Jul 31, 2006 11:58
Makinaw Triathlon
Sunday, July 30th
800m swim = 16:35 (2:05)
T1 = 1:45
30k (18.6mi) bike = 51:35 (21.3 mph)
T2 = :47
5k (3.1 mi) run = 22:37 (7:17)
2nd/12 in age group (25-29)
23/148 overall
I think this was the best race I've ever had. Everything just fell together. I told myself that I wasn't happy with the way things went my last two races and that I was really going to focus in on my training for Makinaw. I did just that, and it paid off. I can't believe my swim time. I knew I was was doing well when I hit the water, but previous to this my best 800m time was around 19minutes. So thats where the hard work must have paid off. I basically went from about a 2:25 or so per 100m average to 2:05 per 100m average. It's hard to understand unless you are a swimmer. It's almost like going from 8min miles in running to 7 minute miles. I'm still in shock. I was good to collect an age group award again too. I simply feels good, not to mention swimming in lake Michigan right next to the bridge! The only downside was that I bruised the bottom of my left foot pretty bad from walking on all the rocks in the lake.