I'm ba-aack...

Jun 16, 2006 10:03

Okay... I'll be on-line (a lot!), so I figured I would start posting again (at least every once in a while). I'll be honest with you, though. You will see a lot of quizzes (because quizzes are fun).

My Security Dispatch job has finally changed from Relief (i.e. some one else is sick or on vacation, and they need me to fill in) to Full-time. Yeay!!! This means that I am getting paid a goodly amount of money to read and play on the internet (pogo.com here I come). As long as I answer the phone when it rings and send an officer when one is required, I can entertain myself as I please. So, since I will be on the internet often, I figured that I might start frequenting LJ. Then again, I might slip into what happened last time and just fall from LJ existence. No promises. You can also stalk me via MySpace. In all honesty, I prefer it... but I am a minority in that opinion it seems, because my local friends post here. Unfortunately, my oot friends post there so I can give up neither...

Anyway, more to come (I have a quiz, or two, ready to be filled out now). And just a heads up. I'm boring. i.e. I rarely rant. I am not the type to complain. I just take everything in stride, so there is nothing really that interesting to... But I can see I'm boring you already.

expertus valde dies
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