Drop Dead Diva

May 30, 2010 15:11

If you enjoyed Legally Blonde or Miss Match, I highly recommend Drop Dead Diva. If you like thoughtful, funny, Health-At-Every-Size-positive shows with a bit of contrarealism, check it out! The first season is free on Hulu until June 6.

More detail: I saw the previews last year and thought it looked stupid, but it showed up on Hulu's most watched list and I figured, hey, why not. By the end of the first episode I was intrigued enough to watch the second, and by the end of the second I was hooked.

It's hung on a more-or-less fantasy premise. Deb, a loveable but shallow model, runs her Mini into a truckload of grapefruit on the way to an audition. Arriving on the other side, she learns that her life has been a complete zero, and gets herself sent back to Earth to a new life in the body of Jane, a plus-size lawyer. (She also gets the law knowledge, if you're wondering.)

I know, right? It sounds stupid. But the series is structured around that thematic argument. Is she a different person in this body? Which is her identity -- Deb or Jane? Do you get to reinvent yourself?

The rest of the regular cast is great -- even the bog-standard Central Casting size 2 bitch-lawyer rival gets to develop into a real character after the first episode. The show does some of the best work I've seen on using guest stars well. (Seriously. It's hard to do.)

The plots are nicely constructed and work thematically with the series as a whole. There was at least one twist ending I totally didn't see coming (rare), and although they do the usual law show thing of collapsing weeks of a trial into three days, I can forgive that. (Remember that law show on Fox a few years back that tried something completely innovative and told the story of each case over a matter of months or years? Yeah, me neither.)

Anyway. If Legally Blonde was your kind of movie, I think Drop Dead Diva might be your kind of show. Check it out.
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