Paire fic

Dec 05, 2007 16:35

Oh my gosh, my first actual ficlet to be posted in a livejournal! Actually, now that I think about it, this is my first one-shot I've ever written. Anyway, I wrote this for myfebruarysong 'cos she asked for one in her Christmas list thing. I know someone already told you that they would do it but I was just really bored one night. Plus, I thought it was cute. ^^; So, er, enjoy!

Fandom: Heroes
Title: Mistletoe
Rating: G
Pairing: Peter/Claire
Summary: Peter always hated mistletoe.
Warning: None - you can take it as canon!pairing or AU
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: For entertainment purposes only.
A/N: This is basically an AU story since I'm really not sure where it'd take place. Everyone is too happy.

Peter hated mistletoe. It was dirty, green and had the most pointless custom ever. Unfortunately for him, the Bennet family were quite obsessed with the tiny Christmas plant and hung the stuff up everywhere. He took another sip of his eggnog, ignoring the taste. He never did like eggnog either. Despite Peter's bitterness, everyone else at the Christmas party seemed to be enjoying themselves. Mr. and Mrs. Bennet were dancing to a lively version of Jingle Bells, which made him stifle a laugh. You would never guess that Noah Bennet was actually pretty decent on the dance floor. Peter watched as he playfully dipped his wife, laughing along with her. Near the dessert table was their son, Lyle, attempting to sneakily grab as many sweets as he could before either of his parents could catch him. Everyone else were people that Peter had no idea who they were; relatives, friends. He suddenly wondered why he agreed to come here in the first place.

When Peter's eyes moved to the other side of the room, he felt his heart lift. Now he remembered why he agreed. Dressed in a cheesy Christmas sweater, Claire came down the stairs, a huge grin on her face. Peter remembered her telling him that Christmas had always been her favorite time holiday. He was tempted to walk over to her to say hello, but someone else beat him to the punch. The guy looked around her age and had light brown hair. Of course, this must be West. Peter's grip tightened around his mug when he watched as West enveloped Claire in a hug. He gave her a huge grin and whispered something to her that Peter couldn't hear. She dissolved into a fit of giggles before giving him a playful whack on the shoulder. Peter turned his gaze down to his eggnog. At this rate, he'll be drunk before midnight.

When Peter looked up from his drink, he noticed that Claire had pulled West over to the arch that led into the kitchen. His heart sank when he noticed the green plant that was hanging from top of the arch. Peter suddenly wished that he had x-ray vision and could melt it right off. To make matters worse, Claire seemed to be enjoying herself as she gave West a peck on the lips. That's it. He couldn't handle this anymore. Letting out a soft growl in annoyance, he turned his back from the two. It was probably time to go.

After making up an excuse to leave, he bid Mr. and Mrs. Bennet a goodnight before grabbing his coat and making his way to the front door.

"Peter!" The cheerful voice startled him. Despite being in a fowl mood, Peter couldn't help but grin when he turned around to face her.

"Claire," He smiled. It was really difficult to be angry when she was around. Even if the root of his anger was because of her.

Her smiled faded when she realized that he had his coat on. "Are you leaving?"

Peter shrugged. "Yeah. It's going to be a busy day tomorrow. I promised Nathan that I'd help him decorate his tree." Even though Heidi had left him, Peter still urged his brother to at least get a Christmas tree. After many arguments, the youngest Petrelli finally won the battle.

Claire laughed. "I can't see him doing that on his own." She wrinkled her nose. "He doesn't seem like the holiday type. No offense."

Peter chuckled and put up his hands in defense. "No offense taken. And you're right - he isn't."

"Then you certainly are going to have a busy day tomorrow." She agreed.

A moment of awkward silence filled the space between them. The Christmas music had slowed down some but laughter still echoed throughout the house.

"So..." Peter started, "I guess I'll be seeing you?"

Claire nodded. "Definitely."

More awkward silence. Peter gave her one last smile before turning the handle of the front door.

"Wait, Peter, if I don't see you before then..."

Peter turned around again, fully not expecting what happened next. Their lips suddenly met and every bitter thought of his had quickly disappeared. Her lips danced over his passionately and he could taste the sweet sugar on her mouth that still lingered from the Christmas cookie she had eaten before. She pulled away, leaving Peter flushed. Claire gave him a mischievous smile and wink before walking away. "Merry Christmas."

Peter found himself staring completly dumbfounded at her back before she disappeared to rejoin the festivities.

There was no mistletoe in sight.

fic, telly: heroes, paire

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