Fic: Lovemaking Couple And A Hooded Figure Part 1 & 2

Nov 22, 2009 00:14

Title: Lovemaking Couple & A Hooded Figure (Not for childrens eyes!)
Author: gizxmaz
Paring: Guy/Lily (and someone else... *wink*)
Summary: Well, nothing serious.This is a 2 Part fic. It's like a Guy/OC but still not... Lady Lily from my fic One Last Try is in this, and is very enjoying it too. Pretty much contains sex, sexytimes and sexy-talk. If you can't handle that kind of stuff.. Then you should probably... read between the lines.. ;-)
Disclaimer: I do not own Robin Hood. But Lady Lily is ALL mine!

Part 1

He made the movements quicker with his hand up and down his hard erection. He couldn’t stop thinking about her. He had this hidden need for her. Every time he thought of her he felt… like he needed her there in the exact moment. He only had his thoughts of her and himself. And that was how he pleased himself from now on. He was alone in his chamber in Locksley. All the servants were asleep and no one could hear Guy of Gisborne moan deep as he felt close to come.

He let go of his cock before he spilled his seeds. The white moisture spilled on the wooden floor in front of him and he sighed deeply before he sunk down on the bed. He didn’t even bother to pull up his trousers again. Guy closed his eyes as his head hit the soft mattress underneath him. Lily… Lily…. Even though he just thought of her name he felt himself grow harder again. This was not like him. Why did he need her? He could take care of himself. He could have any women he wanted. If he wanted pleasure he could just take some kitchen wench or some other servant girl who was too scared to disobey.

No… It was not the same. No other woman could be compared to Lily. Lily is the most beautiful woman in the world, so full of humour and love… She brightens up the day when the clouds are dark… Lady Lily is the beat in my heart.

Guy stared at the wooden surface over him. No. He wasn’t this weak. He couldn’t just stay here in his room all day long and be childish. Lily was in the other room.

Guy sat up on the bed. She is in the other room… He thought to himself as he rose to his feet. He took of the rest of his trousers and then he ripped off his tunic. Both cloths landed on the floor and Guy felt the cold air hit his naked body.

He sighed deeply and titled his head to the right side and then to the left. He had to admit that he never would be able to forget Marian. She was the love of his life. He dreamed of her… he’d wished to start a family with her… But one day she disappeared and all his dreams faded away… slowly… painfully… And he didn’t have anything to live for.

Then one day he heard a knock on the door. Marian had been gone for two months that day. And when he opened the door he saw Lily standing there. She had left Allan a Dale. It didn’t work between them. They separated like friends she said. Guy believed her. And from the day she came Guy couldn’t stop thinking about her. He was too scared to tell her about his feelings. She would probably run away and leave him here, alone and devastated. He couldn’t risk that. At least she was in his home, he could talk to her every day and he could follow her movements with his eyes.

Guy knew it was wrong to think about a friend in that way. But he couldn’t help it… he fancied her so much and his feelings overtook him and he couldn’t deny that he wanted to have sex with her. He wanted even more then that. He wanted to marry her…

A knock on the door made Guy stare. He was stuck in the moment that he didn’t have the time to pull on his clothes again. He looked at the door when it opened. It was Lily… Lady Lily stood in the door opening for a few seconds before she went inside the room and closed the door behind her. She looked at Guy - from head to toe. His body was gorgeous. Not to mention that his large erection caught her attention.

Guy was shocked that she didn’t run out of the room. And when he realised that she was going to stay for a while he turned around and began to step into his leather trousers.

“No. Don’t do that.” Lily said - her voice was a little weak. Maybe she was a bit shocked after all. Guy turned to her and let go of his trousers. He swallowed hard and tried to find a spot on the floor he could look at.
“I came here… because I’m in love with you. I want to be with you… and I want you to make love to me.” She said.

Guy’s eyes landed on hers and the confusion rose. “What?” Had she always felt like him… and he thought she just saw him like a friend without knowing that both of them felt the same.

He took a few steps forward. As he did so Lily began to unlace her corset and dress. She stepped out of her long boots and stayed were she was, naked.
Guy’s breath stayed in his throat and he looked at her beautiful body. She was perfect. Her skin… her breasts… her hair… everything on her was perfect.

He stepped forward. They were just inches away from each other and they could basically touch each others breaths. Guy’s hand landed on her hip and he took in all of her with his eyes. He was not going to forget this moment. He stroked her skin with his palm. He stopped when he reached her breasts. She put her hand on his and guided it to one of her fully breasts.

His touch felt wonderful… so gentle and sweet. He really was very careful with her she noticed. “Come here my beautiful stallion…” Lily hissed and wrapped her arms around his neck and clung to him with her body. His erect cock pressed against her belly and both of them felt Lily’s belly become wet of the liquid that dripped out from Guy’s member. Guy felt so weak when his body reacted this way… and he couldn’t help it. He needed her.

But Guy was not going to disobey her. He was going to follow her every order and command.
He scooped her up in his arms and walked backwards and fell onto the bed with Lily over him. She let out an exciting giggle and straddled him as she pushed him further down on the bed.

Guy groaned deeply and took a hold of Lily’s hips and tried to put her in place. But her teasing really was distracting. Lily placed her knees on each side of Guy’s tights and lifted her body just as much so she was a few inches away to sunk onto him.

She looked down at Guy who looked at her with hope in his eyes. She took his hardening cock in her hand and began to draw the skin back and forth from the head and back again. She smiled when she saw Guy’s expression. He tilted his head backwards and inhaled loudly and then growled with closed eyes.
“You like this don’t you?” Lily asked with a soft voice. She grinned.

Guy opened his eyes and took her hand away. He couldn’t wait any longer and her teasing mood didn’t help either. He flipped her over to her back and straddled her this time. She let her head fall on the pillow and she looked at Guy amused. He only stared at her for a moment before he began to kiss her throat and downwards across her chest. When he reached her bellybutton he stopped and grabbed himself and pushed the tip of his manhood inside her.

She cried out in pleasure when he sunk deeper inside. She wrapped her legs around his waist and tried to make him sunk deeper inside. And he did. He filled her up until she felt his balls press against her. Guy began to move. He slid in and out very carefully and slowly at first, but then the need began to build even more and he started a quicker rhythm.

When Guy heard Lily’s moans between her out crying breaths he felt himself tense and made the movements slower. His forehead rested against her throat as he trusted into her slow and carefully.
The door opened without making Guy or Lily notice. There was a hooded figure in the doorway. The figure closed the door smoothly and walked over to the lovemaking couple. Guy heard something behind him and when he turned he saw the dark figure let go of the mantle it was carrying. Guy’s eyes shoot open to a size he didn’t know he could have. Was he dreaming or was this really the truth?

Guy stopped the movements abruptly and stared at the woman he thought he lost a few months ago.


Marian smiled bushy and began to step out of her dress she already had begun to take off. Guy only looked intently at her and then gazed down at Lily underneath him. She was smiling.

Marian walked over to them and went up behind Guy and placed her hands on his shoulders - pressing her naked body against his back.

“What-“ Guy was cut off rather quickly by Marian. She put her arms around him from behind and smiled at Lily. Guy pulled out of her and turned. Could he get anymore confused?

The two ladies before him had probably planned this a while back… or had they? Guy didn’t know. And he actually didn’t care. He liked them both, and he had them here, together.

Could life get any better than this?

Part 2
The tension and lust filled the room all over again after Marian had entered and crawled up on to the bed with the couple. She had her arms around Guy’s neck from behind, her chin rested against his and she slowly let her hands make small circles over his chest. Guy’s heartbeat rose and he thought it would stop and make all this disappear. But it didn’t. His heart just beat quickly, and he had a wonderful feeling inside. This exquisite night would be hard to forget… Who would want to forget it?

“We want you, Guy…” Marian mumbled against his earlobe - slowly licking it with her tongue. Guy’s eyes closed and his mouth fell open when he felt Marian massage his nipples. Her fingers made them hard and Guy had a full erection again.

“Lay down, beautiful knight. And then we will give you real pleasure…” Lily moaned at the same time as Marian pushed Guy down on to his back on the bed.

Guy didn’t want to say anything. He stayed quiet and waited for his women to show him what real pleasure was…

Marian seated herself between Guy’s tights and put her hands on his loins. She could see that her touch made him even more erect. She slowly let her hands stroke his elegant legs - glancing at Lily while she did so.

Lily was sitting on her knees on Guy’s right side. She smiled cheeky when she met Marian’s eyes and then she put her hand on Guy’s arm.

Before Guy noticed anything - Lily had pulled out a leather clad rope and tied Guy’s hands to either side of the bed. Guy winked and reacted a little too late. His women had him under their demand…

The rope was tied hard around Guy’s wrists when he pulled in them a little. He actually enjoyed the feeling… it was new, exciting and he couldn’t get anymore aroused. His cock was rock hard and very painful when Marian grabbed it with a gentle hand.

“Now tell me, Sir Guy…” Marian began.

“Nottinghamshire’s most handsome Black Knight…” Lily filled in.

“What do you want us to do to you?” Marian asked and slowly moved her hand up and down Guy’s hard cock. “This?” she smiled.

The feeling of her touching him was even more wonderful then he ever could have imagined. He had thought of this many times, more then he can count. And now, she was here in his chamber soon to make him come.

Guy growled and grabbed Lily by the arm since she still had them where his hands were tied. Lily smiled and stroked Guy’s jaw slowly with her free hand and joined her fingers together with his.

“My lovely partner Marian is taking care of your… special “friend” down there… so why don’t I take care of you up here…” Lily whispered and leaned over his chest and began to kiss him across his abdomen.

Guy closed his eyes shut and liked every single second of being here. He could feel Marian taking his cock in her warm and wet mouth. And at the same time - Lily captured one of his nipples between her lips and toyed with it as she stroked the other.

If he could - Guy would have stroked Lily’s hair and touched Marian’s hand. But in this position he couldn’t, and that was very frustrating.

“P-Pleeease…” Guy moaned huskily and opened his eyes carefully. Lily raised her head and looked at him when Marian spoke.

“’Please’ what Guy? What do you want?” she asked after she let his cock slip out from her mouth and continued the act with her and again.

“Untie me-e… I…I want to…”

“What Guy? Tell us.” Lily asked with a grin on her lips.

Guy groaned and had his mouth half open when Marian tightened her grip around him.
“I want to touch you two!” he blurred out and felt himself stiffen between his legs. Lily raised an eyebrow, Marian raised both.

Lily giggled quietly and glanced at Marian.

“Well Lady Marian, what do you think we should do?” she asked and let her hand rest on his chest.
Marian smiled.

“I think,” she started - letting go of Guy and moved beside him. “we should listen to him.”

Both women smiled. Lily began to untie Guy’s right hand and Marian the left. Guy gained his breath and withdrew his hands to his body again. He looked at Lily and Marian. Both of them were smiling and just looking at him. Their bodies were gorgeous, both of them looked so innocent, intrigued.

“Where do you want us, Guy? What do you want us to do?” Marian asked. Lily sat next to her and they waited to hear what he wanted.

Guy rose to a sitting position, smirking like he often did. He moved over to them and stopped in front of them.

“We’ll do anything.” Lily said.

“Anything?” Guy asked and grinned when they nodded. He looked at them for a while before he opened his mouth. “Kiss her.” He said and looked at Lily.

Lily raised her eyebrows again and glanced at Marian.

“Gladly.” She said and put her hands around Marian’s neck and pulled her closer in to a deep kiss containing tongue and saliva.

Guy frowned and his eyes widened. The only two persons he had feelings for were kissing each other in front of him. It made him… hard again.

Lily smiled and let her hand stay at Marian’s waist. They softly broke the kiss and glanced at Guy at the same time.

“I think we should stop. Our dear knight might want something for himself to play with.” Marian mumbled and smiled gently at Guy.

He had never seen this before… two women together. He smirked and leaned forward, closer to them.
“I guess you’re right about your dear knight… I want you,” he said and put his left hand on Marian’s breast and then his right one on Lily’s. “both of you…”

Both women started giggling and moved to each side of Guy.

“Of course, My Lord. We will do anything to serve you.” Lily said with a rather low voice and a big grin all over her face. Marian smiled at Guy.

Guy lay down on to his back again, starring at the women before him with an eager and a hidden happy expression. Lily moved to Guy’s left side and began to kiss his throat. Guy closed his eyes and enjoyed Lily’s lips press against him.

Lily later on captured Guy’s lips and they kissed roughly and the sound of their breaths got higher. Only moments later - Marian sunk down on to Guy’s hard cock which made him moan painfully in Lily’s mouth.
Marian rode him carefully and slowly at first, but hastily made the movements quicker when they both needed more. She had her hands on his gorgeous, golden chest. Her fingernails warily dug in to his skin and made him shift a little and lift his body closer to hers.

A pair of pale breasts was right in front of Guy’s eyes when he opened them. He recognized it was Lily before he met her eyes. She smiled at him audaciously and let her head sunk down to his. She closed her eyes and let her nose touch his cheek. Her hands reached to his hair and she detained some of it between her gentle fingers - pulling a little.

Guy placed his palm over one of Lily’s breasts and squeezed it rather hard as he was close to reach his climax. He felt himself come inside of Marian, she was so wet and hot around him and he realised she didn’t intend to go off him. She stayed where she was, shifting slowly.

Guy’s tongue caressed Lily’s breast and he loved hearing her groan deeply. His hand played with the other one and soon he felt Marian’s hand on it too. As Guy continued fondling Lily’s firm nipple Marian kissed her softly on the mouth - still sitting on top of Guy.

The night was still young and no one in the manor was awake yet.

Guy on the other hand thought the night was actually over. Marian slide off him with a slow move, and Lily straightened and made Guy lose the contact he had had with her breasts.

Guy stared at them with confused eyes, very disappointed.

The covers on the bed were in a heavy mess. Nothing lay on its place and some of the pillows had fallen down on the floor. Guy was just about to say something but no sound came out. He felt rather weak at this point. He used to have power over everyone who got in his way… But now, Marian and Lily had an extreme power over him.

“What are you thinking about, Guy?” Marian asked as Lily stroked his hair away from his face.
Reality woke him and Guy withdrew a deep breath as he looked at them. “Why are you doing this?” he asked softly.

The women looked at each other quite serious before they seated themselves down on the bed.

“Because we love you, Guy…” Lily said.

“And we want to be with you…” Marian continued tenderly.

“We would do anything for you,” they both whispered as they grabbed each others hand. “anything…”

Guy sat on the bed and looked at them and he flushed when they began to touch each other. But his body reacted to the sight and he liked what he saw, so he watched them closely.

He watched Marian taking Lily’s lips between her own, massaging her breasts as she did so. Lily’s hands explored Marian’s body, stroking her waist, her back, her everything. They lay on top of one another, right next to Guy who still observed them with a fire burning stare.

The girls pleased the other one with kisses, touching and licking. They wanted to show Guy that he had them, that he had them both.

When some time had passed and both Lily and Marian was close to a joyful climax filled with pleasure they got off each other and collapsed on each side of Guy on his out stretched arms.

To see them pleasing each other in a very arousing way was really enjoyable for Guy. He liked watching them as much as he liked being there too. He felt them breathe on his skin, but their deep breaths slowly faded and they regained their controlled selves.

Lily rose and looked down at Guy. Smiling shyly she glanced away. “What do you say, Marian? Should we tell Sir Guy about our game?”

Marian rose too and nodded.

Guy raised his eyebrows and licked his lips. This was interesting.

“What do you say about playing our game called ‘One rough, angry Master and two weak, naked servants’?” Lily asked and grinned.

Guy rose so he sat on the bed, looking at them with blazing eyes and a cocky smirk on his lips.

The End

part 1 and 2, fic: lovemaking couple and a hooded figu, author: gizxmaz

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