This is my first time posting a story to my LJ. Hope it works.
Author: Glenda
Fandom: NCIS/TW crossover
Pairing: Jack/Ianto, DiNozzo/Gibbs, DiNozzo/Ianto.
Disclaimer: I owe neither NCIS or Torchwood. I'm only doing this for fun. I am not making any money.
Thanks to my beta Cath for pointing out my glaring mistakes, and of the small ones are mine alone.
Notes: There is an MPREG in the history. I still haven't completely decided who will end up with whom.
Summary: Jack gets a call from an old friend and ends up in Washington DC where no one is happy to see him.
Home Part 1
Tony leaned his head against his steering wheel. All he wanted was a twenty hour nap but since he couldn’t get that he was going to have to settle for a cup of the coffee and some sugar.
He wished he had time to get a little more, but Gibbs would have his ass if he wasn’t back in the thirty minutes. Then again, if he brought coffee back he might be forgiven for being a few minutes late.
Tony grabbed the folder containing the crime scene photos. Gibbs had told him to go over them; the bastard didn’t say he had to do it at the office.
He pushed himself out of his car, hoping no cops were driving by; he figured they would be asking him for a breath test, he was weaving so much.
The bell gave a happy jingle as he walked in. The smell was enough to open his eyes a bit wider.
He was grateful the place was reasonably empty. He had just about reached the end of his rope with people today. He and Ziva had canvassed most of Quantico trying to find out what anyone could tell them about Lance Corporal James Kenaston.
No one seemed to be too upset or surprised to find out he was dead. Maybe if they had seen the pictures?
“Rough night?” an accented voice asked him from behind the counter.
Ian would insist on reminding him that it was a Welsh accent, not British. But to Tony it didn’t matter, it was all damn sexy.
Tony stretched; popping a few of his vertebrae back in place. It was just after two pm, so the afternoon crowd from the local high school and businesses hadn’t yet arrived. He smiled; not only was the coffee to die for but the owner was damn fine too. He leaned over the counter top for a quick kiss.
“Hi, Ian, you have no idea how much I needed that and a cup of your best.” He grabbed a chair at the nearest table, tossing the package down on the table for him to look at later.
There were just a couple of moms with their strollers taking a break. They were smiling at them. Guess they liked the show.
“Sorry, I disappeared so early this morning. Got called out at four am, and I’m just finally now getting a break. A Lance Corporal was killed. It was pretty horrendous. We’re still looking for the culprit.”
Ian nodded from behind the bar, where the steam was rising. “Figured you must have been out on a case, you don’t normally leave before you get a cup. Also knew something hot must have happened since no one from your office has been by today. Not even Gibbs and that man is responsible for me breaking even, a year earlier that expected. You want the usual?”
“Yes, please, and I’ll need four, no make that five coffees to go and one Earl Grey tea.”
“Are you buying for the whole office, or are they all for your boss?”
Tony grinned. “He’d probably would drink them all too, but no, we’ve all been burning the midnight oil including Ducky, Palmer and Abby. They deserve a little something too.”
The shy smile Ian gave Tony would have been enough to melt the hardest of hearts. Well, maybe not Gibbs but then nothing got through that bastard coat of armour.
Okay, Anthony, let’s not think about Gibbs. Not while you’ve got Ian right in front of you. He watched the dark haired man dance around behind the coffee bar to whatever was playing on the radio; his blue eyes looking up every once in a while to wink.
It was hard to believe The King of Coffee only opened up near the naval yards eleven months ago. At first, Ian was closed mouth, just making the drinks and serving the food but no one could resist the DiNozzo charm for very long. Or maybe it was Abby’s needling ways but Ian started to come around and return the smiles and jokes.
Things became serious five months ago when Ian had asked Tony to help him find one of his waitresses who had gone missing. He had never been able to discover why Ian needed to find her but he had come through with the information the Brit- ah, excuse me, Welsh man had needed, and those long hours together had led to something more.
Now the coffee could turn into tar and the excellent pastries into sawdust and he would still appear two or three times a day just to see that smile and those blue eyes light up.
“I don’t think I’m going to be able to make dinner tonight,” Tony said, opening up the folder but putting it back when he saw the amount of damage done to Kenaston. He wanted to enjoy his coffee. “Not unless we get some kind of break on this case. It’s a real mess.”
Ian came over with a streaming cup of coffee and a fresh raspberry scone. “Here maybe this will help.”
Tony took a long whiff, “God, I love you.”
“Should I take it personally that you seem to care more about the contents of that cup than me?”
Tony smiled. “Are you kidding me? I was talking about you. Who else spoils me like you do?”
Ian blushed. Tony couldn’t figure out what made this man tick. He seemed so open but whenever they started talking about Ian’s past, the man would just shut down. Not that Tony was much into talking about his past either.
“Sure you were,” Ian said. “Tell me about your case.”
“Nah, the boss only gave me thirty minutes before I had to be back. I need a break from all the blood, and I don’t just mean the case?
“Something going on with Gibbs?”
“Nothing new. Where’s Maegan?” He looked around for signs of the blonde girl.
“In the back.”
“Cool.” Tony got to his feet.
“DiNozzo, leave my daughter alone.”
Tony grinned. “I just want a kiss or two.”
He headed into the back. “There you are, baby.” Tony reached into the playpen, he pulled out the toddler. He gave the little girl’s blonde curls a kiss. “How’s my favourite girl.”
Maegan Isolde cooed at him, “car,” before handing Tony the toy she had been playing with.
“Oh a corvette, that’s my favourite car. When you’re older I’ll have to tell you all about the one I had.”
Mae blew bubbles, which Tony took as agreement. “Okay, sweetie, let’s go see what that daddy of yours is up too. I gotta get back to work soon.”
Tony swung Mae over to his left hip. He thought kids were great but they didn’t seem to like him. Mae however, was the one exception but then the little girl liked everyone. Well, everyone but Ziva, but he didn’t blame the kid, she still scared the crap out of him even after working together for the last four years.
Tony had never really thought about him having kids. Well, maybe when he was pretending to be Anthony DiNardo and ‘dating’ Jeanne Benoit but that was a fantasy. Now with Ian and Mae maybe he could have reality.
Tony headed back to the front of the shop with Mae. “We’re here, daddy.”
He stopped short. Ian put away his cell phone. He looked like he had scene a ghost. No wonder he was looking at the photos from the crime scene. “Pretty gruesome, huh?”
“I’ve seen this before,” Ian pointed at the pictures.
“Back in Wales. I had hoped I would never see it again.”
“Who did this?”
Ian reached out to take Mae. “Not a who, a what.”
Tony laughed. “Sure, Ian. Fine, I’ll bite. What caused this?”
“If I’m right, and I’m always right. You have a bigger problem than you can imagine.”
“Ian, stop it. You’re scaring the crap out of me.”
“You should be,” Ian said giving Mae a kiss on her cheek.
“So what is it?”
“A weevil.”