Dec 17, 2003 16:16
i'm so upset! i just spent so long fucking typing loads of COOL SHIT UP, because it was probably going to be funny because i was stoned, and it was so good, and i was doing OH FCK FCK FCK. MOTHGUCKJEDS
It's going to waste a lot of time, that i could be on faceparty, but i'm going to sacrifice it because what i wrote before i really liked, so i'm going to try and remember it all.
well first thing's first, i remember saying i was (i'm gonna do this fast, in the original there was a lot more compliations and confusion-ness and OH FUCK, i just realized i wrote a good poem in the last one. shite. ah well, i'll try and remember that too. oops, forgot to put a bracket. ah well. oh fuck, that just makes me look obvious, shitty. now you're gonna think it's on purpose, well it isn't! oh but every time i look up it reminds me of this and i can't help but worry.
worry that was something that came up earlier. fuck remembering it all because that's too hard. well, what i am going to do instead is continue where i left off. it's a shame but ah well. life goes on, i'm not really bothered about it, i can't change it so why worry. what was i saying. yeah, so i remember writing i couldn't think of anything because i had forgotten things to write about, so i remember saying i could look at my hand because i had forgotten that i had written idea's on my hand, so i wouldn't forget them, but i didn't think about what would happen if i forgot i had written them down. guess it's lucky i remembered.
so yeah, i looked at my hand and there two ideas, well two ideas and one sub idea from one of the proper ideas. yeah, so one looked complicated, so i wrote a poem that explained that one was complicated which could be scary, and i was going to get to the fact about the other one after i had finished the poem. the rest of the poem said that it could be scary because some people look at this confusion type thing as being uncomfortable and they don't like it OR some people enjoy the confusion, like me. yeah, so that's basically the idea i was writing on when i accidently closed it.
yeah, so something else on the other page was meths. i thought she sent me a comment on live journal, because someone called methsickle or something commented on it, as i just saw the email delivered to my msn. then i thought wait, does meths have my live journal? then i said, ah yes, i messaged her on facewhore, she looked at my profile and saw my live journal, then i said, mystery solved. but then i was like, wait, am i sure it was meths who i messaged on facewhore? i'm starting to think it's luna, not meths, so i'm like. yeah, haha, i remember it well, it was exactly how i'm feeling now, 'what to write?' and 'so what?' haha, it was just like this. so yeah. ANYWAY.
i'm gonna go get something to eat, then i have to write about something i just remembered that i thought it was the right thing to do to know that i would have forgotten it if i hadn't decided to do what i'm about to do which is to say that i'm going to write it down, which is about the picture. i also have a strange feeling that it wasn't the picture i was talking about, and that it's just two stories that i can't remember, except for the beginning part of one, and the end of the other. haha, that's jokes. well anyway, i dunno, it may have been the picture, or it may have been, yes i remember, i remember what i wasn't sure it was. i had the feeling it wasn't the picture and that it was grass, milk and cows. strange.
back. right picture, quick, i got a new idea, hurry up. here goes. the picture that trips you out, i looked at it, like vortexes blah blah blah colour changing blah blah. okay i'm done, wait quick i need to remember this, something else that trips me out, the music. okay, NEXT.
i HAVE COOKIES! :D my mum baked them yesterday from cookie dough, and i just ate the last one, but she said she's gonna have fresh ones because she's baking more now. I'M GONNA HAVE FRESH ONES!!' that's amazing! mmmMMMMmmm i can't wait! mmmMMMMmmm the sprite is so good too! i wish i got this kind of munchies more in england. i think it's do to with the fact over here, they smoke it with no tobacco. it's definetly a different stoned feeling with tobbacco in it to without.
anyway, i wish in england i got this kind of munchies MORE OFTEN! not saying i never got it in england, but that i just didn't get it much. aw fuck, i keep getting glimpes of ideas. i've used this before to describe being stoned, i made it up another time when i was stoned, and remember it when i'm stoned, that's cool. well, it goes like this -
being stoned is like having hundreds of tiny flies that hold information in your head and you can't catch any of them, but every now and then you almost get one, so you get the beginning of the idea, but then you forget the end. this means you have loads of good ideas, but they get too complicated and you forget the beginning. tis very annoying. sometimes. MEOOOHINIO! yeah, i don't care, word up motherfuckAAAAHH!!
HAHA that's me. well i'm gonna go on faceparty now, peace out homie bredwinios