The A-Team Fic: Understanding 19

Apr 07, 2011 20:44

Title: Understanding
Author: Glenda
copyright 2000-2010
Rating: NC-17
Warning: Violence, including torture and non-consensual m/m sex.
Summary: An enemy exacts his revenge on Face, as the 5th season team pulls together to save him.
Disclaimer: The stories here are written purely for entertainment purposes and not meant to infringe in any way on the holders of the rights of the shows

Chapter 19

Murdock watched Nathalia carefully as she led him and B.A. toward the plane while Hannibal and Frankie checked out the rest of the place.

There was something off about her; she almost seemed in a rush to get out of here. She did keep looking behind her. Murdock wondered if there wasn’t something waiting around the corner to bite them on the butt.

“Is everything all right, Miss Chao?”

“Why wouldn’t it be? You are all safe, and I have found out the truth of my father.”

“That doesn’t make most people happy,” Murdock said. “Not unless they already knew and needed confirmation. But even then...”

Nathalia shrugged. “My father and I have had our differences of opinion off and on throughout the years. He used me to do his dirty work. I had not heard from him in many years, he waited until I was settled in my new life before attempting to make contact with me. I am deeply sorry for the role I have played in this travesty.” She looked around the airfield again.

“Are you looking for someone?”

“What you talking about, fool?”

“That’s the third time she’s looked around. Now, Miss Chao, are you hoping for a rescue?”

B.A. stopped, taking her roughly by the arm. “You better start talking lady. Normally, I don’t like hurtin’ a woman but with you I’ll make an exception for anyone who wants to hurt a member of my team.”

“I...I...,” she stammered as B.A. towered over her. “After I was able to capture Captain Murdock I wasn’t supposed to leave until I got word from a trusted family friend of my father’s. It was he who was to tell me where I was to take you.”

“Shit, when is he supposed to arrive,” Murdock asked, turning back to where he last saw Hannibal.

“Soon. I’m not sure when but I was told it would be before dawn. My father said by then the plan would be under way and there was no way anyone would be able to stop it.”

“B.A, get her into the plane, and get rid of the pilot, for all we know he’s already contacted his boss.”

“Move it, lady,” Murdock heard B.A. say as he ran across the tarmac to the office he left the colonel and Frankie in.

“Hannibal,” Murdock called out as he entered the warehouse. “Forget gathering up all that stuff, we gotta go now.”

“What the problem, Captain?” Hannibal asked, slipping a cartridge into the M-16 he was holding.

“Miss Chao just mentioned someone is on their way to meet her. Some kind of family friend. Once he got here, they were to take me and be on their way to meet the bastard. Whoever he is, he’s on his way now.”

“Damn, okay. Frankie?”

“What is it, Johnny?”

“Company. Go find B.A. and help him get the plane ready. Take those guns you’ve got gathered with you. Store them in the plane and stay there. Murdock and I’ll be right behind you.”

Murdock could see that Santana has questions but now was not the time.

“What’s happening? I thought we had more time.”

“Later, Frankie, I’ll tell you what happened but now is not the time for asking questions, just follow orders,” Hannibal said.

Frankie’s face dropped. “Yes, sir,” he said turning on his heels.

“He’s not a soldier, Hannibal.”

“He may not have planned to be one, but that’s what he is now. We all know life isn’t fair but that’s the way it is. Now did Miss Chao tell you who was coming?”

“No, just a family friend. Someone her father trusted. What are you thinking?”

Hannibal paced; his cigar hanging from the corner of his mouth. “We know Chao wants Face and you. Why?”


“Exactly. He’s trying to use Face and you against us. He knows that there is no way in hell we wouldn’t try to get either of you back. He’s got some kind of sick plan to get his revenge and now we know about it, we can use his people to find out where he’s holding Face.”

“Holding Face! We don’t know that he’s been taken.”

“Murdock, you may have to deal with the fact he has already been taken, and if he hasn’t we are going to have to let Chao.”

“Are you suggesting that we let Face be taken? You want to leave him in the hands of that sadistic bastard? No, no way in hell. I won’t let you do it.” Murdock pulled out his handgun and pointed it at Hannibal.

Hannibal put his arms up. “I’m not saying we let Chao keep him. You know there is no way I would let that happen, Captain.”

“You know what that bastard did to Face all those years ago. How can you even think of letting him-”

“Murdock, stop! Don’t go there. I need you here to help me with getting Face back. I know how much he means to you. But you of all people know that the mission comes first for Face. We need to get this animal, and Face would be the first to volunteer if it meant getting Chao off the streets.”

Murdock lowered the gun. “Doesn’t mean I won’t kill you if something happens to Face?”

“If anything happens to Face I’ll pull the trigger myself. But it won’t, he’s a hell of a lot stronger than we all think. He had to be to survive all the shit life has sent his way. Now, we need to get ready for our guest.”

Murdock holstered his gun. He prayed the colonel was right, sure his plans usually worked out but they also had a tendency to go sideways first.

“What do you have in mind?” Murdock asked.

“Well, we have Chao’s daughter, we can always use another chip in the game.”

Murdock bristled at hearing Hannibal calling this whole cock up a game but he knew it was the jazz talking as well as a good commander’s ability to separate himself from the reality that he was playing with people’s lives. Didn’t mean he had to like it.

It was always a problem of his; well he didn’t think it a problem but his commanders did. He got too involved with the grunts he dropped off. He cared that he was delivering men into a war zone and not assets to a job. That was why he would always be the first in line to get them out.

He knew everyone thought he was crazy going in to some of the hottest war zones in Southeast Asia but he didn’t care. He knew that without him those men would never get home. Just like now he knew without him he would never see his beautiful Face again.

“Captain, we need to get some kind of blind made around the airplane,” Hannibal said. He was pointing around the side of the hanger where the plane was being kept. “Then I need you to get that plane ready to fly. I want everything to look like it should when Chao’s contact gets here. I figure he’ll just walk on to the plane but if he should try to get off I want B.A. and I there to convince him to stay and keep us company. You take Frankie with you. This whole thing should go down fast, and as you pointed out he’s not a soldier.”

Murdock wasn’t convinced that Hannibal had a clue but for now he had no choice, although it was taking every ounce of strength he had not to just get in the plane and take off to find Face, and to hell with the rest of the team. But for know he was willing to stay with his unit.

But at the first sign of trouble he was heading off on his own.

Chapter 19

Hannibal watched Murdock head across the tarmac before he started to gather up some of the empty crates. He and B.A. would have a good advantage point for watching the plane. Peering out over the pyramid of abandoned crates that he had made from the abandoned ammunitions, Hannibal saw B.A. coming back. He didn’t look happy, but then the former sergeant never looked happy.

He tossed another box on top of the pile. He was worried about Murdock; well he always worried about the pilot but this was different. This time he not only had to worry about the captain’s sanity from a mission point of view but Hannibal would only admit this to himself if anything went wrong with his plan and Face was hurt he feared he would lose both men.

The pilot had always been a little different but it had always worked to his advantage; getting Murdock to come get them out of some crazy situations where no normal man would even think of going. But now with Face and Murdock involved with each other, and that was a word he never thought he would have to say, Murdock would never recover if something bad happened to Face. It had taken a long, long time for them both to get over what happened in the camps.

In spite of what Murdock thought he didn’t make the decision to wait for Chao’s man to show up lightly. His initial thought was to get back to Face, or at least get a hold of him to make sure he was all right but then the military man stated to talk and reminded him that it was up to him to protect what was important and to do that he was going to have to fight those first instincts and maybe put those he cared about deliberately in harm’s way.

Yes, they could go and stop Chao right now and his raid on the compound but that would just be putting of the inevitable, another attack where they wouldn’t have the knowledge they have now. He knew Chao was a patient man, but he was also a sadistic bastard who would stop at nothing to get what he wanted. He had proven that by using his own child to try and capture Murdock. At least without Murdock they wouldn’t be able to use him against Face.

He knew there was going to be problems with two of his members dating but this was not what he was expecting.

Hannibal looked up; he could see B.A. walking toward him. To anyone who didn’t know the big man they would think he didn’t have a care in the world but Hannibal prided himself on knowing his men. He could see the former sergeant’s eyes darting around looking at all the potential ambush places. But what he most noticed was the sagging shoulders. It was like B.A. had already given up.

“Sergeant, get over here. Grab that last box,” Hannibal ordered, pointing at the last ammo crate near the wall. “Once that’s in place all we have to do is wait for Nathalia’s contact to show up, grab him and find out where they were going to take Murdock.”

“Like it’s that easy,” B.A. grumbled picking up the box. “Always on the jazz man. Never thinking of who can get hurt.”

“You have something to say to me, sergeant?”

“Yeah, I do.” B.A. slammed down the crate. Hannibal was surprised it didn’t shatter into a million pieces. “Just what the hell you thinking, using Face like this? We should at least call him. He needs to be warned. You think he’s just going to go willingly with that animal?”

“No, he’s going to go out fighting, and that can buy us some time. Look, B.A., I don’t like doing this but you and I know if we don’t stop Chao this time, he’ll come back and come back, just like the cockroach we know he is. If we do this right we can get Chao, keep Face safe, and stop Chao’s drug distribution network and know this time he won’t be getting away.”

“How can you be so sure? He’ll just go back and his friends will help him escape,” B.A. growled.

“No, he won’t. I’ll talk to Stockwell; he won’t let the bastard off. He’ll make sure that Chao doesn’t see the light of day again.”

“Stockwell? What he care about Chao? It’s not like he gives a damn about some creep like Chao. He’s not a spy.”

“No, he’s a drug dealer and Stockwell has strong feelings about them. He’ll make sure.”

Hannibal could remember one night with the help of some good whiskey Stockwell letting down a few barriers and mentioning how much he hated abusers and drug dealers. Hannibal was sure there was more to the story but the little digging he had been able to do about the general had yielded little but he knew there was a story there, and one he wasn’t going to let go. It might mean the difference between a pardon and life under Stockwell’s thumb.

“You better be right, because if you ain’t man and something bad happens to Faceman, the crazy man won’t be the only one looking for your head. Now, how long we got to wait for this contact guy.”

“Not long I hope. It’s got to be close to sunrise.”

Hannibal turned when he saw some lights shining through the trees. He patted B.A. on the shoulder, and pointed toward the lights. “I told you it wouldn’t be long.” He picked the radio up. “Murdock, the car is on its way. You ready? Over.”

“Yeah, we’re all set here. Over.”

“Doe Nathalia know what to do? Over.”

“She does, and she also knows after threatening Face that it wouldn’t take much for me to shoot first and ask questions later. You just remember to do your part. I don’t want to be staring at a gun again tonight. Over.”

“Don’t worry. B.A. and I have your back. It’s almost here. Radio silence from this point on. Over and out.”

He and B.A. shifted to their spots behind the makeshift blind. From the large roar of the engine it sounded like some big fancy car. Hannibal bet B.A. could probably tell him what kind of car, the year and what day it was made.

B.A. leaned over to one side, lying on the ground, his handgun in his right hand. Hannibal went to the other side but he rested on one knee, his gun in his right hand as well.

They held their breath as a large dark coloured Mercedes rolled in. It stopped near the hanger deck. Hannibal slipped the safety off, and he saw B.A. doing the same thing. The driver’s side door opened first. A small Asian man in a chauffer’s outfit stepped out, he ran around to the other side passenger’s door. He opened the door for a large man well dressed man in a camel coloured trench coat.

He took a step into the street light; he had a limp. Hannibal sucked in a deep breath. He couldn’t forget that face anymore than he could forget the pain he inflicted all those years ago.

"B.A.," Hannibal whispered. "Look over at that behemoth there. The one with the limp, doesn't he look like someone we know?"

B.A. followed the Colonel's fingers. Hannibal didn’t think it was possible but B.A. went white. The low animalistic noise sent a shiver down the spine of the battle scared man.

"Ain't he supposed to be dead, man? I thought the army killed him at Kham Lac"

"I guess even the army makes mistakes. Right B.A.?"

"Well, I guess we need to fix that oversight, don't we?" B.A. asked, starting to get up.

"Knock it off B.A.  We don't have the time for this right now. I want him dead too but this whole thing seems to keep leading us back to Chao, doesn't it? Now remember the plan, he goes to the plane, and we catch him."

Hannibal watched the two men head for the private plane. He gave three short static bursts on the radio. All that was left was to trap them and find out where they wanted to take Murdock.

"I wish there was a way so the Crazy Fool wouldn’t even have to see him." Hannibal couldn't help but hear the deep concern in B.A.’s voice.

"We don't think have a choice. I hope Murdock is going to be able to handle the shock of seeing one of your former POW guards on the plane you are about to highjack. Let's move out, sergeant."


the a team, angst, murdock/face, non-con

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