Fic: Darkness Is Our Friend - Secret Santa gift for thymelady 2009

Jan 02, 2010 15:50

Dripping water, cold stone walls and lousy guards… Yes, Nottingham Castle was in its normal state when Guy went on his regular walk through the halls on the castle’s north side. He liked being alone sometimes… Especially when the sheriff was in a bad mood, then a little walk was a perfect thing to end the day.

Also, there was something else that could end the day in a good way…


Guy smirked at the thought of her. He couldn’t get enough of her. And obviously the Gods agreed…

When Guy was about to round the corner he stopped abruptly and stayed hidden among the shadows at the corner. Marian was standing outside her room talking to a servant girl. Both girls smiled and their conversation ended and Guy realised Marian was on her way towards him.

He stayed in the darkness, looking at her with intense eyes. She was even more beautiful than ever when she walked and smiled to herself.

Guy smirked and pressed himself closer to the wall when Marian rounded his corner with a smooth movement.

“I wouldn’t go further if I were you…” a husky voice said from the shadows.

Marian stopped a little taken by surprise. “Guy?” she said and tried to make out who was hiding in the dark. After a few minutes of constant silence - Guy slowly entered the light and gave Marian a grin.

“Marian.” he said like nothing had happened.

Marian looked at him confused. “Guy, why are you hiding in the shadows?” she asked and walked a bit closer.

“Well, I was hoping you would come and join me.” he said.

“In the shadows? Why?” she asked. She still thought this was ridiculous.

“Because in the shadows no one can see us… It’s like a brand new world here. Come and see for yourself.” Guy said and walked back in to the deep darkness.

Marian stayed where she was for a while and looked at the door of darkness Guy had just entered. “Guy, this isn’t funny. I won’t follow you.” she said stubbornly, but eyed the shadows still.

She sighed when Guy didn’t answer her. She slowly walked closer to the area containing darkness and then entered it.

Marian couldn’t see anything. Probably they were in another corridor that didn’t have any torches… But it actually felt like a brand new place to be in. “Guy? Where are you?” she asked shakily. Even though she knew where she saw, the darkness scared her a little.

“I’m right here…” a familiar voice said from behind her. Marian turned and felt two warm hands on her arms.

“You’re not wearing your gloves…” Marian said as she felt his warm, gentle hands slowly sliding up her arms. She didn’t know why she said it. It just came to her.

Guy smiled in the dark, even though he couldn’t see her - he still could feel her.

He took a step forward - he could feel Marian’s steady breaths on his throat when he came a little too close.

Marian could feel him too. He held her arms and she could feel leather press against her. She recognized his scent. Leather, horse, ale… Guy. She loved his scent.

“I thought you said you weren’t going to follow me…” Guy whispered deeply in Marian’s ear.

Shiver slides through Marian’s body, staying in her legs making them almost buckle. It was something about his voice… Something she couldn’t be without.

“I… I like danger…” she whispered back and put one of her hands on his chest. His chest rose and fell… she could feel it crystal clear.

Marian felt him come closer, his nose almost brushing against hers. “Oh do you? I guess we’re two about that…” he said softly and later on kissed her roughly so that her back pressed against the wall behind her neither of them knew was there.

They shared a very intense kiss, much affection and hurried feelings. Guy had both his hands on each side of her head as he tasted her lips. Marian didn’t know why she had her eyes closed… it was already dark and she couldn’t see a thing. But to have Guy there… showing his feelings for her was very attractive.

She put her hands around his neck, feeling his hair between her fingers. His hair was very soft… she hadn’t noticed that before. Her hands made their way over his stubble jaw… she felt his cheeks scratching against her fingers… she liked it.

He broke the passionate kiss - he wanted to look at her. But clearly couldn’t. Was this real? It was… It truly was.

“I want to stay in the darkness forever…” Marian said calmly, her head resting against Guy’s chest.

“I guess we could… But then I won’t be able to see you…” Guy said softly and stroked Marian’s hair.

“Well, maybe we could see each other in the light… and here sometime…”

Guy smirked. He didn’t reply. He carefully bent down and captured her mouth again. Her back was again pressed against the wall. Their bodies were close, and their feelings had many pats to go on…

secret santa gift 2009

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