Dec 15, 2003 13:42
well, I've invited Patrick to my Grandpa's christmas party. I really hope that goes well. A bit of an update--
I now go to a chat room on a self-injury site called Ruin Your Life and I was saying how much small towns in Arizona are horrible. Some person speaks up with, "Wow. I live in a small town in Arizona."
I ask him where and he lives in the same town I grew up in. Not only that but I know his older brother. He married my neighbor and is good friends with my aunt. Very strange...
Anyways, we've been speaking for a while and I have invited him to a christmas party. This should be interesting as we've never met before. :\
Well, I'm a little behind in a few classes but it shouldn't matter much. I have finals Thursday and Friday.
I'm really lonely and I want to just find the nearest male object and molest him. I found myself petting some stranger in class because I liked his hair. I hate having nobody to play with. Some random guy gave me a neat porn link but I don't recall what it was.
I can't sleep. I've been spending my nights cutting words out of magazines and newspapers. I'm currently making a collage for my wall. I'm about half done, but my printer died. I'm not exactly sure what else I'm going to put on it.
I missed my last doctor's appointment. I hate her. I keep having to diagnose myself because she's an idiot. She killed a six-year-old by misdiagnosing him and giving him too much medication. Reassuring? Of course. The meds I'm on aren't working so I've stopped taking them. I'm seeing no real difference except dizziness which could just be the flu.
Someone is wearing too much perfume and I'm still light-headed so I'm off.