New WIP Fic: Gilt Cage. Fandom Torchwood/Doctor Who crossover Part 11

Jul 17, 2011 16:51

Rating: Adult Only

Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who

Pairings: Jack/Ianto, Ianto/other.
Summary: Ianto has an historic stalker.

Warning: swearing,

Just a reminder I do not own Torchwood, or Doctor some &%^@(  jerk .... Well, just to let you know I make no money and only intend this for entertainment.

This story takes place shortly after Meat. I liked the episode but it left a few question for me at the end.

The feedback and comments have been great and feed the muse. Hope you enjoy it.

Chapter 11

Ianto had a good look at Jack’s eyes. The normally mischievous blue that he loved was gone, left behind were shadows of the man he knew. This Jack had suffered greatly, and yes, he was sure his death might have left Jack a little upset was it really enough to garner this kind of reaction?

“I’m sure my dying wasn’t your fault, Jack. I knew what working at Torchwood meant. An early death was one of the kinder things I could have expected.”

“Stop it! I don’t want forgiveness or any understanding especially not from you. The one thing you were always able to see was the real me. You never had trouble telling me when I was being an ass. No one but you Ianto Jones ever loved the real me.”

Ianto had no idea what to say to Jack. He was understandably curious to know about his own death but he also knew the trouble that could happen if he knew how he died... Dieds?

He would want to stop it, and by trying to, he could cause an earlier death, or maybe end up causing someone else to perish instead. That was something he was not prepared to have on his conscience. He hoped if he had to die, it had been saving the world but he didn’t really think his death would make that much of a difference. He probably had an accident with the coffee maker making Jack one of his industrial strength coffees.

Ianto moaned; he missed coffee.

“What is it?” Jack asked.

“I miss coffee.”

“Is that all?”

“Is that all? It has been hours. Or is it days, weeks since I had a cup. No wonder I have a headache. I’m going into withdrawl.”

“I mention you dying and you go to coffee. I thought I had mixed up priorities.”

Ianto made sure to look Jack in the eye. “You can’t tell me what happened. If you do it could change things when I go back.”

“I can tell you it all because that’s the plan.”

“Plan? You have a plan? Well that’s good to know.”

“Of course I do. I’ve been planning this for the last couple of thousand years.”

Ianto stared at Jack. He knew his mouth was hanging open; he couldn’t believe what it was he was hearing.

Jack smiled as he leaned over and gently shut him mouth, and then gave him a sweet kiss. God, if he wasn’t careful he was going to fall head over heels for this kinder, gentler Jack, big time.

“You heard me right. I found this little planetoid in the Kenddler system. There are few other scattered settlements in the system but this hidden gem was unclaimed. It was fit to colonize but it would be expensive. Therefore, I put in a claim of discovery and it was all mine. I hired the best terraformers I could find. I had already gathered up many seeds and plants from Earth prior to my leaving so, all it took was getting the right atmosphere and soil. Once I had the trees established and at the right maturity I started making the house and gathering up anything I could think of that would make this place a home, just for you.” Jack pointed at the piano. “Grew those all myself.”

Ianto went over to the large display of flowers sitting on the grand piano. There were lilies, roses and daffodils.

“All this for me?” Ianto ran his fingers over the delicate pink roses and the bright yellow daffodils.

“It was the least I could do for you. I should have done so much more when we were together back in Cardiff but I was so scared of losing you. I thought if I kept my distance then it would hurt less when you were gone. I was so wrong.”

Jack wrapped his arms around Ianto’s waist. “I wanted to show you the depths of my feeling for you. What better way to show you how much you mean to me than giving you a planet to spend the rest of our lives together on?”

“Jack,” Ianto gasped, turning around to face Jack. “I can’t. Even if I wanted to, I can’t stay here. I have to go back; I have to go back to you.”

“He doesn’t deserve you. He has no idea how lucky he is to have you. He didn’t even know you had almost been shot.” Jack walked away.

“He didn’t. I mean you didn’t.”

“I think something like that would be burn in my memory and I sure as hell wouldn’t have let you go back out on any more missions if I had known.”

Ianto shook his head. This wasn’t a conversation he should be having, not here, not now in this time. He should be talking about it with his lover, and that person was back in Cardiff, Wales, in the 21st century.

“Jack, I have to go back, I have to. I can’t stay here I have a life there to live... a death that must be.”

“NO! You aren’t going back. Even if I could, I have no way of returning you to Cardiff, to him. It was a one-way trip. The Doctor broke my manipulator. That was why I had to use my younger self to get you here. Ianto, you can’t go home, and I’m not sorry about it.”

Jack left the lounge without looking back.

Ianto stormed around the room, looking for something to break but damn Jack everything was too beautiful to throw.

He hated when people thought they knew what was best for him. His father always seemed to know what was best, but if his old man had really been all that smart then why was he working at Debenhams’ as a shopboy. He had gotten so tired of listening to him prattle on about how hard he had to work at school so that he wouldn’t get stuck on the estates like his sister that he had jumped off the swing to get away from him. It had backfired big time, he spent the whole summer inside the house with a broken leg and his father’s disapproving gaze.

“Mr. Ianto, where had the Captain gone?” Wooster asked, carrying a tray with a silver service set into the room and several fine china cups and sandwiches without the crusts on. He set it down on the sideboard.

“I have no idea. He just walked out.”

“Probably out in the garden. That’s where he likes to go if he needs to think.”

“Where is the garden?” Maybe he should go talk to him? Or perhaps they both needed a bit of time apart.

“I can show you, Mr. Ianto,” Wooster offered. “It’s at the back of the house. It is one of the Captain’s favourite places. He had raised most of the plants and flowers himself.”

“Never knew Jack had such a green thumb.” Then again, Jack was the one who organized all the plants in the greenhouse at the hub. Owen only took over after Jack left with the Doctor.

“He has been quite successful with them. I believe his singing makes the plants happy. He has a beautiful voice, even if he sings some of the saddest songs.”

Ianto felt his heart breaking. Even a robot seemed to be able to give Jack more sympathy than he could and he loved Jack. It hit him like a lightning bolt he had the chance to know what it was like to have all of the great Captain Jack Harkness and he was throwing it away.

He could live a life here without having to worry about a stray weevil or an angry alien traveller coming along to end his life prematurely. A chance for a normal life. Maybe it was time to be a little selfish.

“Can you take me, or at least point me in the direction of the garden?”

“Of course, Mr. Ianto,” Wooster said.

“Great, let’s go.” Ianto headed for the door, when he realized he was still wearing nothing more than the silk gown. “Wooster?”

“Yes, Mr. Ianto?”

“Have you any clothes I could wear?”



m/m kissing, swearing, crossover dw/tw, team fix it, time travelling, future

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