well wut else is new. im bored. like always. well there is really no one on. and well i was watching a movie with my mom but then she got bored so we shut it off. n well she will b startin dinner so0on. so yea im gettin kinda hungry. we r havin shepards pie. its really really good. anyways u kno today i was talkin to billy and well he was like i have nothing to say so ttul and im like fine w/e but i wasnt mad i was just bored. and he turns around and says sry. im like for wut. hes like cuz ur mad. im like no im not. and then yea so that was nice of him but i still kinda feel weird about the whole situation with him. my friend huy
babyboitommi isnt back from lawrence yet and that stinks and well its my friend marilyn's
lovelypearl bday. shes turnin 16. im not turnin 16 for a couple of weeks still. yea anyways today was an aiight day i guess u could say. i was suppose to dye my hair but i didnt yet again. and well thats ok. my friend evelyn said that she would try and call me so im waitin for her call but nothing yet. either that or she'll txt me. anyways yea so0o0o im like so0oo bored and well it really sux. um.... wut else is there to say.... i think that i should go to MCAS tutoring cuz i think i need it. i mean im not callin myself stupid or anything im just sayin cuz it will remind me of some of the things i did last yr and get me ready for the MCAS. every 10th grader in my skool hates the MCAS. well thats wut i think. if any 1 likes it then they have problems. lol j/k. um.... omg my friend evelyn has had so much happen to her this weekend that wow its just really just wow. and plus her dad is comin home tuesday now instead of next next week cuz of suttin that happened over the weekend. yea well that really sux cuz we cant go to the mall any more. except for monday and i dont think she will b able to go to the mall then. anyways yea.... yesturday my mom ate a whole lot. we went out to dinner and she ate a cheeseburger and fries and then she got a hotdog from the guy that sells them outside of walmart. i was like wow mom u can ea a whole lot. i cant eat that much ill get sick. but the one thing i wish i could do is eat and eat like my mom does and never gain a pound. shes one of the lucky ones. me on the other hand i have to watch wut i eat cuz i will gain weight. im not one of those ppl though who complain about themselves bein fat or ugly. and when i have a friend that does that i do my best to see it that they dont feel that way anymore. expecially if they really arent fat and ugly. yea so0o0o well i think that is all... um.... im really tired now but not really i just wish someone would get online so i would be able to talk to them. u kno. anyways yea i think this is the longest entry i have written all day. omg the movie that me and my mom was watchin was Final Destination. that movie is kewl. i like that movie. my mom kinda got bored during it though. so yea anyways i g2g now cuz im gettin tired of typin so ttul bub bye