New WIP Fic Love Will Lead You Home Part 4

Oct 11, 2011 21:04

Title: Love Will Lead You Home
Author: Glenda
Summary: Gwen Cooper
doesn’t want to marry Captain Jack Harkness so she sends her cousin
Ianto in her place. The only problem Ianto didn’t agree to help, and
Jack is expecting a woman. What happens when things do go as planned? An
AU that has a bit from everywhere most of it is my own creation but any
characters you recognize belong to RTD, and BBC. I am making no profit
from this.
Warnings: Swearing, schmoop, man love, big AU, cross dressing,

Chapter 4

Ianto hurried after Lady Toshiko. He knew had had made a big mistake getting on her bad side. “I didn’t mean to offend you.”

“You did not.”

Ianto raced after the woman as she led him up a grand marble staircase. The house was far grander than his old family home back in Newport. His grandtad had built Carwyn Place many years ago as a way to impress Bronwyn Powell. Eventually they were able to marry and have a family.

Carwyn had the only home he had ever known. Unlike many of the boys he had grown up with, he had not been allowed to go abroad to study, or away to school. He and his sister had been taught by tutors and governess. Ianto knew he had lived a very sheltered life. Dealing with someone like Prince Jack Harkness left him wishing he had spent more time with people.

His tad had said the reason he had been kept at home when his friends went away was because of his mother’s frail mental health. He was the only one who seemed to be able to control his mother in her manic moods. He had thought that after her passing a few years ago that he would be able to travel, and study abroad but his sister and her rebellious streak made Huw Jones unwilling to let his son out of his sight.

Perhaps as he trudged up the fine stairs, his father had had a good reason. The Jones women had made bad choices and ignored the needs of the family and put their own desires first.

“These will be your rooms,” Lady Toshiko said, indicating a large mahogany door with gold stencilled flowers on it. “Prince Jack’s room is on the other side.”

“I’m not sure if that reassures me or terrifies me,” Ianto said, running his hand over the fine artwork on the door.

“You have nothing to worry about,” Toshiko said. “Jack would never approach anyone not willing.”

“Yet, I am here not exactly willing.”

Toshiko looked down at her feet. “I’m sure his highness has a perfectly good reason for the choices he has made.”

Ianto grabbed onto the Lady’s hand and pulled her into his room. He was overwhelmed by the dark jewel tones that decorated the place; dark ruby walls, and emerald bedspread, and chairs.

“What are you doing, sir?”

“You know more about what’s going on than you’re letting on. Now why am I being kept here?”

Toshiko pulled her arm away. “I have no idea what is going on in his highness’ head.”

“I thought that you are his personal assistant?”

“I am but that doesn’t mean I know everything he is thinking. He has his reasons. You’ll have to trust him.”

Ianto threw himself onto the goose down filled bed. It was so soft he thought he might sink so far he would never be found again; just more wishful thinking on his part.

“But why me?” he asked struggling to sit up. “You and I both know while not illegal to marry another man, it isn’t the easiest of choices.

Gwen is a much better choice and at the very least can give him an heir. I’m sure if you were to talk to his highness, you could help him see the error of his ways.” He hoped he didn’t sound too needy.

“Why are you so afraid?”

“Being stuck in a strange city, held as a hostage with a man I don’t know who is threatening to marry me unless my cousin comes back with her virtue assured. I don’t like the odds of my making it out of here with mine in one piece that’s for sure.”

“Stop saying things like that about Jack. He is the best of men. He brought me back here, gave me his protection and name. He had no reason to care for me; so many had already tossed me away including my own father.”

Ianto took Toshiko by the arm and led her to an overstuffed green satin armless chair. “I didn’t mean to make you upset.”

“I haven’t thought about him in a long time.”

“I can tell that you are a great beauty and your family is not from the British Isles originally.”

“My father is...or maybe that’s was, it has been a long time since I’ve seen him; a trader from a land far away. He traded in spices and silk. We came over many mountains, and used many boats to get to the continent. He had many concubines who also travelled with him. My mother was one of them.”

“Oh,” Ianto gasped. “You mean you’re a...” Ianto wasn’t sure what the female term was for a child out of wedlock was.

“Perhaps I should not have told you my story if you are going to judge me so harshly.” Toshiko got to her feet.  “Your attitude only goes to show how much more special Prince Jack is.”

“I apologize. I have led a very sheltered life. Please continue. I need to know there is more to Prince Jack than kidnapping helpless men hoping to marry them.”

“Once my mother died I had no protection. The other women fought for his attention and hoped that their children would be his favoured child. I was eventually betrayed by them all and left behind at one of the camps as payment for the hospitality he and his caravan had been given.”

“When was this?”

“Five years ago. We had been trading with the Cybrus and their partners. The caravan was about to head back home. When I had been grabbed and told I was going to be given a great honour. I was crying and screaming as the men started to touch me. Suddenly, a horse crashed through the brush and then all hell broke loose; bloodied bodies were lying about and there was the most dazzling man upon the finest steed I had ever seen in front of me. He reached down for my hand. I grabbed onto him and he pulled me up onto his mount and we raced for the safety of the allied lines. Once we were back at his camp I realized I might have made the biggest mistake of my life but one man was better than twenty. Instead, he gave me a place to sleep, warm food to eat, and a sword to defend myself with. I have never left his side whether in a battle or in times of peace.”

Toshiko headed for the door. “I hope I have given you something to think about?”

“You have. Perhaps it is Prince Jack I should apologize to?”

“Too right. But it will have to wait until after your appointment with the tailors.”

“Tailors? As in more than one?”

“Three actually. You have need of casual, fancy dress and intimate wear. They are Jack’s personal tailors and they’ll do a great job.

How can they not when they have such a good looking man to work on.”

Before Ianto could say anything she was gone and there were three men were in the room poking and prodding at him with measuring sticks, telling him to get undressed. He was ready to climb out the window and run.



au history, tosh, janto

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