Sep 29, 2008 03:16
I was told that I was psychic today. Because Tyler and I went to Bonaventure Cemetery last night around 2am...actually it was probabky closer to 1am, but anyway, I saw things. It wasn't the kind of things where you can see a person in front of you, but it was more like you just knew what they looked like. It was like when I closed my eyes I could see them. Ben came around 2:30am I think it was and that was when things got really scary. Something started strangling Ben because I was holding onto him as something was pushing him down and pulling me along with him. He was gasping for air and choking.
And then there were the two men. One had been following us around since we got there. Tyler kept asking the pengulem questions and for some reason I knew the answers. The man had lynched someone in that graveyard and we were brought in front of the tree. But then there was the Man with the knife. He was coming from the Old One, Tyler told me and it was bad. I could see him in back of me but we weren't supposed to run.
It was all very frightening. Especially since even after we left I couldn't talk. I could barely walk and I kept getting weak spells. It was just all very weird and scary.