2 Guy/Marian headers + icons!

Feb 28, 2010 19:28

A/N: Hello everyone! I'm alive and well, and I hope I'll get the chance to read all the stories I've been following and leave comments. And also take a look at new icons, wallpapers, and other updates. I seriously haven't had the time... it's sad... I miss LJ. And so much has happened since the last time I was here! :-O

Anyway, here are some headers I've made, wanted to share them with you, feel free to use them. They have some matching icons, made four for each header... couldn't make up my mind! What else? Well, please credit when use, and... you don't have to take one of the headers if you only want to use one specific icon, just credit when use, like it said. ;-)

Header #1


Header #2



guy marian headers icons robin hood gizx

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