The lowest I can send that is if I use a flat rate box which is 8.99 to anywhere in the US. I would love to ship them for cheaper but 5 books will be much heavier than 3 dollars.
Even though that price is really really good, I'm going to pass on this for now. I've been trying to finish my other manga sets and was waiting for cheap deals from sellers on GSJ, but unfortunately haven't found anyone selling the series I actually am looking for. So I'm just gonna save up for those and buy those from an online bookstore or something.
Long story short, I won't be able to spend money on your books, even though it's such a good deal. Sorry about that :\
If not, I'm interested in the 5 volumes of Ultra Maniac.
Even though that price is really really good, I'm going to pass on this for now. I've been trying to finish my other manga sets and was waiting for cheap deals from sellers on GSJ, but unfortunately haven't found anyone selling the series I actually am looking for. So I'm just gonna save up for those and buy those from an online bookstore or something.
Long story short, I won't be able to spend money on your books, even though it's such a good deal. Sorry about that :\
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