The A-Team Fic: Understanding 16

Dec 09, 2010 22:21

Title: Understanding
Author: Glenda
copyright 2000-2010
Rating: NC-17
Warning: Violence, including torture and non-consensual m/m sex.
Summary: An enemy exacts his revenge on Face, as the 5th season team pulls together to save him.
Disclaimer: The stories here are written purely for entertainment purposes and not meant to infringe in any way on the holders of the rights of the shows

Understanding Part 16

Face tossed away the last of the papers Stockwell had given him. “Look, general, all these places are too exotic. There is no way he’s hiding out in Fiji, working on his tan.”

“How can you be so sure?” Stockwell asked in that smug superior way that made Face want to deck the man. “Where else would a wanted man go with the kind of funds Chao has? I don’t think I’d worry about some pesky vendetta that could get me killed or tossed in jail for the rest of my life.”

“Because he’s not you, he’s not the kind of man who would let a slight or betrayal go unpaid. He’s here, waiting for the right time to make his move.” Face could feel his heart racing; the bile was rising to his throat. “It may sound paranoid but believe me in this case he’s out to get me.”

“Why you?” Stockwell asked.

Face shrugged, at times like this he would pace around the room, to try and get a hold of his emotions but thanks to Thompson and his little scheme to counterfeit millions, walking to the couch was more than he could comfortably do.

He had no idea how he could explain to the general what kind of man Chao was; even if it weren’t for the fact he and his team had managed to escape from the bastard and his camp of horrors, there was the little problem of them embarrassing Chao when they got him and Tommy Angel arrested.

“The man doesn’t take to kindly to failure, and his type rather would blame others than themselves. After we managed to mess up his drug delivery system in Los Angeles, he vowed to even up the score somehow.”

“And you think that’s what’s been going on here? He taking this kind of risk because you stop him five years ago,” Stockwell said. “That seems rather stupid for someone you claim is smart enough to escape execution.”

“Psychopaths aren’t always as reasonable as you. Chao made it very clear he thought he was much smarter than any American. I somehow doubt that has changed over the years.”

Face caught a whiff of Carla’s perfume before she came into the den. Face hoped she had some business that would get Stockwell out of the house for a while. He was tired of thinking about Chao and what happened all those years ago. He rubbed his left leg absentmindedly.

“Excuse me, sir.”

“Yes, Carla, what is it?”

“Your guest has arrived.”

Face remembered the door bell ringing a while ago. He just assumed it was one of the Abels needing his hand held.

“Ah, excellent. Show her in.” Stockwell gave Face a smile. “I have someone I want you to meet. I think she’ll be able to help you.”

“Help me with what?”

“I’ll explain in a moment.”

Carla showed a petite woman in. Her obvious dyed platinum blonde hair hung in ponytail, and she was dressed like she arrived from the gym.

“Lieutenant Templeton Peck, I would like you to meet Sheri Procter, former Abel 21. Sheri is now a licensed physiotherapist. She’s worked with professional teams like the Jets and Mets. I believe you have daily exercise to perform. Do you not?"

Face nodded, his chest filling with dread. He glanced at the well endowed woman she was exactly what he liked, well used to like. His tastes seem to be running toward crazy but lovable pilots now.

She did have an infectious smile that made him want to trust her, but he was unsure as to how he was going to react to her touching him. Face glanced at Stockwell and the determined look on the older man’s face; it didn't look as if he had much of choice.

“Good, Sheri can help you with them as well as other things.” Face was sure he imagined the little wink he was given.

“Ah, General Stockwell, I appreciate you bringing Sheri here, but it seems impractical with Chao looking for me.”

“Lieutenant, there is no proof he is here. In fact, he would have to be even crazier than Captain Murdock to even try to get in here. This house is well protected. No one can get in here.”

“Or out?” Face mumbled, knowing full well that they could have left anytime they wanted to, and it was only the hope for a full pardon that kept them there. Something Stockwell had to know.

Face stood up as best as his injured leg would let him. He looked Stockwell in the eyes. He needed the older man to understand he wasn’t imagining things. “I wish I could share your enthusiasm but I think you’re wrong, sir.” Face couldn’t miss the way Stockwell bristled at being called out, he also saw Sheri standing there her mouth open in shock that someone would dare question the great Hunt Stockwell. “Chao is not a simple terrorist or drug dealer. He is an animal who knows more about destroying a man’s psyche than you can imagine.”

Face turned to look at Sheri. “Ma’am, I appreciate that you have come here at the general’s request but I think you should leave.”

“I can look after myself,” Sheri said, her hands planted firmly on her shapely hips. “I came here do to a job and I intend to do it. You need me, and from the looks of you, it will take more than a little pipsqueak like you to take me down.”

The slight drawl made Face smile; and miss H.M. just that little bit more.

Face looked at the petite creature in front of him and tried to think of a way out of his latest predicament. Face thought judging by the look on her visage, he could probably buy some time using his considerable charms.

“I’m sure you are a true professional, Miss Proctor but I have other pressing things going on.”

Sheri was getting the look of a pit bull in her jade eyes. There were several reasons why Face did not want this woman touching him and none had to do with his fear of being unfaithful to H.M.

Most of Face's reasons for not wanting to be touched had very little to do with whether the person doing the touching was male or female. He had learned quickly in his young life that people were often drawn to pretty objects. Some people were happy to just look and admire and others weren't happy unless they could possess the object of their desire. These people would often go out of their way to destroy what they couldn't have.

Not that he thought Stockwell or Sheri would out to do that, exactly but with his track record could he dare take the chance?

Templeton Peck had experience with all of these types of people in his life time. Over time Face became aware of the looks that people would give him. Male and female both but he knew very few of them would ever get to him. They had to go through the Team first. Face was aware of how much interference the Team ran if someone was paying too much of the wrong kind of attention to him.

At first he was upset, it felt as if they didn't trust him to look after himself but Hannibal had explained it as that's what a team was supposed to do. Look out for each other and keep each other safe. Face reasoned it out to himself that it prevented him from having to create excuses for why he would jump when anyone would touch him without warning.

Face would have given just about anything he could con to be able to talk to Murdock right at this minute, just so he could know that not everyone was out to hurt him, and that there were good people in this world who loved him no matter how fucked up he was.

He knew it would probably make him weak in the eyes of those surrounding him but he honestly didn’t care. It wasn’t like Stockwell gave a damn about him anyways; he was just playing the willing babysitter because the colonel and the rest of the team would have killed him where he stood in his fancy suits.

“Before you start with the torture Ms. Proctor I would like to know if there has been any word from the rest of the team.” Face didn’t think he sounded too needy.

Carla stepped forward, looking down at her always present clipboard. “We have confirmation that they met with the contact but after that we lost contact with them.”

“What?” Face shouted. “You have no idea where they are?”

“Calm down, lieutenant,” Stockwell ordered. “I’m sure Carla has more information for us.”

“Yes, sir. As I was saying we have had no further contact with them or Nathalia but we do have visual contact that they were on their way to a small airport on the outside of the city.”

“Why?” Face asked, sitting back down. He needed a break from his leg, and to take in all that he was learning about his team. He knew that his team would never leave him but there was a small thread of doubt still niggling at him.

“We don’t know for sure,” Carla said looking at Face in what he thought was an attempt at sympathy. It looked more like indigestion to him. Maybe dinner was coming back on her. “There were reports of guns firing, and there were two men found tied up in a back room.”

“What about my team? Were any of them hurt?” Or worse, Face thought, standing. He needed to be ready to move, bad leg or not.

“We don’t think so,” Carla said. “There wasn’t any report of them being injured but then again they left on a private plane without any flight plans. We think Captain Murdock was at the controls.”

“What do you know for sure?” Face yelled. “How the hell do you know Chao doesn’t have them?

“Calm down, soldier,” Stockwell said. “Carla, get our people looking for that bird.”

“Yes, general.” The blond gave them all a nod of the head before heading out of the room.

Face gasped as a cramp ran down his leg. He bit down on his lip to stop from screaming out in pain.

“Okay, take it easy, lieutenant,” Sheri said, coming over to him. “I want you to sit down and let me look at your leg.”

Face wanted to protest but right now he didn’t give a damn, he just wanted the pain to end. He sat back down on the chair. He grabbed Proctor’s hands as they tried to take off the brace. “Don’t touch.”

Sheri put her hands up. “Hey, I’m only trying to help. I just want to examine your leg, see if I can take away your pain.”

Face wasn’t sure he could trust her. “Please, I just want to help,” Sheri said, holding her hands in the air. “It’s my job; I don’t like seeing you in pain, Templeton.”


“What about your face?” Sheri asked.

Face gave her a slight smile. “No, that’s what I’m called. My friends call me that. Hell, most people call me that. The only one who calls me Templeton is Father Magill.”

“Well, I have a nickname too. It was one my daddy gave me growing up.”

“What is it?” Face asked.

“Sparkles,” Sheri said, turning her hands over so they were now holding hands. “Please, let me help you. If this Chao guy is after you and your team, you’re going to have to be at your best.”

Face knew she was right. He let go of her hands and held his breath as she undid the brace.

“The pain must be really bad,” Sheri said, running her hand down his leg.

“Why do you say that?”

“You’re shaking like a leaf.”

Face shook his head; his trembling had nothing to do with pain, he simply hated being touched by anyone. It had taken a long time for him not to flinch when Hannibal would pat him on the back for a job well done.

He still worried what he was going to do when Murdock decided to take their relationship further. He hoped he wouldn’t freak out but there was a part of him that hoped Murdock wouldn’t push. The same part that told him there was no way Murdock was going to wait for him. That the pilot would get tired of waiting for a frigid conman.

A conman with a woman killer reputation who couldn’t stand to be touched by the person he most loved in the world. When he was with women it was he that was the one on control when it came to sex. It was up to him to make the first moves. Occasionally, there would be a woman who would come on strong and try to take the lead when it came to sex. She would find herself sitting there alone and him heading out the door.

He knew he should just let Murdock go once the team got back before H.M. figured out that Face was a hell of a lot crazier that he was.

“I read your file,” Sheri said, interrupting Face’s thoughts before he could let them get too black and morbid.

“What did you find out?” Face asked trying to concentrate on what she was saying and not how it felt to feel Sheri’s hand caressing the inside of his leg.

“That you are a very lucky man.”

Face shrugged, he didn’t really feel very lucky. “If you say so.” His hands clenched the side of the chair. He really wished she would hurry up and finish what she had to do before he screamed.

“You had a good surgeon. With some hard work you’ll be not only walking without a limp but running too. Something I’m sure you do with regularity in this job.”

“You would know as well as I would.”

Sheri got to her feet. Face let out a sigh of relief. Once she was gone he felt like he could breathe again.

From the blush on her cheeks, Face was able to figure out Sheri’s job for Stockwell had very little to do with running but laying flat on her back.

“Sorry, I shouldn’t have asked. It’s none of my business what you did for Stockwell; I’m just sorry you got brought back here.”

“Don’t be. It was better than the alternative at the time, and now I’ve gotten myself a career that I can be proud of. As for helping you that would be the most fun I’ve had in a while.” Sheri gave him a wolfish grin.

Face didn’t return her smile. “Are we done here yet?” He hoped she got the message he wasn’t some play thing, no matter what Stockwell might think.

“No, actually, we aren’t. We need to get you stretching some to cut down on the pain, as well as ice your knee. There is a lot of swelling there. You’ve been walking on it too much. Did you trip or have some kind of accident?”

Face thought back to his little escapade on the floor of the bathroom. “I might have slipped a little.”

“Yeah, thought as much.” Sheri moved back over and grabbed a hold of Face’s knee, and pushed her hands against it, giving it a massage with her thumbs.

“Shit, that hurt.”

"Sorry. I'll try and be more careful. Now just sit back and try and relax. That's part of the problem we seem to be having. You need to calm down or this won't have any effect and we'll have to spend the rest of the day like this."

With that threat having been spoken Face forced himself to calm down. He did not want to spend any more time with this stranger's hands on him than was necessary. Somewhere in the back of his head Face's brain was telling him that he was being silly but he really didn't feel that this was the time to start trusting new people, especially people hired by Hunt Stockwell.

Face finally closed his eyes he could almost convince himself that it was Murdock who was rubbing his leg. He could still feel the tenderness in the pilot's hands as he helped work the cramp out of his battered limb. The thought of his true love was enough to illicit a slight moan from the Lieutenant.

Suddenly Face was ripped out of his pleasant dream to reality when he began to feel the hands that were working on his leg begin to move up as if they were searching for something. He was surprised to find that he was free to move Chao never made that mistake before. Face decided to make his move.

"Don't," was all he said.

"Owwww, you're hurting me. Please stop. Lieutenant Peck, stop it!"

Somehow the use of his rank brought Face out of his little world. He glanced down and quickly realized what he had been doing. Peck released Sheri and struggled to his feet.

"What were you doing?" Face asked, grabbing his leg brace and putting it on. He knew that if he had to get away fast he was going need the brace.

"Look we aren't done. You still have more work to do before you can call it a day."

"I'm done. It’s late, and all I want to do is go get some much needed sleep.” Face started to walk away when Sheri almost made a grave mistake she grabbed Peck's arm. It took every ounce of self control that Face had not to slam her into the nearest wall. "What is your problem lady? I don't know what Stockwell is after but I'm not playing any of your games so shove off. I’m not one of your clients, sweetheart."

Face pushed past Sheri, leaving the den and trying to head for his room. He needed some time alone. No, what he really needed was Murdock and the rest of his damn. Where the hell were they?”

"What the hell is your problem"? Sheri demanded pulling him back into the den. “I’m trying to help you. You can’t go anywhere without your brace.”

“My problem? You were the one that was getting fresh. I was just reacting to what you were doing," Face said, giving up his escape. He tried to sit gently on the couch but he soon gave it up and flopped down.

“I thought you were starting to relax. I was just seeing how high up the tight muscles ran. How did your physiotherapist last with that killer grip of yours," Shari asked rubbing her wrist?

“They did fine, thank you. My friends were helping me and they're…" Face couldn't say missing, "gone. They should be back soon."

"Look, I'm sorry. How did your friends manage to work all those tight muscles?" Sheri asked moving closer until the look in Face's eyes told her to stop.

Face shrugged. "They would usually tell me what they were about to do. So I could steady myself and not be surprised."

"Well, I could definitely give that a try if you want"?

Peck shook his head no, "I meant what I said I'm done."

Sheri nodded, "Okay, whatever you want. I won't press. I'm just doing my job."

“I get that, and I was just trying to do mine when this happened. Life sucks for us all.” And here I stand all alone while my family is fighting for their lives without me.

“Yeah, well, behave yourself and soon you’ll be back working. Now, my job is to make sure you won’t have these kinds of knots anymore. Now stretch it properly while I get some ice.”

Sheri was about to leave the room when the sound of gunfire echoed outside the house. After years of training they both hit the ground; Face holding in a groan of pain when his leg hit the floor. He grabbed his brace and strapped it on.

Stockwell rushed down the stairs at the first sound of trouble. "Report lieutenant."

"I think we are under attack, General Stockwell. Maybe it’s just in my imagination. It’s the perfect time for it too. The dark will make it hard to find them," Face answered as he crawled towards the entertainment centre on all fours. Well three. His sore leg was dragging behind him. Peck quickly gathered up his .357 and a mini 14. He could fell someone move up beside him. Face stole a quick glance. It was Stockwell.

Face looked at Stockwell. He felt guilty, he knew that it was Chao and he was after him, and in spite of his earlier ideas about what he would do if Chao came after him the survival instinct was once again renewed. He couldn’t just let the bastard take him but if it came down to his life or Stockwell or Sheri or anyone else he would do whatever it took to keep them alive.


the a team, face/murdock

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