Context: I had a debate/argument/whatever with the guild leader, and after I got annoyed by his hypocrisy-
Which was apparently loljustajoke but that's not their only problem anyway-
I left a few days later after having gchat turned off for a while. I don't recall giving the guild as a whole the ooc reason why I went. Later I found out from a friend that I had apparently said some things about...All of the active officers. And then I found out more of it from another friend.
And that the friggin' guild leader lied about me. Sooo, here's pictures.
His irl name is uncensored but he's fairly careless about who he gives it to anyway (Like to anyone within the guild), so I don't feel too bad/most of this was done over RealID and I'd rather it didn't look fake.
...Actually what I said was 'someone seeing right through someone's arcane-based illusion without even trying would be OP' and 'why would he scry through it anyway'. Sensing magic or too much magic on a mage = big deal of suspicion, apparently.
Okay lesseeee... I might of said things along the lines of 'x does z and that bothers me' but not 'really hurtful bitching'. And at least two of the people mentioned are my friends that I have no beef with/nitpicks about and another is someone that just doesn't come to mind a lot. I'd say 'and I don't know x' but you don't need to know someone to take issue with them, anywaaay...
Apparently I am stupid enough to call an officer a bastard to the guild leader's face.
Sooo...The officers, possibly including the ones that supposedly reported me to him, would get annoyed and potentially alter their guild activity or outright leave if he started asking them about it. Despite the fact that the ones that didn't report anything wouldn't be involved in questioning and any that did would probably want to be involved. And inactivity is a huge deal despite the fact that Fgr is one of the largest Rp guilds on the realm.
...What. Anyway here's the whole screencaps, but I forgot to save them to .png first so they look kinda crap.
Okay I know the quality is crap but I love what I did with this guy's face.
Tl;dr: Emeran is a pingas and I hope Ranknar sterilizes him with his foot.
Okay are you FUCKING KIDDING ME. :| My post there dissapeared, so I posted another but...The first came back and the second vanished. Either I'm a idiot with forums or the guy selectively deleted them.
Edit again:
HE ADMITS sort of. Avoidantly. And on the forum thread. 'tis kinda hilarious.
Why is this still going and why is my account banned Nah scratch that, it seems done for now. Apparently he got himself booted from the elitest channel for lying about someone else as well. Way to destroy your credibility for nothing, dude.