She flounced.
And I find that funny.
Having low self-esteem really doesn't fit well with a head-up-his-ass moderator talking down to me.
Most of the people who were interested already PM'd me anyway.
I apologize to anyone else who, as a friend put it, "Were robbed of the opportunity to RP with Lilieth and her lovely worgies," but I've decided I'm gonna leave and come back later.
I'm sorry, but, as a full-time artist with a commercial art website, Master's Degree in Art, and two years towards a PhD in Psychology worked out so far, it's a waste of my time being talked down to by the moderator of a World of Warcraft pornographic roleplaying forum over a misunderstanding about underaged characters that could have been solved in a civil manner but unfortunately was not done as such. I've got much more important things to do than continue to try and argue with them when they're clearly incapable of comprehending the difference between civility and uncalled-for rudeness.
So, see you all later.
Love y'guys.
I'll repost it again late November or early December. By then I'll have drawn the characters out and have their descriptions more fully fleshed out.
Peace out. Bai.
Delete this post, please.
So all of her original entry is gone, THANK GIZZYBISCUITS FOR ME SAVING IT WITH BAD CENSORING HUH. Now to go and see what exactly prompted this IM LEVING edit.
"Get the underage shit off your ad, NOW.
The only reason I'm not banning you for this borderline-pedo bullshit is that your ad was made in April."
"Cimnos wrote:
I'd like to say that I'm quite interested in working with a Worgen in sexual activities, though I don't think I've ever seen someone so dedicated to Worgen.
Name: Cimno Marn
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Backround: Will be revealed in roleplay, but he's basically your typical squire gone awry from his Paladin training.
Character of most interested: Virexa, ye olde Whore Queen. The name caught me at hello.
MSN Address -
Cimno222@hotmail.comAIM Address - Cimno2 or Cimno3
Hope to talk to you soon!
~Your friendly neighborhood warrior tank
"And I've got a strong urge to have your ass banned, too."
"It's been changed, but please don't scream at me, alright?
Where I'm from, the legal age of consent is 16. I very calmly changed it to adhere to your rules, but I don't appreciate you screaming at me and/or my commenters.
I didn't mean for anything pedophilia-related, I'm sorry about that.
But next time, please PM me instead? I would have seen it sooner because I always check my PM's before my posts, and secondly, I wouldn't have a moderator screaming at me and the people commenting on my thread because of a misunderstanding of consentual age laws on the forum.
I would have greatly appreciated a "Please change Lilieth's age." instead of a "Get the underage shit off your ad, NOW."
Next time, take a chill pill first.
Sorry for the inconvenience,
"That's the age of consent in my country, too. But that doesn't change anything.
I would have greatly appreciated you reading
the sticky that's been up for several months now, instead of you acting like a sassy bitch.
If I known you would have done that, I wouldn't have given you a second chance."
"I read
this one and wasn't really aware there was another one, but I only read that one today because of this event.
A friend of mine warned "Hey, don't make Lilieth underaged" back when I first made this post and I went "She's 16 it's good." and, seeing as I didn't get any warnings or anything like that for 5 months, I figured 16 was fine.
This is the very first 'warning' I've gotten since April about her being underaged. Typically, with no moderators PMing me about it, I just figured I was obviously fine and didn't need to read the underaged post.
It was a really simple thing to change.
And other than asking you to take a chill-pill, I don't see how I was being a sassy bitch. You're probably just reading my text wrong. I'm calmly saying it was a misunderstanding and that I don't appreciate being yelled at about something I wasn't fully aware of at the time.
It's like I'm a Mexican lady who walked in, accidentally not noticing the "YOU MUST SPEAK ENGLISH BEYOND THIS POINT" sign because nobody's given me guff about speaking Spanish for the past 5 months I've lived in this town, and as soon as I say "Hola senor!" I get a shotgun shoved down my throat by the president of Mann Co. and he's like "SPEAK ENGLISH OR I'LL MAKE ORPHANS OF YOUR FUCKING CHILDREN!"
It's like, come on, dude. Just ask me to speak English, refer to the sign, I'll apologize and remember to speak English from that point on!
Rudeness isn't welcome.
Now if you're gonna ban me, go 'head. You and I can very simply edit our posts and put this behind us though. So. Up t'you.
~Senorita Lilieth"
"Yes, me having you banned for breaking the rules regarding potentially-underage sex is exactly like if I were to threaten you with murder for speaking a language other than English. Thanks for clarifying!"
"that was a really terrible example.
"(Mod quotes Cimnos' post and provides this little gem)
this is on a website full of sexual advances and webcam requests "
"Oh. Yeesh.
Explains that then."
"Locked and Banned. Like Blizzy said, you had months to read ALL the stickies about underage shit on DN. We don't like it, we don't want it. And that goes for the majority of the community not just the staff. "
"and cimnos is banned too for being a pedophilic piece of shit"