get away from here. Uncle Huw is going to break your spirit. If he hasn’t already. You should travel see the world like all of your friends. You should be away at university learning things.”

“I can’t go anywhere. I’m his only son. I have responsibilities. I’m learning. I’m learning the business.”

“He pushes you too hard. He couldn’t ask for a better son.”

“I try Gwen; I wished he could see it.”

Gwen had given him a hug before talking about her wedding and how it was going to rival every fairytale ever written. She was going to have swans and lovebirds. The cake was going to have several layers. Ianto had sat back with an indulgent smile listening to his cousin go on about her great day. It was the least he could do. He knew that the only reason for this match was because his father was getting a great deal of money out of it. Not that he understood how, it was usually the bride’s family that gave the dowry not the other way around.

Then a couple of months ago Gwen started saying she had changed her mind about marrying Prince Jack. She thought that true love was something she should wait for. Huw Jones had almost fallen off his chair in amusement before realizing Gwen really meant it. He had never seen his father turn that colour of red before.

He had raced Gwen out of the study before his father could get a hold of her and told her to forget all this nonsense about falling in love and concentrate on doing one’s family duty. In the end family is all that matters, as his father always told him. He reminded her that she should be grateful that she had been given a home.

All that did was make Gwen angry. If anyone could rival his father for temper it was his cousin.

His father had followed them into the room. Before he could disarm the situation Gwen started screaming about being a person and not a commodity to be bought and sold like a horse. The backhand his father gave her was enough to shut her up. Huw Jones told her she belonged to him and she would be what she was told, or she could leave the house, her clothes and any propriety she hoped to have in his house and hit the streets. It was the last time Gwen and his father spoke.

Gwen refused to even share a meal with them again, preferring to eat in her room.

Ianto knew his father wasn’t a warm loving kind of man. He never had a kind word for anyone but he was still his father and the only one he had.

He put on his warm formal coat, tossed his travel bag over his shoulder and headed for the balcony. It was the only way out he could see.

He looked down, which upon second thought he shouldn’t have done. He felt a little light headed.

“Oh for God’s sakes,” Ianto snapped. “No wonder your father has no use for you. You get all girly just looking down from the second floor.” He wrapped his coat tighter around him, before tossing his bag off the balcony. He didn’t want the extra weight throwing him off.
As he swung his right leg over the wet marble banister there was a knock at his door. He ignored it. He hoped whoever it was would think he was having a nap but he should have known with his luck they wouldn’t.

He continued with his plan. He was only two stories up. If he fell the most he figured he’d end up with was a few bruises and a severely dinged ego. Not that his ego wasn’t already an endangered species. It had been a long time since he had felt its presence and the irony that it was Prince Jack that had somehow managed to resurrect it, wasn’t lost on him. But it didn’t matter he had to find Gwen and restore his family’s honour.

He turned around so that he was sitting on the outside of the railing. He turned around carefully making sure that his feet were wedged between two of the slats. He had a strong grip on the rail. He didn’t have much of a plan other than to dangle over the edge and let go. He hoped the wet spongy ground wouldn’t hurt too much.

He took a deep breath and inched his feet back until he was hanging by the tips of his toes. He was talking himself into letting go when he heard. “What the hell are you doing?”

Ianto felt his grip slip as he heard the angry words of Prince Jack Harkness.


fairy tale janto, au

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