This individual walked by a Fox News broadcast (
found here) and yelled into a live camera, "Fox News is Bullshit!". Here's the story according to him:
Now while I might happen to agree with his statement, I'm not sure if the First Amendment will protect him here. I'm thinking of a few legal issues this guy might run into here. Namely:
Disorderly conduct - I guess this one is a big maybe. Did he disrupt the newscast, and did the news station had a reasonable expectation that the newscast would not be disrupted? That's probably going to wind up being hashed out in court.
- Harassment - Some states (such as here in PA, I think) define harassment as speech which is intended to, "offend, annoy, or harass". Ignoring the circular definition there (heh), did he intend to either offend, annoy, or harass the reporter? Since he kept walking, I think that rules out harassment. As for offending or annoying, that's harder to say. This is another issue that might be hashed out in court.
- Obscenity laws - Whether we agree with it or not, there are some words that cannot be said on television which is broadcast over the air. I know that the Seven Dirty Words (as postulated by the Great Philosopher Carlin) are covered, but I'm not sure if "bullshit" is considered obscene, too. This one would probably be up to the FCC, if they decide to do anything.
I'd be interested in seeing what happens either way.
Oh, and if there are any legal types out there, feel free to share your opinions on the situation. I am genuinely curious.